8 research outputs found

    Around-the-clock observations of the Q0957+561A,B gravitationally lensed quasar. II. Results for the second observing season

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    We report on an observing campaign in 2001 March to monitor the brightness of the later arriving Q0957+561B image in order to compare with the previously published brightness observations of the (first-arriving) A image. The 12 participating observatories provided 3543 image frames, which we have analyzed for brightness fluctuations. From our classical methods for time-delay determination, we find a 417.09 ± 0.07 day time delay, which should be free of effects due to incomplete sampling. During the campaign period, the quasar brightness was relatively constant and only small fluctuations were found; we compare the structure function for the new data with structure function estimates for the 1995-1996 epoch and show that the structure function during our observing interval is unusually depressed. We also examine the data for any evidence of correlated fluctuations at zero lag. We discuss the limits of our ability to measure the cosmological time delay if the quasar's emitting surface is time resolved, as seems likely

    Eutrofisituasjonen i Ytre Oslofjord. Delprosjekt 3.11: Bløtbunnsfaunaobservasjoner

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    Dette notatet er et underlagsdokument som er mangfoldiggjort i få eksemplarer.Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT

    Undersøkelse av Skogfjordsystemet i Mandal. Hydrografi, planteplankton, strandsone, bløtbunn, fiskeforekomster (Environmental study of a fjord near Mandal, Norway. Hydrography, littoral zone, soft bottom communities and fish recruitment

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    Skogsfjorden, Bongstøvann og Rona ble undersøkt sommeren og høsten 1995 for å vurdere effektene av gjennomførte fjordbedringstiltak. Siden 1987/88 har bobleanlegg vært i drift både i Skogsfjorden og Bongstøvann for å bedre oksygenforholdene. Undersøkelsen omfatter hydrokjemiske/hydrografiske analyser, kvalitativ og kvantitativ undersøkelse av bløtbunnsfauna, kvalitativ og semi-kvantitativ undersøkelse av strandsonesamfunn (planter og dyr på grunt vann), planteplanktontellinger og undersøkelse av fiskeforekomster. Undersøkelsen viste at dypvannet i Skogsfjorden og Bongstøvann har endret seg fra å være anoksisk til stort sett å ha gode oksygenforhold som følge av bobleanleggene. Perioder med anoksisk bunnvann har imidlertid opprettholdt hydrogensulfidholdige bunnsedimenter og begrenset etableringen av en permanent bløtbunnsfauna. Det har ikke vært større endringer i fastsittende alger og dyr i strandsonen siden 1987. Fjordene hadde forhøyet innhold av næringssalter, og hadde en noe særpreget fiskefauna og forekomst av planteplankton.Fylkesmannen i Vest-Agder, Miljøvernavdelingen Mandal kommun

    Undersøkelse av Skogfjordsystemet i Mandal. Hydrografi, planteplankton, strandsone, bløtbunn, fiskeforekomster (Environmental study of a fjord near Mandal, Norway. Hydrography, littoral zone, soft bottom communities and fish recruitment

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    Skogsfjorden, Bongstøvann og Rona ble undersøkt sommeren og høsten 1995 for å vurdere effektene av gjennomførte fjordbedringstiltak. Siden 1987/88 har bobleanlegg vært i drift både i Skogsfjorden og Bongstøvann for å bedre oksygenforholdene. Undersøkelsen omfatter hydrokjemiske/hydrografiske analyser, kvalitativ og kvantitativ undersøkelse av bløtbunnsfauna, kvalitativ og semi-kvantitativ undersøkelse av strandsonesamfunn (planter og dyr på grunt vann), planteplanktontellinger og undersøkelse av fiskeforekomster. Undersøkelsen viste at dypvannet i Skogsfjorden og Bongstøvann har endret seg fra å være anoksisk til stort sett å ha gode oksygenforhold som følge av bobleanleggene. Perioder med anoksisk bunnvann har imidlertid opprettholdt hydrogensulfidholdige bunnsedimenter og begrenset etableringen av en permanent bløtbunnsfauna. Det har ikke vært større endringer i fastsittende alger og dyr i strandsonen siden 1987. Fjordene hadde forhøyet innhold av næringssalter, og hadde en noe særpreget fiskefauna og forekomst av planteplankton

    Design study of a 150kWth double loop circulating fluidized bed reactor system for chemical looping combustion with focus on industrial applicability and pressurization

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    Nowadays the lab scale feasibility of the chemical looping combustion technology has been proved. This article deals with many of the design requirements that need to be fulfilled to make this technology applicable at industrial scale. A design for a 150kWthchemical looping combustion reactor system is proposed. In the base case it is supposed to work with gaseous fuels and inexpensive oxygen carriers derived from industrial by-products or natural minerals. More specifically the fuel will be methane and a manganese ore will be the basis for the oxygen carrier. It is a double loop circulating fluidized bed where both the air reactor and the fuel reactor are capable to work in the fast fluidization regime in order to increase the gas solids contact along the reactor body. High operational flexibility is aimed, in this way it will be possible to run with different fuels and oxygen carriers as well as different operating conditions such as variation in air excess. Compactness is a major goal in order to reduce the required solid material and possibly to enclose the reactor body into a pressurized vessel to investigate the chemical looping combustion under pressurized conditions. The mass and heat balance are described, as well as the hydrodynamic investigations performed. Most design solutions presented are taken from industrial standards as one main objective is to meet commercial requirements. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd

    Around-the-clock observations of the Q0957+561A,B gravitationally lensed quasar. II. Results for the second observing season

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    We report on an observing campaign in 2001 March to monitor the brightness of the later arriving Q0957+561B image in order to compare with the previously published brightness observations of the (first-arriving) A image. The 12 participating observatories provided 3543 image frames, which we have analyzed for brightness fluctuations. From our classical methods for time-delay determination, we find a 417.09 ± 0.07 day time delay, which should be free of effects due to incomplete sampling. During the campaign period, the quasar brightness was relatively constant and only small fluctuations were found; we compare the structure function for the new data with structure function estimates for the 1995-1996 epoch and show that the structure function during our observing interval is unusually depressed. We also examine the data for any evidence of correlated fluctuations at zero lag. We discuss the limits of our ability to measure the cosmological time delay if the quasar's emitting surface is time resolved, as seems likely

    Around-the-clock observations of the Q0957+561A,B gravitationally lensed quasar. II. Results for the second observing season

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    We report on an observing campaign in 2001 March to monitor the brightness of the later arriving Q0957+561B image in order to compare with the previously published brightness observations of the (first-arriving) A image. The 12 participating observatories provided 3543 image frames, which we have analyzed for brightness fluctuations. From our classical methods for time-delay determination, we find a 417.09 ± 0.07 day time delay, which should be free of effects due to incomplete sampling. During the campaign period, the quasar brightness was relatively constant and only small fluctuations were found; we compare the structure function for the new data with structure function estimates for the 1995-1996 epoch and show that the structure function during our observing interval is unusually depressed. We also examine the data for any evidence of correlated fluctuations at zero lag. We discuss the limits of our ability to measure the cosmological time delay if the quasar's emitting surface is time resolved, as seems likely

    Around-the-clock observations of the Q0957+561A,B gravitationally lensed quasar. II. Results for the second observing season

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    We report on an observing campaign in 2001 March to monitor the brightness of the later arriving Q0957+561B image in order to compare with the previously published brightness observations of the (first-arriving) A image. The 12 participating observatories provided 3543 image frames, which we have analyzed for brightness fluctuations. From our classical methods for time-delay determination, we find a 417.09 ± 0.07 day time delay, which should be free of effects due to incomplete sampling. During the campaign period, the quasar brightness was relatively constant and only small fluctuations were found; we compare the structure function for the new data with structure function estimates for the 1995-1996 epoch and show that the structure function during our observing interval is unusually depressed. We also examine the data for any evidence of correlated fluctuations at zero lag. We discuss the limits of our ability to measure the cosmological time delay if the quasar's emitting surface is time resolved, as seems likely