6 research outputs found

    A study of some works of S̥ūfīsm commonly attributed to Al-Ghazālī

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    This thesis is a study of three works normally attributed to Abu Hamid Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Ghazali, namely al-Risalah al-Laduniyyah, Minhaj alcArifin and Jam? al-Haqa'iq bi Tajrid al-Ala'iq, but whose authenticity has been questioned by scholars. The aims of the thesis are to translate, annotate and_analyse the three works in order to assess whether they were written by al-Ghazali or not. For these reasons, the thesis is arranged into a general introduction which is followed by three major parts each of which consists of two chapters. The first part (Chapters One and Two) deals with the Risalah, the second (Chapters Three and Four) concentrates on the Minhaj and the third (Chapters Five and Six) focuses on the Jamic.A major section of the thesis (the first, third and fifth Chapters) provides for the first time in English the translations with annotations of the three works mentioned above. The second, fourth and sixth Chapters attempt to compare and contrast the approach to Sufism presented in the three works with that revealed in al-Ghazali's securely attributed works. The thesis argues that it is rather doubtful that any of these works were written by al-Ghazali and that their authors, who probably came from circles close to al-Ghazali, combined some of his ideas with those from other Sufi quarters. The study ends with a select bibliography and appendices

    Pendekatan psikoterapi Islam terhadap kanak-kanak Muslim autistik

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    Sejak tahun kebelakangan ini, jumlah atau purata kanak-kanak di seluruh dunia yang dilahirkan dalam keadaan autisme semakin bertambah. Pelbagai pendekatan psikoterapi Barat digunakan bagi meningkatkan perkembangan diri mereka. Namun begitu, kaedah yang diterapkan didapati mengabaikan konsep spiritual atau kerohanian. Artikel yang membincangkan pendekatan psikoterapi Islam terhadap kanak-kanak autistik ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan bagi pengumpulan data berdasarkan sorotan kajian lepas, dan metode analisis kandungan bagi penganalisisan data. Ia menghuraikan pendekatan psikoterapi Islam merangkumi solat dan zikir yang dicadangkan pengaplikasiannya terhadap kanak-kanak autistik. Solat yang merupakan tiang agama adalah sangat penting dalam pembinaan diri insan, manakala zikir pula adalah pelengkap kepada solat tersebut. Kanak-kanak autistik didapati mampu dan mudah untuk melaksanakan kedua-dua amalan ibadah ini walaupun mereka mempunyai keterhadan upaya. Justeru, dapat disimpulkan bahawa solat dan zikir mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dalam membantu perkembangan kanak-kanak autistik seperti kanak-kanak normal yang lain

    The Need of Psychospiritual in Managing Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) for Covid-19 Counselor Workers

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    Abstract Pandemic of COVID-19 unspecifically has a physical effect on its sufferers, however it has negative impacts towards the mental and psychological of sufferers. To alleviate community pressure, the government and some NGOs are responsible for providing counselling services as psychological support. Counsellors, on the other hand, are continuously exposed to trauma disorders as a result of the conduct of counselling sessions, even though they do not directly experience it. Secondary Traumatic Stress, or STS for short, is a disease that refers to emotional distress caused by the emotional suffering of others. This impact was created because the client was given attention and compassion, as well as strong incentive to help ease the patient's pain. If no special preparation is given, the patient is vulnerable to the onset of STS symptoms, which have negative consequences on the physical, cognitive, mental, behavioural, social, and spiritual levels. As a result, during the COVID-19 pandemic era, a study that provides preparatory recommendation for counsellors dealing with a wide range of clients during the COVID-19 pandemic period is much needed. This research focuses on a data collection procedure in a library based on the theory of Secondary Traumatic Stress and the COVID-19 pandemic. This study argues that counsellors receive psychospiritual support training in order to satisfy the demands of Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder in the COVID-19 pandemic period. Keywords: COVID-19, traumatic, psychospiritual, mental health, sympathy     Abstrak   Wabak COVID-19 bukan sahaja memberi kesan berbentuk fizikal kepada para pengidapnya, malah turut memberi impak negatif kepada mental dan psikologi. Bagi mengurangkan tekanan kepada masyarakat, pihak kerajaan dan beberapa NGO menggalas tanggungjawab memberikan perkhidmatan kaunseling sebagai sokongan psikologi. Namun begitu, pada hakikatnya para kaunselor turut terdedah dengan gangguan trauma secara berterusan akibat daripada pengendalian sesi kaunseling yang dijalankan walaupun tidak mengalaminya secara langsung. Gangguan tersebut dikenali sebagai Secondary Traumatic Stress atau singkatannya STS yang merujuk kepada penderitaan emosi kerana penderitaan emosi orang lain. Kesan ini lahir kerana perhatian dan simpati yang diberikan kepada klien disertai galakan yang kuat untuk menolong meringankan penderitaan pesakit. Sekiranya tidak disediakan persediaan yang khusus, ini mendedahkan kepada peletusan simptom STS yang memberi implikasi negatif kepada fizikal, kognitif, emosi, perilaku, sosial dan spiritual. Sehubungan itu, kajian yang memberikan cadangan persediaan bagi kaunselor yang berdepan dengan pelbagai klien yang ramai dalam tempoh pandemik COVID-19 adalah sangat diperlukan. Kajian ini menumpukan kepada proses pengumpulan data perpustakaan yang memfokus kepada teori Secondary Traumatic Stress dan pandemik COVID-19. Kajian ini mengemukakan cadangan mengambil persediaan sokongan psikospiritual bagi kaunselor dalam mendepani cabaran gangguan Secondary Traumatic Stress di era pandemik COVID-19. Kata kunci: COVID-19, traumatik, psikospiritual, kesihatan mental, simpat

    Pendekatan Pengubatan Berteraskan Spiritual Islam dalam Menangani Masalah Sosial Masyarakat [Rehabilitation Approach based on Islamic Spirituality in Overcoming Social Problems among Malaysian Society]

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    Malaysia sudah pun memasuki era baru iaitu zaman 2020 yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh semua pihak. Walau bagaimanapun, sebagai sebuah negara yang membangun, isu masalah sosial tidak dapat dipisahkan. Bukan itu sahaja, masyarakat di bandar mahupun luar turut mempunyai statistik masalah sosial yang meresahkan. Fokus utama dalam menangani masalah sosial sewajarnya menumpukan pendekatan berorientasi kepada aspek spiritual atau kerohanian tanpa pengabaian aspek lain. Oleh yang demikian, artikel ini menyasarkan suatu misi dengan mengemukakan langkah pro-aktif iaitu mengkaji mengenai pendekatan pengubatan berteraskan spiritual Islam dalam menangani masalah sosial yang berlaku dalam kalangan masyarakat di negara hari ini. Artikel ini mengetengahkan pendekatan metode campuran iaitu kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pendekatan pengubatan berteraskan spiritual Islam dihasilkan menerusi penelitian terhadap literatur dan temu bual bersama tiga orang pakar. Pendekatan ini turut mendapat penilaian dan pengesahan lima orang pakar dengan menggunakan soal selidik bagi mendapatkan kesahan yang tinggi. Analisis kandungan digunakan pada fasa pertama, dan analisis khas metode Fuzzy Delphi digunakan pada fasa kedua. Berdasarkan pengumpulan data yang dijalankan, pendekatan pengubatan berteraskan spiritual Islam dijangkakan memberikan kesan yang positif dalam menangani masalah sosial masyarakat. Malaysia has progressed to the much-anticipated 2020s. Along with the progression, however, as a developing country, social issues are seemingly inextricable. This is further indicated through the alarming statistics on social problems for both urban and rural society. Therefore, the chief focus to resolve the social issues ought to be directed towards a spiritual-oriented aspect without disregarding other aspects. Accordingly, this article attempts to undertake a proactive step by studying a rehabilitation approach based on Islamic spirituality in overcoming social issues in society. This study utilizes a mixed-method research design of qualitative and quantitative research. The approach is formulated by perusing literature sources and interviewing three experts. For high validity outcome, this approach is reviewed and validated by five experts. Content analysis is used in the first phase, while a more distinctive analysis method, Fuzzy Delphi, is used in the second phase. The outcome from data collection is expected to deliver a positive result in resolving social problems in society

    Religiosity and subjective well-being towards a balanced civilization: A study among muslim older adults in Malaysia

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    The aim of the conceptual paper is to shed more light on the significant of religiosity as a psychosocial determinant of elderly subjective well-being, and its role of as a resource copping strategy, social support, and meaning to life experience. This paper draws on the observation of other scholars in the relationship of religion to health, happiness and well-being research. The deductive and exploratory approach was used to select, analyze and summarize the related literature. The literature indicates that religiosity is associated with elderly people life satisfaction, happiness, and self-esteem. Religious affiliation buffers negative effects of stress on physical health; Prayer buffers the effects of stress on depressive. The paper reviewed the literature on both concepts of well-being and religiosity from Malaysian context. Highlighting the issue of the increase in population of people aged 60 and above, who will need an extra care. © 2019, Academy of Islamic Studies, Dept of Islamic History and Civilization, University of Malaya. All rights reserved