3,931 research outputs found

    Taming Crowded Visual Scenes

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    Computer vision algorithms have played a pivotal role in commercial video surveillance systems for a number of years. However, a common weakness among these systems is their inability to handle crowded scenes. In this thesis, we have developed algorithms that overcome some of the challenges encountered in videos of crowded environments such as sporting events, religious festivals, parades, concerts, train stations, airports, and malls. We adopt a top-down approach by first performing a global-level analysis that locates dynamically distinct crowd regions within the video. This knowledge is then employed in the detection of abnormal behaviors and tracking of individual targets within crowds. In addition, the thesis explores the utility of contextual information necessary for persistent tracking and re-acquisition of objects in crowded scenes. For the global-level analysis, a framework based on Lagrangian Particle Dynamics is proposed to segment the scene into dynamically distinct crowd regions or groupings. For this purpose, the spatial extent of the video is treated as a phase space of a time-dependent dynamical system in which transport from one region of the phase space to another is controlled by the optical flow. Next, a grid of particles is advected forward in time through the phase space using a numerical integration to generate a flow map . The flow map relates the initial positions of particles to their final positions. The spatial gradients of the flow map are used to compute a Cauchy Green Deformation tensor that quantifies the amount by which the neighboring particles diverge over the length of the integration. The maximum eigenvalue of the tensor is used to construct a forward Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent (FTLE) field that reveals the Attracting Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS). The same process is repeated by advecting the particles backward in time to obtain a backward FTLE field that reveals the repelling LCS. The attracting and repelling LCS are the time dependent invariant manifolds of the phase space and correspond to the boundaries between dynamically distinct crowd flows. The forward and backward FTLE fields are combined to obtain one scalar field that is segmented using a watershed segmentation algorithm to obtain the labeling of distinct crowd-flow segments. Next, abnormal behaviors within the crowd are localized by detecting changes in the number of crowd-flow segments over time. Next, the global-level knowledge of the scene generated by the crowd-flow segmentation is used as an auxiliary source of information for tracking an individual target within a crowd. This is achieved by developing a scene structure-based force model. This force model captures the notion that an individual, when moving in a particular scene, is subjected to global and local forces that are functions of the layout of that scene and the locomotive behavior of other individuals in his or her vicinity. The key ingredients of the force model are three floor fields that are inspired by research in the field of evacuation dynamics; namely, Static Floor Field (SFF), Dynamic Floor Field (DFF), and Boundary Floor Field (BFF). These fields determine the probability of moving from one location to the next by converting the long-range forces into local forces. The SFF specifies regions of the scene that are attractive in nature, such as an exit location. The DFF, which is based on the idea of active walker models, corresponds to the virtual traces created by the movements of nearby individuals in the scene. The BFF specifies influences exhibited by the barriers within the scene, such as walls and no-entry areas. By combining influence from all three fields with the available appearance information, we are able to track individuals in high-density crowds. The results are reported on real-world sequences of marathons and railway stations that contain thousands of people. A comparative analysis with respect to an appearance-based mean shift tracker is also conducted by generating the ground truth. The result of this analysis demonstrates the benefit of using floor fields in crowded scenes. The occurrence of occlusion is very frequent in crowded scenes due to a high number of interacting objects. To overcome this challenge, we propose an algorithm that has been developed to augment a generic tracking algorithm to perform persistent tracking in crowded environments. The algorithm exploits the contextual knowledge, which is divided into two categories consisting of motion context (MC) and appearance context (AC). The MC is a collection of trajectories that are representative of the motion of the occluded or unobserved object. These trajectories belong to other moving individuals in a given environment. The MC is constructed using a clustering scheme based on the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent (LCE), which measures the mean exponential rate of convergence or divergence of the nearby trajectories in a given state space. Next, the MC is used to predict the location of the occluded or unobserved object in a regression framework. It is important to note that the LCE is used for measuring divergence between a pair of particles while the FTLE field is obtained by computing the LCE for a grid of particles. The appearance context (AC) of a target object consists of its own appearance history and appearance information of the other objects that are occluded. The intent is to make the appearance descriptor of the target object more discriminative with respect to other unobserved objects, thereby reducing the possible confusion between the unobserved objects upon re-acquisition. This is achieved by learning the distribution of the intra-class variation of each occluded object using all of its previous observations. In addition, a distribution of inter-class variation for each target-unobservable object pair is constructed. Finally, the re-acquisition decision is made using both the MC and the AC

    Price and tax policy for semi-subsistence agriculture in Ethiopia

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    In the case of semi-subsistence agriculture where wage employment is not available, the role played by prices and taxes in determining production and consumption decisions is not clearly established by economic theories of household choice. This study demonstrates that where choices in production, consumption, and leisure can be made independently, farmers will decide what to grow on the basis of their preferences for marketed goods. The paper also points out that the choice will be affected by the level and type of taxation imposed. The paper shows the impact of four taxes -- agricultural revenue, land, production and marketed goods consumption -- on crop production and tax revenues. This paper also reports on a model of production in Ethiopia. The results of this study give strong evidence of the role of producer and consumer prices in semi-subsistence agriculture. In addition, the results show the importance of production capacity, household and climatic factors in agricultural development.Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Crops&Crop Management Systems,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Consumption

    Changing Epidemiology: Outbreak of Monkey Pox

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    Monkeypox is a viral illness endemic to African countries. 20 May 2022, W.H.O alarmed all countries on the outbreak of the monkeypox virus1. Symptoms include headache fever swollen lymph nodes lethargy and the development of rash. Two types of clades (strains) are found that is central and West African clades. A central clade is more infectious than a western clade. A western clade is self-limiting within 2-3 weeks with a case fatality rate of 1% while the central clade is a 10% fatality rate. Monkeypox virus causes monkeypox a zoonotic disease which belongs to the poxviridae family2 which is closely related to the smallpox virus. Indicated from historical data smallpox vaccination with vaccinia virus (orthopoxviral) was 85% protective against monkey pox3. Danish laboratory in 1958 discover the virus in monkeys from where its name monkey pox originates4. The first case was discovered in a 9-month baby for the first time in Congo in 19705. A previous systematic review of the summer of 2018 described the epidemiological outbreak of the monkeypox virus6. United Kingdom’s first case was presented on 16 May 24, 2022, after laboratory confirmation7. The incubation period of monkeypox ranges from 6-13 days with possible extension to 5-21 days. The illness consistently ends by 2-4 weeks. Smallpox vaccines provide adequate protection against the monkeypox virus. World health organization suggests that health workers who are treating or exposed to monkeypox patients or their laboratory samples be immunized against smallpox. Effective laboratory investigation is a significant measure for identification and management. PCR on multiple lesions from various sites can be utilized to diagnose the potential condition. It should be sent to the government public lab and the control & command center must be notified. Refrigerated (2-8c) samples should be sent within 5 days of collection. Sample of swab should be of nylon, polyester, or Dacron swab with plastic, wood, or thin aluminum shaft. International support for increased surveillance and detection is important for monkeypox cases for understanding the changing epidemiology of the resurging disease. In the current environment of pandemic threats, the public health importance should not be underestimated. Outside of African countries appearances of cases highlights the risk of geographical spread. Discontinuation of the smallpox vaccine has created a landscape for monkeypox. Government guidelines for emergency diseases should be used with proper notification of case reports to the directorate. Personal protection equipment with equipped labs should be provided. All children less than 12 should be vaccinated with smallpox vaccines. A combination of standard, contact, droplet and airborne precaution should be used. Place the patient in a single room with a portable HEPA filter or airborne infection isolation room. Staff from equipped laboratories should obtain samples from suspected/confirmed monkeypox virus infection. Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) should be provided and disposed of properly before leaving the room. Monitoring and tracing contact must be maintained and recorded. World health organization effective hand hygiene five moments should be performed by healthcare workers frequently. Use guidelines for correct containment and disposal of contaminated waste. Be care full always with the soiled laundry to avoid contact with lesion material and used PPE materials. Ensure procedures are in place for cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces in patient care zones. Always use the government of Pakistan’s national health guidelines for emergencies

    Career Development in Language Education Programs

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    This study assesses the influence of a two-year language program evaluation on program directors and faculty career development. The study makes use of mixed-paradigms (positivism and qualitative interpretive), mixed-strategies (survey research and qualitative evaluation), one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a post-hoc test of multiple comparisons (Scheffe). The findings indicate that imposed program evaluation experiences help faculty members advance their career skills in terms of course planning, classroom teaching, learning assessment, classroom research, and coping with career pressure. The findings also indicate significant improvement in program director academic and administrative career skills. Moreover, the findings did not show inter-program differences regarding the program evaluation impact on faculty and program director career skills. The study recommends program evaluation as an effective and systematic approach to program stakeholder career development

    Industrial Building Systems (IBS) as an Alternative Approach for Housing the Poor in Sudan

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    Housing for the poor is one of the foremost troubling issues for governments, since independence, the government of Sudan has pledged to undertake to unravel the housing problem for low-income people, but the growing demand populations far exceed what's on the table to unravel this problem. The research aims this is to review the potential of an industrialized building system (IBS) for low-cost housing provision in Sudan. the current conventional construction system (CBS) that used for this sort of building is linked to several problems: inefficiency, slow delivery rate, poor quality standards but at an equivalent time helps create many roles like doesn’t depend on skilled labor and elegance flexibility. due to its capacity to line up group projects faster than CBS can, the industrialized building system is usually used to meet the urgent need for housing for the displaced because of its ability to equip collective projects quickly and in high quality, the best example of which was used extensively after the Second war in many European countries affected during the war. Although IBS could even be a replacement system in Sudan, it's expected to spread rapidly, with appropriate material value and high quality to satisfy the requirements of the end-user. For more efficient, a system is usually developed that mixes the characteristics of the conventional and industrial systems to unravel the housing problem for the poor in Sudan. The research results are helped the government to spot the possibility of industrial buildings as an appropriate solution to the housing problem in Sudan. Also help the government on the power of industrial buildings as an efficient solution for the housing problem in Sudan, particularly low-income housing. The aims of the research to support government initiatives to affect the poor in Sudan. It is largely debatable due to its importance, and importance to government-supported housing objectives and thus the particular impacts of the initiative and its performance for low-income housing in Sudan

    Antidiabetic Activity of \u3cem\u3eCissus rotundifolia\u3c/em\u3e Plant Growing in Saudi Arabia

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease characterized by high levels of blood glucose resulting from defects in insulin production or action. A world-wide increase in the diabetes rate is projected to reach pandemic levels over the next 10-20 years. Current data shows that high numbers of the population in Saudi Arabia suffer from diabetes and prediabetes. Non-traditional treatments of diabetes from medicinal plants has shown potential antidiabetic activity. A considerable percentage of the population still prefer or use medicinal plants as a treatment or supplement to traditional medicine. Cissus rotundifolia (family Vitaceae) is a known plant in southwestern Saudi Arabia used by people in the region to treat skin diseases, burns and diabetes. The chemical and biological characteristics of Cissus rotundifolia’s active compounds are unknown. The aim of this study to investigate the chemical and biological properties of this medicinal plant using bio-assay guided separation. Aqueous methanol extract of Cissus rotundifolia was fractionated by partitioning against hexane and ethyl acetate. Methanol, ethyl acetate and hexane extracts were then screened for antidiabetic activity using an alphaglycosidase assay at a concentration of 12.5-50 mg/ml. Methanol extract showed a significant alpha-glucosidase inhibition percent of 58-95%. Further, LC separation afforded six compounds isolated and characterized using 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and 2DNMR. Two of the isolated compounds: 3 and 4 (1,4-dimethyl 2-hydroxybutanedioate and 3-hydroxy-4-methoxy-4-oxobutanoate, respectively) showed a significant inhibition of alpha-glycosidase enzyme in the range of 25% to 50% at a concentration range from 1.00 – 0.25 mg/ml. Also, since glucose uptake is considered one of the main pathways to control blood sugar levels, the fractions and the isolated compounds were investigated for their glucose uptake activity. Glucose uptake assay results showed that the ethyl acetate fraction has a significant uptake activity. The isolated compounds 3 and 4 showed increased of glucose uptake activity reach of 19 % and 25%, respectively, with Insulin used as the positive control. Structural similarities of isolated compounds to malate which is a main substrate of citric acid cycle, prompted us to build hypothesis that these compounds might interfere with gluconeogenesis process through inhibition of the citric acid cycle. Molecular modeling study of isolated compounds and their analogs targeting all enzymes involve in citric acid cycle was conducted to examine potential binding affinity of these compounds toward proteins in citric acid cycle. Docking study showed analogs S-2-aminosuccininamide (AN21), levulinic acid and isolated compound SAA4 exhibiting high affinity binding to the fumarase enzyme that plays an important role in citric acid cycle. Docking study clearly suggest compound SAA4 has potential inhibition of gluconeogenesis. In conclusion, this study authenticated that C. rotundifolia potential antidiabetic activity through inhibition of intestinal α-glucosidase, induction of glucose uptake activity and possible inhibition of gluconeogenesis

    Orientation determination by wavelets matching for 3D reconstruction of very noisy electron microscopic virus images

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    BACKGROUND: In order to perform a 3D reconstruction of electron microscopic images of viruses, it is necessary to determine the orientation (Euler angels) of the 2D projections of the virus. The projections containing high resolution information are usually very noisy. This paper proposes a new method, based on weighted-projection matching in wavelet space for virus orientation determination. In order to speed the retrieval of the best match between projections from a model and real virus particle, a hierarchical correlation matching method is also proposed. RESULTS: A data set of 600 HSV-1 capsid particle images in different orientations was used to test the proposed method. An initial model of about 40 Å resolutions was used to generate projections of an HSV-1 capsid. Results show that a significant improvement, in terms of accuracy and speed, is obtained for the initial orientation estimates of noisy herpes virus images. For the bacteriophage (P22), the proposed method gave the correct reconstruction compared to the model, while the classical method failed to resolve the correct orientations of the smooth spherical P22 viruses. CONCLUSION: This paper introduces a new method for orientation determination of low contrast images and highly noisy virus particles. This method is based on weighted projection matching in wavelet space, which increases the accuracy of the orientations. A hierarchical implementation of this method increases the speed of orientation determination. The estimated number of particles needed for a higher resolution reconstruction increased exponentially. For a 6 Å resolution reconstruction of the HSV virus, 50,000 particles are necessary. The results show that the proposed method reduces the amount of data needed in a reconstruction by at least 50 %. This may result in savings 2 to 3 man-years invested in acquiring images from the microscope and data processing. Furthermore, the proposed method is able to determine orientations for some difficult particles like P22 with accuracy and consistency. Recently a low PH sindbis capsid was determined with the proposed method, where other methods based on the common line fail