118 research outputs found

    Is prevention better than cure? An empirical investigation for the case of Avian Influenza

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    The new EU Animal Health Strategy suggests a shift in emphasis away from control towards prevention and surveillance activities for the management of threats to animal health. The optimal combination of these actions will differ among diseases and depend on largely unknown and uncertain costs and benefits. This paper reports an empirical investigation of this issue for the case of Avian Influenza. The results suggest that the optimal combination of actions will be dependent on the objective of the decision maker and that conflict exists between an optimal strategy which minimises costs to the government and one which maximises producer profits or minimises negative effects on human health. From the perspective of minimising the effects on human health, prevention appears preferable to cure but the case is less clear for other objectives.avian influenza, prevention, control, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Management of Disease-triggered Shocks in Complex Value Chains: An Ex Ante Analysis of Market Effects of HPAI Control in the Dutch Egg Supply Chain

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    External shocks, such as disease occurrence, can be very disruptive in complex food producing value chains. To analyze this, a vertically linked dynamic partial equilibrium model was used to analyze market effects of outbreaks of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in The Netherlands. Various shock inducing scenarios were analyzed, e.g control strategy, demand shocks and trade bans. The results showed that in densely populated poultry areas (1) market effects usually outweigh direct control costs, (2) vaccination could help mitigating total disease costs,particularly if (3) channeling to industrial processing is included. Moreover, large, and in some cases opposing differences in market effects between the various stakeholders could be observed. The result suggest a number ofimportant policy factors that should be considered in HPAI control, e.g. the poultry density, the production structure and differentiation of stakeholders, the dependency on international trade and the potential capacity ofindustrial processing of eggs. General implications for other food producing value chains are discussed

    Small-scale chicken production

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    Criação de galinhas em pequena escala

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    L'élevage des poules à petite échelle

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    L'élevage des poules à petite échelle

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    Manejo dos Reprodutores de Frango de Corte Colonial Embrapa 042. (Manual de Instruções)

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    Elicitation of expert knowledge on dynamics of Salmonella infections and contamination in the pork chain

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    There is little information available from experiments and literature on the course of Salmonella infections in pigs and on the course of contamination at slaughter. To obtain such information, an expert elicitation study was carried out in the Netherlands (23 respondents). The estimation of the experts for the most likely duration to be infectious after infection with Salmonella is for a pig 38 days. The most likely duration to be a carrier was estimated at 55 days and to become serological negative 109 days. Application of fermented feed decreases the infectious period by II days. At slaughter, the average number of carcasses at risk after one to four contaminated carcasses was 10 to 21. So the duration of infection can be shortened by e.g. feed measures. In a situation that infected pigs enter the slaughterhouse, the order of the pigs to be slaughtered is important

    Frangos diferenciados: caipira.

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    Frango e galinha caipira são produtos de grande demanda social e de apelo culinário no Brasil, porém, o mercado não tem conseguido ofertar aves caipira na demanda desejada. Várias iniciativas têm sido feitas para ampliar a oferta legalizada de tais produtos, mas a expansão das criações tem sido freada pela legislação do Plano Nacional de Sanidade Avícola, o que foi determinante para o fechamento de inúmeras iniciativas em estados de tradição avícola.Restaram apenas poucas iniciativas de sucesso e as criações de fundo de quintal que não acessam o mercado formal . A convivência de criatórios sem monitoramento sanitário com as granjas de produção comercial tem sido conflituosa. As dificuldades de escala/logística e controles sanitários são os principais entraves ao desenvolvimento dessa atividade em sistemas voltados para o mercado.No trabalho são informados dados de produtividade e custos dos frangos caipiras, experiências de sucesso em vários estados brasileiros, e são relacionados pontos que necessitam atenção da pesquisa para preencher as lacunas de informações necessárias para a expansão desse tipo de atividade