854 research outputs found


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    The field of Two Dimensional (2D) materials has been extensively studied since their discovery in 2004, owing to their remarkable combination of properties. My thesis focuses on exploring novel 2D materials such as Graphene Nanoribbon (GNR), holey carbon nitride C2N, and MXenes for energy storage, gas sensing, and spintronic applications, utilizing state-of-the-art techniques that combine Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Non-Equilibrium Greens Functions (NEGF) formalism; namely Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) and Atomistic Toolkit (ATK) package.Firstly, on the side of gas sensing, the burning of fossil fuels raises the level of toxic gas and contributes to global warming, necessitating the development of highly sensitive gas sensors. To start with, the adsorption and gas-sensing properties of bilaterally edge doped (B/N) GNRs were investigated. The transport properties revealed that the bilateral B/N edge-doping of GNR yielded Negative Differential Resistance (NDR) IV-characteristics, due to the electron back-scattering which was beneficial for selective gas sensing applications. Therefore, both GNR: B/N were found to be good sensors for NO2 and SO3 respectively. After that, the catalytic activity of four magnetic transition metal “TM” elements (e.g., Mn, Fe, Co and Ni) embedded in C2N pores, as Single-Atom Catalysts (SAC), was tested towards detecting toxic oxidizing gases. The results of spin-polarized transport properties revealed that Ni- and Fe-embedded C2N are the most efficient in detecting NO/ NO2 and NO2 molecules.Secondly, on the side of energy storage, since the fossil fuels reserves are depleting at an alarming rate, there is an urgent need for alternative forms of energy to meet the ever-growing demand for energy. Hydrogen is a popular form of clean energy. However, its storage and handling are challenging because of its explosive nature. The effect of magnetic moment on the hydrogen adsorption and gas-sensing properties in Mn-embedded in C2N were investigated. Two distinct configurations of embedment were considered: (i) SAC: 1Mn@C2N; and (ii) DAC: Mn2@C2N. Based on the huge changes in electronic and magnetic properties and the low recovery time (i.e., τ ≪ 1 s, τ = 92 μs and 1.8 ms, respectively), we concluded that C2N:Mn is an excellent candidate for (reusable) hydrogen magnetic gas sensor with high sensitivity and selectivity and rapid recovery time. Then, a comparative study of hydrogen storage capabilities on Metal- catalyst embedded (Ca versus Mn) C2N is presented which demonstrated the stability of these metal structures embedded on the C2N substrate. We proposed Ca@C2N and Mn@C2N for dual applications- hydrogen storage and a novel electrode for prospective metal-ion battery applications owing to its high irreversible uptake capacity 200 mAhg-1.Thirdly, on the side of data storage, spintronics is an emerging field for the next generation nanoelectronics devices to reduce their power consumption and to increase their memory and processing capabilities. Designing 2D-materials that exhibit half-metallic properties is important in spintronic devices that are used in low-power high-density logic circuits. We tested samples comprising of SAC and DAC of Mn embedded in a C2N sample size 2×2 primitive cells as well as their combinations in neighboring large pores. Many other TM catalysts were screened, and the results show the existence of half metallicity in just five cases: (a) C2N:Mn (DAC, SAC-SAC, and SAC-DAC); (b) C2N:Fe (DAC); and (c) C2N:Ni (SAC-DAC). Our results further showed the origins of half-metallicity to be attributed to both FMC and synergetic interactions between the catalysts with the six mirror images, formed by the periodic-boundary conditions.Lastly, on the side of batteries, sodium-sulfur batteries show great potential for storing large amounts of energy due to their ability to undergo a double electron- redox process, as well as the plentiful abundance of sodium and sulfur resources. However, the shuttle effect caused by intermediate sodium polysulfides (Na2Sn) limits their performance and lifespan. To address this issue, we proposed two functionalized MXenes Hf3C2T2 and Zr3C2T2 (T= F, O), as cathode additives to suppress the shuttle effect. We found that both Hf3C2T2 and Zr3C2T2 systems inhibit the shuttle effect by binding to Na2Sn with a binding energy higher than the electrolyte solvents. The decomposition barrier for Na2Sn on the O functionalized MXenes gets reduced which enhances the electrochemical process. Overall, our findings show that the tuning of 2D materials can lead to promising applications in various fields, including energy storage, gas sensing, and spintronics

    A Defendant\u27s Fifth Amendment Right and Double Jeopardy in Contempt Cases

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    Is privatisation without effective regulation bad for the poorest?

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    There is an urgent need of more efficient and effective infrastructure/utility provision, a boost in investment levels from both domestic and foreign sources and an expanded and dynamic private sector in African countries. All of the above can be achieved through privatisation. However, African states have been slow and reluctant privatisers as a result a significant proportion of industrial/manufacturing and most infrastructures still belong to the state Nellis (2005). However, Leftist thinkers have condemned the privatisation of former state-owned services as a sell-out of public goods and as a final victory of market capitalism that has a tendency to make the rich even richer and more affluent and the poor more destitute. As most developing nations are focused on reducing poverty for some privatisation may be the way out. The paper explores how privatisation may reduce or increase poverty levels. The focus of this paper is on African countries. The results of privatisation in Africa are mixed and it is observed that privatisation has not been entirely successful for any of the African countries.[1] This paper attempts to analyse whether privatisation without effective regulation is bad for the poorest in society and illustrates the case of privatisation in Guinea and Senegal. Keywords: Privatisation, Africa, Poverty Reduction, Regulation [1] http://www.ascleiden.nl/content/webdossiers/privatization-afric

    Patterns of eeg(electroencephalogram) findings in patients with neurological disorders

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the patterns of EEG in patients with neurological disorders BACKGROUND: EEG is still relevant in the diagnosis and management of patients with seizure disorders and extends to other neurological conditions, however local data is limite

    Osteomalacia in a Case of Adult-Onset Bartter Syndrome

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    Bartter syndrome is a rare heterogeneous disease characterised by a deficiency in sodium and chloride absorption. Gain-of-function mutations in the CASR gene have been described in some patients with Bartter syndrome associated with hypocalcaemia and hypercalciuria. We describe a case of adult-onset Bartter syndrome with hypocalcaemia severe enough to cause osteomalacia

    Methanogenic Diversity and Taxonomy in the Gastro Intestinal Tract of Ruminants

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    To elucidate the microbial dynamics inside rumen of animals of livestock importance and to provide a better ration to them in order to control various metabolic disorders, a better understanding of the rumen microbial ecology is pivotal. The fundamental knowledge of methanogenic population inside gut environment and ruminal fermentation is of considerable importance as it has a significant impact on the various metabolic activities of the animal. The major methanogens isolated and characterized from ruminants like cattle, sheep, steers, goats, reindeers are from the order Methanobacteriales, Methanomicrobiales, Methanococcales, Methanosarcinales and Methanomassiliicoccales. The chapter deals with present knowledge available regarding the methanogenic diversity present in the gastro-intestinal tract of ruminants all over the world primarily through constructing 16S rRNA gene clone libraries and tries to uncover the new genera in ruminant’s microbiome and their adaptations in extreme environment. To get a better idea regarding the composition of methanogen community, further studies are required in relation to the effect of diet and animal species to the rumen methanogens

    Role of habit behaviours in severity of Oral lichen planus, Oral submucous fibrosis and Leukoplakia: A cross sectional study

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    Background: Smoking, drinking and chewing tobacco product, common habits in India have been positively associated with oral lesions such as oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF), Leukoplakia, and oral lichen planus (OLP). Materials and methods: A total of 160 patients of both genders with age above 35-60 year were divided into four groups of Leukoplakia, OSMF, OLP and control group each. Detailed case history, habit history, habit score was recorded. Results: In this study it was found that OSMF patients with combined habit of smoking tobacco with quid usage patterns, Leukoplakia patients with smoking(beedi) and OLP patients with combined tobacco usage habits and quid usage habits showed presence of advance stages of disease. Conclusion: This study emphasised that deleterious habits as not only a predisposing factor in the occurrence but plays crucial role in progression to severe form of OSMF and Leukoplakia