470 research outputs found

    Precision spectroscopy of the 3s-3p fine structure doublet in Mg+

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    We apply a recently demonstrated method for precision spectroscopy on strong transitions in trapped ions to measure both fine structure components of the 3s-3p transition in 24-Mg+ and 26-Mg+. We deduce absolute frequency reference data for transition frequencies, isotope shifts and fine structure splittings that are in particular useful for comparison with quasar absorption spectra, which test possible space-time variations of the fine structure constant. The measurement accuracy improves previous literature values, when existing, by more than two orders of magnitude

    Precision Spectroscopy at Heavy Ion Ring Accelerator SIS300

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    Unique spectroscopic possibilities open up if a laser beam interacts with relativistic lithium-like ions stored in the heavy ion ring accelerator SIS300 at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR in Darmstadt, Germany. At a relativistic factor gamma = 36 the 2P 1/2 level can be excited from the 2S 1/2 ground state for any element with frequency doubled dye-lasers in collinear geometry. Precise transition energy measurements can be performed if the fluorescence photons, boosted in forward direction into the X-ray region, are energetically analyzed with a single crystal monochromator. The hyperfine structure can be investigated at the 2P 1/2 - 2S 1/2 transition for all elements and at the 2P 3/2 - 2S 1/2 transition for elements with Z < 50. Isotope shifts and nuclear moments can be measured with unprecedented precision, in principle even for only a few stored radioactive species with known nuclear spin. A superior relative line width in the order of 5E-7 may be feasible after laser cooling, and even polarized external beams may be prepared by optical pumping

    Enhanced dielectronic recombination of lithium-like Ti19+ ions in external ExB fields

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    Dielectronic recombination(DR) of lithium-like Ti19+(1s2 2s) ions via 2s->2p core excitations has been measured at the Heidelberg heavy ion storage ring TSR. We find that not only external electric fields (0 <= Ey <= 280 V/cm) but also crossed magnetic fields (30 mT <= Bz <= 80 mT) influence the DR via high-n (2p_j nl)-Rydberg resonances. This result confirms our previous finding for isoelectronic Cl14+ ions [Bartsch T et al, PRL 82, 3779 (1999)] that experimentally established the sensitivity of DR to ExB fields. In the present investigation the larger 2p_{1/2}-2p_{3/2} fine structure splitting of Ti19+ allowed us to study separately the influence of external fields via the two series of Rydberg DR resonances attached to the 2s -> 2p_{1/2} and 2s -> 2p_{3/2} excitations of the Li-like core, extracting initial slopes and saturation fields of the enhancement. We find that for Ey > 80 V/cm the field induced enhancement is about 1.8 times stronger for the 2p_{3/2} series than for the 2p_{1/2} series.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Journal of Physics B, see also http://www.strz.uni-giessen.de/~k

    X-ray and optical monitoring of the December 2017 outburst of the Be/X-ray binary AX J0049.4-7323

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    AX J0049.4-7323 is a Be/X-ray binary that shows an unusual and poorly understood optical variability that consists of periodic and bright optical outbursts, simultaneous with X-ray outbursts, characterised by a highly asymmetric profile. The periodicity of the outbursts is thought to correspond to the orbital period of the neutron star. To understand the behaviour shown by this source, we performed the first multi-wavelength monitoring campaign during the periastron passage of December 2017. The monitoring lasted for ~37 days and consisted of X-ray, near-ultraviolet, and optical data from the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, the optical I band from the OGLE survey, and spectroscopic observations of the H-alpha line performed with the 3.9 m Anglo-Australian Telescope. These observations revealed AX J0049.4-7323 during an anomalous outburst having remarkably different properties compared to the previous ones. In the I band, it showed a longer rise timescale (~60 days instead of 1-5 days) and a longer decay timescale. At the peak of the outburst, it showed a sudden increase in luminosity in the I band, corresponding to the onset of the X-ray outburst. The monitoring of the H-alpha emission line showed a fast and highly variable profile composed of three peaks with variable reciprocal brightness. We interpreted these results as a circumstellar disc warped by tidal interactions with the neutron star in a high eccentricity orbit during its periastron passage. The fast jump in optical luminosity at the peak of the outburst and the previous asymmetric outbursts might be caused by the reprocessing of the X-ray photons in the circumstellar disc or the tidal displacement of a large amount of material from the circumstellar disc or the outer layers of the donor star during the periastron passage of the neutron star, which led to an increase in size of the region emitting in the I band.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Clinical Evaluation of a Line-Probe Assay for Tuberculosis Detection and Drug-Resistance Prediction in Namibia.

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    Treatment of tuberculosis requires rapid information about Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) drug susceptibility to ensure effective therapy and optimal outcomes. At the tuberculosis referral hospital in Windhoek, Namibia, a country of high tuberculosis incidence, we evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of a line-probe-assay (LPA), GenID, for the molecular diagnosis of Mtb infection and drug resistance in patients with suspected tuberculosis (cohort 1) and confirmed rifampin (RIF)-resistant tuberculosis (cohort 2). GenID test results were compared to Xpert MTB/RIF and/or Mtb culture and antimicrobial suceptibilty testing. GenID LPA was applied to 79 and 55 samples from patients in cohort 1 and cohort 2, respectively. The overall sensitivity of GenID LPA for the detection of Mtb DNA in sputum from patients with detectable and undetectable acid-fast bacilli by sputum smear microscopy was 93.3% (56/60; 95% confidence interval = 83.8-98.2) and 22.7% (5/22; 7.8-45.4). The sensitivity/specificity for the detection of drug resistance was 84.2% (32/38; 68.7-94.0)/100% (19/19; 82.4-100.0) for RIF, 89.7% (26/29; 72.6-97.8)/91.7% (22/24; 73.0-99.0) for isoniazid, and 85.7% (6/7; 42.1-99.6)/94.7% (18/19; 74.0-99.9) for fluoroquinolones; 23.6% of tests for second-line injectable resistance were invalid despite repeat testing. The diagnosis of tuberculosis by detection of Mtb DNA in sputum by GenID LPA depends strongly on the detection of acid-fast bacilli in sputum specimen. Prediction of drug resistance by GenID did not reach the World Health Organization (WHO) target product profile. IMPORTANCE Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) drug-resistance detection is crucial for successful control of tuberculosis. Line-probe assays (LPA) are frequently used to detect resistance to rifampin, isoniazid, fluoroquinolones (FQs), and second-line injectables (SLIs). GenID RIF/isoniazid (INH), FQ, and SLI LPA have not been widely tested and used so far. This study tested the diagnostic performance of the GenID LPA in a high-incidence TB/HIV, real-world setting in Namibia. The LPA demonstrates only an acceptable diagnostic performance for Mtb and drug-resistance detection. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity fall short of the WHO suggested target product profiles for LPA

    Genetic Resources for the Improvement of Switchgrass (\u3cem\u3ePanicum virgatum\u3c/em\u3e L.) for Biomass and Forage

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    Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is an important forage and biomass species for many parts of the USA. Switchgrass can be of several ploidies. Octoploid cultivars are most often used in forage and conservation settings, while the tetraploid cultivars are mostly targeted for bioenergy end-uses, due to their higher biomass yields. Switchgrass populations also occur as upland and lowland ecotypes, and constitute different heterotic groups. Switchgrass is mostly an obligate outcrosser resulting in substantial genotypic and phenotypic variation within populations. In the last ~15 years, significant resources have been dedicated to both breeding and understanding the genomic makeup of this plant, with a focus on bioenergy. This investment has resulted in the development of elite lines as well as a considerable increase in available genetic, physiological, and biomass-related information. The United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service has been a major player in these developments (Mitchell and Schmer, 2012; Vogel et al., 2011). With significant improvements in DNA-sequencing technologies (High Throughput Sequencing, HTS), it has become possible to undertake large-scale analysis of both the genomic and functional genomic components of switchgrass. One such undertaking by the United States Department of Energy-Joint Genomics Institute has provided a draft assembly and annotation of the switchgrass genome (www.phytozome.org). This remarkable resource has permitted a complete utilization of HTS to analyze gene expression using RNA-Seq and related bioinformatic pipelines. Large-scale studies that are performed using field-grown plants and populations with well-characterized phenotypic traits, it increases the likelihood of discovering molecular events that underpin phenomena of interest. Even though lowland tetraploid cultivars have higher biomass yields than upland tetraploid cultivars, they can suffer significant winter-kill in more northern locations (Central Great Plains of the USA). Winter-kill is associated with the loss of rhizomes and other perenniating structures resulting in a complete or partial loss of tillering ability in the following seasons. Partial attrition of tiller production serves to limit new rhizome growth in successive years. One or more cycles of winter kill will ultimately kill the plant. We are trying to understand the cellular metabolism associated with the onset of rhizome dormancy and to connect the links between tiller/leaf senescence and rhizome metabolism using field grown plants from diverse populations, HTS and RNA-Seq

    Hookworm Infection and Environmental Factors in Mbeya Region, Tanzania: A Cross-sectional, Population-based study.

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    Hookworm disease is one of the most common infections and cause of a high disease burden in the tropics and subtropics. Remotely sensed ecological data and model-based geostatistics have been used recently to identify areas in need for hookworm control. Cross-sectional interview data and stool samples from 6,375 participants from nine different sites in Mbeya region, south-western Tanzania, were collected as part of a cohort study. Hookworm infection was assessed by microscopy of duplicate Kato-Katz thick smears from one stool sample from each participant. A geographic information system was used to obtain remotely sensed environmental data such as land surface temperature (LST), vegetation cover, rainfall, and elevation, and combine them with hookworm infection data and with socio-demographic and behavioral data. Uni- and multivariable logistic regression was performed on sites separately and on the pooled dataset. Univariable analyses yielded significant associations for all ecological variables. Five ecological variables stayed significant in the final multivariable model: population density (odds ratio (OR) = 0.68; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.63-0.73), mean annual vegetation density (OR = 0.11; 95% CI = 0.06-0.18), mean annual LST during the day (OR = 0.81; 95% CI = 0.75-0.88), mean annual LST during the night (OR = 1.54; 95% CI = 1.44-1.64), and latrine coverage in household surroundings (OR = 1.02; 95% CI = 1.01-1.04). Interaction terms revealed substantial differences in associations of hookworm infection with population density, mean annual enhanced vegetation index, and latrine coverage between the two sites with the highest prevalence of infection. This study supports previous findings that remotely sensed data such as vegetation indices, LST, and elevation are strongly associated with hookworm prevalence. However, the results indicate that the influence of environmental conditions can differ substantially within a relatively small geographic area. The use of large-scale associations as a predictive tool on smaller scales is therefore problematic and should be handled with care

    Heterogeneous ice nucleation properties of natural desert dust particles coated with a surrogate of secondary organic aerosol

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    Ice nucleation abilities of surface collected mineral dust particles from the Sahara (SD) and Asia (AD) are investigated for the temperature (T) range 253–233 K and for supersaturated relative humidity (RH) conditions in the immersion freezing regime. The dust particles were also coated with a proxy of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from the dark ozonolysis of α-pinene to better understand the influence of atmospheric coatings on the immersion freezing ability of mineral dust particles. The measurements are conducted on polydisperse particles in the size range 0.01–3 µm with three different ice nucleation chambers. Two of the chambers follow the continuous flow diffusion chamber (CFDC) principle (Portable Ice Nucleation Chamber, PINC) and the Colorado State University CFDC (CSU-CFDC), whereas the third was the Aerosol Interactions and Dynamics in the Atmosphere (AIDA) cloud expansion chamber. From observed activated fractions (AFs) and ice nucleation active site (INAS) densities, it is concluded within experimental uncertainties that there is no significant difference between the ice nucleation ability of the particular SD and AD samples examined. A small bias towards higher INAS densities for uncoated versus SOA-coated dusts is found but this is well within the 1σ (66 % prediction bands) region of the average fit to the data, which captures 75 % of the INAS densities observed in this study. Furthermore, no systematic differences are observed between SOA-coated and uncoated dusts in both SD and AD cases, regardless of coating thickness (3–60 nm). The results suggest that any differences observed are within the uncertainty of the measurements or differences in cloud chamber parameters such as size fraction of particles sampled, and residence time, as well as assumptions in using INAS densities to compare polydisperse aerosol measurements which may show variable composition with particle size. Coatings with similar properties to that of the SOA in this work and with coating thickness up to 60 nm are not expected to impede or enhance the immersion mode ice nucleation ability of mineral dust particles.ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736
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