662 research outputs found

    Utveckling av temperaturreguleringskapacitet hos renkalvar

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    Utveckling av temperaturregleringskapacitet hos nyfodda renkalvar undersöktes vid Paliskuntain Yhdistys (Foreningen for Renbeteslagen) försoksstation i Kaamanen under maj-juli 1981-82

    Hole crystallization in semiconductors

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    When electrons in a solid are excited to a higher energy band they leave behind a vacancy (hole) in the original band which behaves like a positively charged particle. Here we predict that holes can spontaneously order into a regular lattice in semiconductors with sufficiently flat valence bands. The critical hole to electron effective mass ratio required for this phase transition is found to be of the order of 80.Comment: accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Ideal Bose gas in fractal dimensions and superfluid 4^4He in porous media

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    Physical properties of ideal Bose gas with the fractal dimensionality between D=2 and D=3 are theoretically investigated. Calculation shows that the characteristic features of the specific heat and the superfluid density of ideal Bose gas in fractal dimensions are strikingly similar to those of superfluid Helium-4 in porous media. This result indicates that the geometrical factor is dominant over mutual interactions in determining physical properties of Helium-4 in porous media.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Concentration Dependence of the Effective Mass of He-3 Atoms in He-3/He-4 Mixtures

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    Recent measurements by Yorozu et al. (S. Yorozu, H. Fukuyama, and H. Ishimoto, Phys. Rev. B 48, 9660 (1993)) as well as by Simons and Mueller (R. Simons and R. M. Mueller, Czhechoslowak Journal of Physics Suppl. 46, 201 (1976)) have determined the effective mass of He-3 atoms in a He-3/He-4 mixture with great accuracy. We here report theoretical calculations for the dependence of that effective mass on the He-3 concentration. Using correlated basis functions perturbation theory to infinite order to compute effective interactions in the appropriate channels, we obtain good agreement between theory and experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Single Particle and Fermi Liquid Properties of He-3/--He-4 Mixtures: A Microscopic Analysis

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    We calculate microscopically the properties of the dilute He-3 component in a He-3/--He-4 mixture. These depend on both, the dominant interaction between the impurity atom and the background, and the Fermi liquid contribution due to the interaction between the constituents of the He-3 component. We first calculate the dynamic structure function of a He-3 impurity atom moving in He-3. From that we obtain the excitation spectrum and the momentum dependent effective mass. The pole strength of this excitation mode is strongly reduced from the free particle value in agreement with experiments; part of the strength is distributed over high frequency excitations. Above k > 1.7AËš\AA^{-1}$ the motion of the impurity is damped due to the decay into a roton and a low energy impurity mode. Next we determine the Fermi--Liquid interaction between He-4 atoms and calculate the pressure-- and concentration dependence of the effective mass, magnetic susceptibility, and the He-3--He-3 scattering phase shifts. The calculations are based on a dynamic theory that uses, as input, effective interactions provided by the Fermi hypernetted--chain theory. The relationship between both theories is discussed. Our theoretical effective masses agree well with recent measurements by Yorozu et al. (Phys. Rev. B 48, 9660 (1993)) as well as those by R. Simons and R. M. Mueller (Czekoslowak Journal of Physics Suppl. 46, 201 (1996)), but our analysis suggests a new extrapolation to the zero-concentration limit. With that effective mass we also find a good agreement with the measured Landau parameter F_0^a.Comment: 47 pages, 15 figure

    Quantum sticking, scattering and transmission of 4He atoms from superfluid 4He surfaces

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    We develop a microscopic theory of the scattering, transmission, and sticking of 4He atoms impinging on a superfluid 4He slab at near normal incidence, and inelastic neutron scattering from the slab. The theory includes coupling between different modes and allows for inelastic processes. We find a number of essential aspects that must be observed in a physically meaningful and reliable theory of atom transmission and scattering; all are connected with multiparticle scattering, particularly the possibility of energy loss. These processes are (a) the coupling to low-lying (surface) excitations (ripplons/third sound) which is manifested in a finite imaginary part of the self energy, and (b) the reduction of the strength of the excitation in the maxon/roton region

    Burden of Oral Symptoms and Health-Related Quality of Life in Long-Term Care Settings in Helsinki, Finland

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    Objectives Poor oral health may complicate eating and deteriorate nutritional status. However, little is known about how the burden of oral symptoms (OS) is associated with the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of vulnerable older people in institutional settings. This study explores how the burden of certain OS (chewing problems, swallowing difficulties, dry mouth) is associated with functioning, morbidity, nutritional status and eating habits. It also examines the association between the OS burden and HRQoL. Design A cross-sectional study in 2017. Setting All long-term care wards in Helsinki, Finland. Participants 2401 older residents (74% females, mean age 83.9). Measurements Nurses assessed the residents and completed questionnaires on the participants' demographics, functional status, diagnoses, OS and eating habits. Nutritional status was assessed using the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and HRQoL with a 15-dimensional instrument (15D). Results Of the residents, 25.4% had one OS and 16.6% two or three OS. OS burden was associated linearly with poorer cognitive and physical functioning and a higher number of comorbidities, edentulousness without dentures, and less frequent teeth brushing/denture cleaning. OS burden was also associated with malnutrition, lower BMI and eating less during main meals. In the multivariate analyses adjusted for various confounding factors, a higher number of OS was associated with lower HRQoL. OS burden correlated with nearly all dimensions of HRQoL. Conclusion Oral symptoms are associated with generic HRQoL. Therefore, OS should be regularly assessed and managed in daily care.Peer reviewe

    A 250 plastome phylogeny of the grass family (Poaceae): topological support under different data partitions

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    The systematics of grasses has advanced through applications of plastome phylogenomics, although studies have been largely limited to subfamilies or other subgroups of Poaceae. Here we present a plastome phylogenomic analysis of 250 complete plastomes (179 genera) sampled from 44 of the 52 tribes of Poaceae. Plastome sequences were determined from high throughput sequencing libraries and the assemblies represent over 28.7 Mbases of sequence data. Phylogenetic signal was characterized in 14 partitions, including (1) complete plastomes; (2) protein coding regions; (3) noncoding regions; and (4) three loci commonly used in single and multi-gene studies of grasses. Each of the four main partitions was further refined, alternatively including or excluding positively selected codons and also the gaps introduced by the alignment. All 76 protein coding plastome loci were found to be predominantly under purifying selection, but specific codons were found to be under positive selection in 65 loci. The loci that have been widely used in multi-gene phylogenetic studies had among the highest proportions of positively selected codons, suggesting caution in the interpretation of these earlier results. Plastome phylogenomic analyses confirmed the backbone topology for Poaceae with maximum bootstrap support (BP). Among the 14 analyses, 82 clades out of 309 resolved were maximally supported in all trees. Analyses of newly sequenced plastomes were in agreement with current classifications. Five of seven partitions in which alignment gaps were removed retrieved Panicoideae as sister to the remaining PACMAD subfamilies. Alternative topologies were recovered in trees from partitions that included alignment gaps. This suggests that ambiguities in aligning these uncertain regions might introduce a false signal. Resolution of these and other critical branch points in the phylogeny of Poaceae will help to better understand the selective forces that drove the radiation of the BOP and PACMAD clades comprising more than 99.9% of grass diversity

    Quasicondensate and superfluid fraction in the 2D charged-boson gas at finite temperature

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    The Bogoliubov - de Gennes equations are solved for the Coulomb Bose gas describing a fluid of charged bosons at finite temperature. The approach is applicable in the weak coupling regime and the extent of its quantitative usefulness is tested in the three-dimensional fluid, for which diffusion Monte Carlo data are available on the condensate fraction at zero temperature. The one-body density matrix is then evaluated by the same approach for the two-dimensional fluid with e^2/r interactions, to demonstrate the presence of a quasi-condensate from its power-law decay with increasing distance and to evaluate the superfluid fraction as a function of temperature at weak coupling.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure
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