477 research outputs found
Expression of chimeric HCV peptide in transgenic tobacco plants infected with recombinant alfalfa mosaic virus for development of a plant-derived vaccine against HCV
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the major etiologic agent of blood transfusion–associated and sporadic non-A non-B hepatitis affecting more than 180 million worldwide. Vaccine development for HCV has been difficult and there is no vaccine or effective therapy against this virus. In this paper, we describe the development of an experimental plant-derived subunit vaccine against HCV. Our subunit vaccine originates from a consensus HCV-HVR1 epitope (R9) that antigenically mimics many natural HVR1 variants. This HVR1 sequence was cloned into the open reading frame of a plant virus, Alfalfa Mosaic Virus (ALMV) coat protein (CP). The chimeric ALMV RNA4 containing sequence-encoding R9 epitope was introduced into full-length infectious ALMV-RNA3 that was utilized as an expression vector. The recombinant chimeric protein is expressed in transgenic tobacco plants (P12) expressing ALMV RNA1 and 2. Plant–derived HVR1/ALMV-CP reacted with HVR1 and/or ALMV-CP specific monoclonal antibodies and immune sera from individuals infected with HCV. Using plant-virus based transient expression to produce this unique chimeric antigen will facilitate the development and production of an experimental HCV vaccine. A plant derived recombinant HCV vaccine can potentially reduce expenses normally associated with production and delivery of conventional vaccine.
Key Words: Hepatitis C virus (HCV), transgenic tobacco plants (P12), consensus HCV HVR1 epitope (R9), and chimeric ALMV-RNA4.
African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(11) 2004: 588-59
Terahertz Security Image Quality Assessment by No-reference Model Observers
To provide the possibility of developing objective image quality assessment
(IQA) algorithms for THz security images, we constructed the THz security image
database (THSID) including a total of 181 THz security images with the
resolution of 127*380. The main distortion types in THz security images were
first analyzed for the design of subjective evaluation criteria to acquire the
mean opinion scores. Subsequently, the existing no-reference IQA algorithms,
which were 5 opinion-aware approaches viz., NFERM, GMLF, DIIVINE, BRISQUE and
BLIINDS2, and 8 opinion-unaware approaches viz., QAC, SISBLIM, NIQE, FISBLIM,
CPBD, S3 and Fish_bb, were executed for the evaluation of the THz security
image quality. The statistical results demonstrated the superiority of Fish_bb
over the other testing IQA approaches for assessing the THz image quality with
PLCC (SROCC) values of 0.8925 (-0.8706), and with RMSE value of 0.3993. The
linear regression analysis and Bland-Altman plot further verified that the
Fish__bb could substitute for the subjective IQA. Nonetheless, for the
classification of THz security images, we tended to use S3 as a criterion for
ranking THz security image grades because of the relatively low false positive
rate in classifying bad THz image quality into acceptable category (24.69%).
Interestingly, due to the specific property of THz image, the average pixel
intensity gave the best performance than the above complicated IQA algorithms,
with the PLCC, SROCC and RMSE of 0.9001, -0.8800 and 0.3857, respectively. This
study will help the users such as researchers or security staffs to obtain the
THz security images of good quality. Currently, our research group is
attempting to make this research more comprehensive.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 4 table
Single to Double Hump Transition in the Equilibrium Distribution Function of Relativistic Particles
We unveil a transition from single peaked to bimodal velocity distribution in
a relativistic fluid under increasing temperature, in contrast with a
non-relativistic gas, where only a monotonic broadening of the bell-shaped
distribution is observed. Such transition results from the interplay between
the raise in thermal energy and the constraint of maximum velocity imposed by
the speed of light. We study the Bose-Einstein, the Fermi-Dirac, and the
Maxwell-J\"uttner distributions, all exhibiting the same qualitative behavior.
We characterize the nature of the transition in the framework of critical
phenomena and show that it is either continuous or discontinuous, depending on
the group velocity. We analyze the transition in one, two, and three
dimensions, with special emphasis on two-dimensions, for which a possible
experiment in graphene, based on the measurement of the Johnson-Nyquist noise,
is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Integrasi Agama dan Budaya dalam Pendidikan di NAD [Menyikapi UU No. 11 Tahun 2006]
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam merupakan provinsi yang mendapatkan keistimewaan dalam melaksanakan Syari’at Islam secara kaffah di semua aspek kehidupan masyarakat dan mempertahankan budaya Aceh etap hidup lestari. Undang-undang No.11 tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh menjadi titik tolak proses integrasi nilai-nilai agama dan budaya Aceh dalam kurikulum pendidikan di Aceh.Integrasi nilai-nilai agama dan budaya Aceh dalam semua mata pelajaran sangat diharapkan agar amanat Undang-undang Pemerintahan Aceh dapat terwujud. Meskipun pada mata pelajaran tertentu nilai
-nilai tersebut sudah terakomodasi, seperti bahasa Arab dan bahasa Aceh. Akan tetapi mata pelajaran lainnya belum tersentuh. Oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan penelitian dengan pendekatan SWOT (Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity,dan Threat) atau(kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan tantangan) sehingga pemerintah Aceh dan dinas terkait dapat memetakan masalah
dan memprioritaskan kebijakan guna terwujudnya integrasi tersebut dengan cepat. Dari hasil penelitian di 5 wilayah, seperti; Banda Aceh, Aceh Utara, Aceh Tengah, Aceh Barat Daya dan Aceh Tamiang, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa secara umum nilai-nilai agama dan budaya Aceh belum terakomodir dalam mata pelajaran baik ilmu-ilmu sosial, eksakta, sebagian bahasa, dan sebagian seni/budaya Hal tersebut disebabkan karena ada beberapa faktor yang didefinisikan sebagai faktor kelemahan dan tantangan, meliputi; a). Belum adanya materi pelajaran
yang mengakomodir nilai-nilai agama dan budaya Aceh secara menyeluruh,b). Lemahnya kompetensi guru dalam mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai agama dan budaya Aceh dalam mata pelajaran yang dimaksud, c). Minimnya jumlah guru yang mampu mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai agama dan budaya Aceh dalam mata pelajaran tersebut, d). Kurangnya media pengajaran yang mendukung proses integrasi nilai-nilai tersebut dalam mata pelajaran, e)pemahaman agama budaya sebagian masyarakat masih sebatas ritual dan pada tataran nuansa. Adapun faktor peluang dan kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh pemerintahan Aceh dan masyarakat Aceh pada umumnya dapat dijadikan starting point dalam usaha mewujudkan nilai-
nilai agama dan budaya Aceh dalam pendidikan. Diantara peluang dan kekuatan yang ada antara lain; a). Undang-undang Pemerintahan Aceh yang membuka kesempatan selebar-lebarnya guna menerapkan nilai-nilai tersebut dalam kurikulum pendidikan, b).Adanya dukungan masyarakat Aceh akan pentingnya perwujudan integrasi nilai-nilai tersebut sangat besar. Beranjak dari faktor-faktor tersebut di atas, maka tim peneliti merekomendasikan pada pemerintahan Aceh dan dinas terkait, baik Dinas Pendidikan dan Departemen Agama agar; a)merevisi kurikulum dengan mengadopsi semangat integrasi nilai-nilai agama dan budaya Aceh di dalamnya, b). Menganggarkan program v penguatan tenaga pengajar/guru baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas, agar dapat mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai tersebut dalam setiap mata pelajaran, baik berupa pelatihan, tugas elajar dan lain sebagainya, c) membentuk tim independent yang
terdiri dari para pakar pendidikan baik dari pesantren, perguruan tinggi dan para seniman, serta dari dinas pendidikan, departement agama dan pemerintahan Aceh
untuk merumuskan materi yang sesuai dengan program penerapan nilai-nilai tersebut dalam mata pelajaran
Hyperthyroidism as a reversible cause of right ventricular overload and congestive heart failure
We describe a case of severe congestive heart failure and right ventricular overload associated with overt hyperthyroidism, completely reversed with antithyroid therapy in a few week. It represents a very unusual presentation of overt hyperthyroidism because of the severity of right heart failure. The impressive right ventricular volume overload made mandatory to perform transesophageal echo and angio-TC examination to exclude the coexistence of ASD or anomalous pulmonary venous return. Only a few cases of reversible right heart failure, with or without pulmonary hypertension, have been reported worldwide. In our case the most striking feature has been the normalization of the cardiovascular findings after six weeks of tiamazole therapy
Assessment of Global Kidney Health Care Status.
Kidney disease is a substantial worldwide clinical and public health problem, but information about available care is limited.To collect information on the current state of readiness, capacity, and competence for the delivery of kidney care across countries and regions of the world.Questionnaire survey administered from May to September 2016 by the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) to 130 ISN-affiliated countries with sampling of key stakeholders (national nephrology society leadership, policy makers, and patient organization representatives) identified by the country and regional nephrology leadership through the ISN.Core areas of country capacity and response for kidney care.Responses were received from 125 of 130 countries (96%), including 289 of 337 individuals (85.8%, with a median of 2 respondents [interquartile range, 1-3]), representing an estimated 93% (6.8 billion) of the world's population of 7.3 billion. There was wide variation in country readiness, capacity, and response in terms of service delivery, financing, workforce, information systems, and leadership and governance. Overall, 119 (95%), 95 (76%), and 94 (75%) countries had facilities for hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplantation, respectively. In contrast, 33 (94%), 16 (45%), and 12 (34%) countries in Africa had facilities for hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplantation, respectively. For chronic kidney disease (CKD) monitoring in primary care, serum creatinine with estimated glomerular filtration rate and proteinuria measurements were reported as always available in only 21 (18%) and 9 (8%) countries, respectively. Hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and transplantation services were funded publicly and free at the point of care delivery in 50 (42%), 48 (51%), and 46 (49%) countries, respectively. The number of nephrologists was variable and was low (<10 per million population) in Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and Oceania and South East Asia (OSEA) regions. Health information system (renal registry) availability was limited, particularly for acute kidney injury (8 countries [7%]) and nondialysis CKD (9 countries [8%]). International acute kidney injury and CKD guidelines were reportedly accessible in 52 (45%) and 62 (52%) countries, respectively. There was relatively low capacity for clinical studies in developing nations.This survey demonstrated significant interregional and intraregional variability in the current capacity for kidney care across the world, including important gaps in services and workforce. Assuming the responses accurately reflect the status of kidney care in the respondent countries, the findings may be useful to inform efforts to improve the quality of kidney care worldwide
Positive thyroid transcription factor 1 staining strongly correlates with survival of patients with adenocarcinoma of the lung
This study investigated the relation between positive thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF1) staining and survival of patients affected by primary adenocarcinoma (ADC) of the lung. Pathological tissue from consecutive ADC patients was collected from 2002 to 2004. The anti-TTF1 antibody (8G7G3/1, dilution of 1/200) was used. Thyroid transcription factor 1 staining was assessed for each tumour as positive or negative. Probability of survival was estimated by Kaplan–Meier and difference tested by log-rank test. A Cox's regression multivariate analysis was carried out. In all, 106 patients were studied (66% male, 69% PS0–1, 83% with stage III or IV). Tumours expressed positive TTF1 staining in 66% of cases. Multivariate analysis demonstrated an independent lower risk of death for patients whose tumour expresses positive TTF1 staining (HR=0.51, 95% CI 0.30–0.85; P=0.01) and higher grade of differentiation (HR=0.40, 95% CI 0.24–0.68; P=0.001). In conclusion, positive TTF1 staining strongly and independently correlates with survival of patients with primary ADC of the lung
Prevention of catheter lumen occlusion with rT-PA versus heparin (Pre-CLOT): study protocol of a randomized trial [ISRCTN35253449]
BACKGROUND: Many patients with end-stage renal disease use a central venous catheter for hemodialysis access. A large majority of these catheters malfunction within one year of insertion, with up to two-thirds due to thrombosis. The optimal solution for locking the catheter between hemodialysis sessions, to decrease the risk of thrombosis and catheter malfunction, is unknown. The Prevention of Catheter Lumen Occlusion with rt-PA versus Heparin (PreCLOT) study will determine if use of weekly rt-PA, compared to regular heparin, as a catheter locking solution, will decrease the risk of catheter malfunction. METHODS/DESIGN: The study population will consist of patients requiring chronic hemodialysis thrice weekly who are dialyzed with a newly inserted permanent dual-lumen central venous catheter. Patients randomized to the treatment arm will receive rt-PA 1 mg per lumen once per week, with heparin 5,000 units per ml as a catheter locking solution for the remaining two sessions. Patients randomized to the control arm will receive heparin 5,000 units per ml as a catheter locking solution after each dialysis session. The study treatment period will be six months, with 340 patients to be recruited from 14 sites across Canada. The primary outcome will be catheter malfunction, based on mean blood flow parameters while on hemodialysis, with a secondary outcome of catheter-related bacteremia. A cost-effectiveness analysis will be undertaken to assess the cost of maintaining a catheter using rt-PA as a locking solution, compared to the use of heparin. DISCUSSION: Results from this study will determine if use of weekly rt-PA, compared to heparin, will decrease catheter malfunction, as well as assess the cost-effectiveness of these locking solutions
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