42 research outputs found

    Cross-sectional area measurement of the coronary arteries using CT angiography at the level of the bifurcation: is there a relationship?

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    PURPOSEOur aim was to determine whether there is a correlation between cross-sectional areas of the left main coronary artery (LMCA), left anterior descending artery (LAD), and circumflex artery (CX) in normal cases using coronary CT angiography.METHODExaminations of 180 patients (119 men and 61 women) were selected among 2248 consecutive coronary CT angiography studies. Cross-sectional areas of LMCA, LAD, and CX were measured at the level of bifurcation. Correlation between age, height, and body mass index and coronary artery cross-sectional areas was investigated and possibility of formulating a correlation between the cross-sectional areas of LMCA, LAD, and CX was explored.RESULTSMean cross-sectional areas of LMCA, LAD, and CX were found as 17.4±3.9 mm2, 12.5±3.1 mm2, and 10.5±3.0 mm2, respectively. While cross-sectional areas of LMCA and LAD were significantly larger in men, no significant difference was found between the sectional areas of CX in men and women. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to elucidate the relationship between the cross-sectional areas of LMCA LAD, and CX. Our analysis showed that the relationship between LMCA, LAD, and CX cross-sectional areas can be formulated as follows: LMCA=3.870 + 0.718×LAD + 0.434×CX.CONCLUSIONThere is a correlation between the cross-sectional areas of LMCA, LAD, and CX at the level of bifurcation, and this correlation can be expressed with a formula

    Yatırımcının korunması açısından aracı kurumlarda kurumsal yönetim ilkeleri ve Türkiye’deki uygulamanın değerlendirilmesi

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    Günümüzde bir performans ölçüsü olarak kabul edilen kurumsal yönetim, bir şirketin yönetimi, yönetim kurulu, hissedarları ve diğer menfaat sahipleri arasındaki bir dizi ilişkiyi kapsar. Son yıllarda gerek dünyada gerek ülkemizde yaşanan finansal krizler ve şirket skandalları kurumsal yönetimin önemini arttırmıştır. Bu doğrultuda birçok topluluk ve ülke kurumsal yönetim üzerine çalışma ve araştırma yapmıştır. OECD tarafından yayınlanan kurumsal yönetim ilkeleri bu çalışmalar arasında geniş içeriğiyle birçok ülkenin referans aldığı bir çalışma olarak kabul edilmektedir. Sermaye piyasasında, fon arz edenlerle fon talep edenler arasında köprü görevi gören aracı kurumlar sermaye piyasalarının sağlıklı bir şekilde işlemesi için oldukça önemli bir role sahiptir. Sermaye piyasasında yatırımcıların güven duygusunun sağlanması, piyasaların gelişimi ve istikrarı için vazgeçilmez bir unsurdur. Aracı kurumlarda kurumsal yönetim ilkelerinin uygulanması sermaye piyasasında güven unsurunun oluşması ve yatırımcının korunması açısından oldukça önemlidir. Ülkemiz sermaye piyasasında düzenleyici otorite olan SPK, OECD kurumsal yönetim ilkelerini referans alarak SPK kurumsal yönetim ilkelerini yayınlamıştır. Ayrıca uygulanması ihtiyari olan bu ilkelerin yanında SPK tarafından yayınlanan çeşitli tebliğlerle kurumsal yönetimin yasal yapısı oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Ülkemizde faaliyet gösteren aracı kurumlar ağırlıklı olarak aile şirketi niteliğindedir, üst düzey yönetimde akrabalık ilişkileri yüksek düzeydedir ve profesyonel bir yönetim anlayışı oluşmamıştır. Aracı kurumlardaki bu durum kurumsal yönetim ilkeleri tarafından benimsenen yapıya aykırıdır ve bu kurumlarda kurumsallaşamamanın en belirgin göstergeleridir. Her ne kadar düzenleyici otorite tarafından oluşturulan yasal mevzuat kurumsal yönetimin sağlanması açısından önem taşısada, aracı kurumların kurumsal yönetim anlayışını her yönüyle benimsemeden etkili bir kurumsal yönetim alt yapısının oluşması mümkün olmayacaktır. ABSTRACT Corporate governance is accepted as a performance indicator and involves a set of relationships between a company’s management, its board, its shareholders and other stakeholders. Many financial crises and corporate scandals took place recently in different countries from all around the world as well as in our country which proved the importance of corporate governance. In respect to this, many organisations and countries did research and studies on corporate governance. OECD corporate governance principles with its broad content has been adopted by many countries as a reference guide as well as sets the ground for many studies. In capital markets, the connection between fund users and fund suppliers is provided by brokarage houses and brokarage houses have a vital role for a strong capital market function. The establishment of the trust of investors in capital markets is an essential element for the development and stability of the markets. Implementation of corporate governance principles in brokarage houses is important for the concept of trust and for the protection of investors in capital markets. As a regulatory body in our country , CMB issued corporate governance principles by taking OECD principles as a reference. Besides these voluntary principles, CMB issued various communiques to establish legal framework for corporate governance. In our country, the majority of brokarage houses are family businesses where there is a high level of relative (family) relationships in top management and there is no professional management method established. This structure in brokarage houses is inconsistent with corporate governance and this is a major indicator for the lack of corporate governance in these companies. Although legal framework to be established by regulatory body is very important for corporate governance, it is simply impossible to establish an effective corporate governance framework in brokarage houses without adopting corporate governance concepts overall

    Agricultural producer organization and structural problems in Uşak

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    Ülkemizde tarım sektörü, toplum beslenmesine, işgücüne, verimliliğe, ekonomiye ve ihracata katkısı bakımından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle tarımsal üretiminin yoğun olarak yapıldığı kırsal bölgelerde yaşayan halkın ekonomik ve sosyal yönden kalkındırılması, iş olanaklarının artırılması, sosyal adaletin sağlanması, her konuda eğitim ve bilgi yönünden donatılmasıyla verimliliğin artırılması gerekmektedir. Tarımsal üretici örgütleri ekonomik ve sosyal politikalar üretmek, demokrasi kültürünü yaşatmak, kaynakları etkin ve verimli kullanmak, yatırım yaparak üretime ve istihdama katkıda bulunmak, yoksullukla mücadele etmek gibi amaçlarla kurulmaktadırlar. Tüm bu yönlerden bakıldığında ekonomik ve sosyal gelişmeye katkıda bulunması ve kırsal bölgelerin kalkındırılması için önem verilmesi gereken kuruluşlardır. Bu araştırmayla Uşak’ta faaliyet gösteren tarımsal üretici örgütlerinin mevcut durumları, üreticilerin sosyo-ekonomik yapısı, örgütlenmeye bakışı, örgütlenme konusundaki bilgi düzeyleri, örgütlenmeden beklentileri, örgütlenmeye ilişkin sorunları belirlenmiş, bu sorunlara çözüm önerileri geliştirilmiştir. Ayrıca Uşak örneğiyle ülke genelindeki tarımsal örgütlenme durumu da incelenmiş ve sorunları belirlenerek çözüm önerileri getirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın ana materyalini 360 üreticiyle yapılan anket verileri oluşturmuştur. Ayrıca araştırmada kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarının, tarımsal üretici örgütlerinin konu ile ilgili istatistik verilerden yararlanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiş ve yorumlarla desteklenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları çizelge ve grafikler halinde verilmiş ve Logit analiz metodu ile yapılan bir model önerisinde bulunulmuştur. Ayrıca ki-kare ve korelasyon analizleri yapılarak tablolar oluşturulmuştur. Araştırmaya katılan üreticilerin % 89,2’si tarımsal üretici örgütüne üye veya ortaktır. Bu üreticilerin %62,5’i tarımsal üretici örgütü tanımını ve %66,7’si örgütlerin avantaj sağladığını bilmektedir. Üreticilerin %10,9’u Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifini çok başarılı, %66,3’ü Tarım Kredi Kooperatifini başarılı bulmaktadır. Örgütlenme konusunda en önemli sorun yönetim sorunları (%26,1) olarak belirlenmiştir. Üreticilerin eğitim durumları ile tarımsal üretici örgütü tanımını bilme arasında anlamlı bir ilişki vardır. Buna göre eğitim düzeyi yükseldikçe üreticilerin tarımsal üretici örgütünü üyelerin/ortakların kurduğu, yönetimde söz sahibi olduğu ve ortak menfaatlerini hedef alan bir kuruluş olarak görme oranları artmaktadır. Yapılan çalışma ile üreticilerin, tarımsal üretici örgütleri aracılığıyla sahip oldukları kaynak ve potansiyeli daha etkin ve verimli kullanabilecekleri, kendi görüş ve önerilerini yine örgütleri aracılığıyla ileterek ulusal tarım politikalarının oluşturulması ve geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayabilecekleri ifade edilmeye çalışılmıştır.Agriculture sector has vital importance in point of the nutrition of community, labour, productivity, economy and the contribution to the exportation in Turkey. . Therefore, it is required to increase the productivity by improving the economic and social aspects of people who live in countryside in where agricultural production is done intensely; increasing the employment opportunities for them; providing social justice for them; and equipping them with education and information in every aspect. Agricultural producer organizations are established for multi-purposes such as producing social and economic policies, keeping culture of democracy alive, consuming resources active and efficient, contributing to the production and employment by making investments, and struggling against poverty. When examining from all of these aspects, these organizations should be paid importance for contributing economic and social progress and developing the countryside. The current situation of agricultural producer organizations which are active in Uşak, the socio-economic structure of producers, their perspective to the organization, their knowledge level in point of organizing, their expectations from organizing, and their problems in organizing were determined and solution suggestions against these problems were improved by this research. Besides, with Usak sample, the situation of agricultural organization was surveyed in nation-wide and tried to suggest solutions against these problems. The survey data from 360 producers generated the main material for this research. Besides, it was benefited from statistics data of public institutions and organizations and agricultural producer organizations in this research. Obtained data was evaluated as statistical by the help of chi-square and correlation analyses, also a sample which was made with Logit analysis method was suggested. In accordance with the obtained results, it was detected that 89,2 % of producers were members or partners to the agricultural producer organization, 62,5 % of these producers knew the definition of agricultural producer organization and 67,7 % of them were aware of the advantages which were provided by this organization. While 10,9 % of these producers thought about the cooperative of agricultural development as very successful, 66,3 % of them thought about this cooperative as successful. The management problem (26,1 %) was detected as the most important problem in point of organizing. There is a significant correlation between the education of producers and knowing the definition of agricultural producer organization. According to this, it was detected that when the educational level of producers was inreased, they started to think about the agricultural producer organization as an organization which was established by members and partners, in where they had a voice in administration, and aimed at the common interests of them. In this thesis study puts forward that producers could use their sources and potentials more effective and efficient by means of the agricultural producer organization. Besides, producers can contribute to be formed and developed of national agricultural policies by transmitting their own view and suggestions through their organization


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    This study reviews the success status and organizational problems of Agricultural Producer Organizations (POs). The main material of the study consisted of the original data obtained from the surveys carried out with 360 producers determined by the proportional sampling method in the province of Usak, Turkey. According to the research findings, members/partners found Agricultural Development Cooperatives more successful. Agricultural Development Cooperative, respectively, was followed by Agricultural Credit Cooperative, Stud Breeders Association, Producer Association, Sugar Beet Growers Cooperative, and Chamber of Agriculture. Irrigation Cooperative was the least successful producer organization. It was determined that the most important problem of the POs was the managerial problem, and it was followed by the financial, supervision, education, top organization, and legislation problems. The study is of primary importance in the success of the organization and in the effective use of production resources

    Evaluation of performance of agricultural producer organizations and a model proposal: Evidence from Turkey

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    This paper reviews the performance of agricultural producer organizations (POs) and focuses on the Logit performance model. The research was conducted in Uşak, Turkey where organizational mobility has been active. The main material of the research consisted of the survey data conducted with 360 producers. The collected data were analyzed econometrically, and the independent variables according to the Logit model proposed were founded statistically significant. 89.2% of the producers was a member of the PO in the region. Organizational performance level of the POs was high. Members' satisfaction levels with being a member of the PO were 72.9% and their satisfaction levels with works of the organization's management were also 66.7%. These rates were higher than those in other research. This study will be important in terms of creating organizational management with an innovative vision and contributing to the efforts to raise members' satisfaction with the POs. © 2022, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. All rights reserved