1,414 research outputs found

    Regeneration: how should the problem be addressed? A discussion paper commissioned from the Regeneration and Economic Development Analysis Expert Panel for the Regeneration Futures Roundtable.

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    What is the ‘problem’? The problem to be addressed is rooted in the uneven spatial distribution of economic activity and how this is constantly shifting over time.1 Historically different phases of economic development produce particular spatial and temporal fixes with their own geographic patterns of growth and deprivation. Evolving patterns of uneven economic development result from the constant interaction between wider processes of economic change (e.g. globalisation, sectoral change, technological change etc) and the existing geographically differentiated landscape. This process is particularly apparent at the current time, as the severe economic downturn produces the conditions for a new round of investment/disinvestment and an associated reconfigured geographical landscape. The process of uneven development creates and maintains regional imbalances and produces different regional and local dynamics of growth and decline. The most acute problems for regeneration occur where area decline is dramatic, and/or involves a fundamental restructuring of the industrial base, and/or extends over a long period of time. The nature and types of the impacts rooted within wider processes of economic restructuring upon localities/cities/regions are mediated through their interaction with a range of interrelated processes (e.g. within housing markets; local labour markets; private investment flows; and public investment strategies)

    Review of economic assessment and strategy activity at the local and sub-regional level.

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    The Review of Sub National Economic Development and Regeneration includes a proposal that a statutory duty is imposed upon all local authorities to assess their local economies. This report reviews the range of types of economic assessments currently being produced at the local and sub regional level. It also examines the changing forms of sub regional structures and identifies tensions that need to be addressed in the development of future economic assessments and strategies

    The Influence of Alloy Composition and microstructure on the corrosion behaviour of Cu-Ni alloys in seawater

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    The aim of the study was to relate the general corrosion behaviour of CuNi 10-alloys in seawater with its iron content and microstructure. To that end the microstructure of four commercial alloys with various Fe-contents (1.20-1.78%) and there laboratory melted alloys with various Fe-contents (1.5-2.5%) were investigated in the as delivered state and after three different heat treatments. Samples of these alloys were exposed to flowing natural seawater. During exposure electrochemical measurements were performed. After exposure the weight loss was determined. Moreover, for a number of samples the corrosion products were analysed by means of electron microprobe analysis. Irrespective of the Fe-content, the presence of discontinuous precipitates in the laboratory melted alloys turned out to be detrimental with regard to general corrosion. To a less extent this also holds for alloys with high concentrations of continuous precipitates, as observed for iron contents of 2 and 2.5%. The precipitate free alloys as well as the ones containing low concentrations of continuous precipitates because of low Fe-concentrations (<1.5%Fe) do show a good corrosion behaviour. The corrosion behaviour of commercial CuNi 10 Fe in the as received condition was generally comparable with that of laboratory melted alloys with continuous precipitates. The corrosion rates of the former do not exceed those of the latter, which are very low for practical applications. Finally the corrosion behaviour of five laboratory melted CuNi5 alloys, containing up to 4% fe in solution, was investigated. It turned out that their reciprocal polarisation resistance in the steady state situation is lower than those for the CuNi 10 Fe alloys

    Diasporas, agency and enterprise in settlement and homeland contexts: politicised entrepreneurship in the Kurdish diaspora

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    Through its focus on state-diaspora relations, existing research has given limited consideration to the role of nonstate entrepreneurial actors in understanding diaspora politicisation. This paper addresses this research gap by examining the contextually embedded relationship between diaspora politicisation and entrepreneurial activity within diaspora settlement and homeland spaces. Findings are presented of original qualitative research with Kurdish diaspora entrepreneurs based in Europe operating in the media and publishing industries. Results demonstrate how the intersection between diaspora identity, opportunity frameworks and available resources generates forms of politicised diaspora entrepreneurship, and how these venture activities contribute to the transnational (re)production of diaspora identity and the mobilisation of locally rooted diaspora populations. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to enhancing current understanding of diaspora entrepreneurship and the significance of non-state actors within the diaspora politicisation process, and their relevance to policy thinking across homeland and settlement contexts

    Predators and Prizes: American Privateering and Imperial Warfare, 1739-1748

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    The Role of the Royal Navy in the Napoleonic Wars After Trafalgar, 1805-1814

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    Wellington\u27s armies defeated Napoleon on the Iberian Peninsula but sea power exercised by the Royal Navy was required to install those land forces and to maintain them

    The World Turned Upside Down

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    Why a change of diagnosis shouldn’t matter . . . but it does

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    From loss of identity to social stigma, Suzy Syrett describes the hidden impact of a change to her mental health diagnosi

    A contextual understanding of diaspora entrepreneurship: identity, opportunity and resources in the Sri Lankan Tamil and Kurdish diaspora

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    Purpose - Within the growing study of transnational entrepreneurial practice, existing conceptualisation of diaspora entrepreneurship has often lacked engagement with the particularities of the diaspora condition. This paper seeks to advance theoretical understanding and empirical study of diaspora entrepreneurship through identifying the processes that generate diaspora entrepreneurship across economic, social and political spheres. Design/Methodology - To analyse the relationship between the development of venture activity and diaspora (re)production, in depth, qualitative biographical analysis was undertaken with UK based diaspora entrepreneurs embedded within the particular contexts of the Sri Lankan Tamil and Kurdish diasporas. Skilled and active diaspora entrepreneurs were purposively selected from these extreme case contexts to explore their entrepreneurial agency within and across the business, social and political realms. Findings – Results identified key dimensions shaping the development of diaspora entrepreneurship. These comprised the role of diaspora context in shaping opportunity frameworks and the mobilisation of available resources, and how venture activity served to sustain collective diaspora identity and address diaspora interests. These findings are used to produce an analytical model of the generation of diaspora entrepreneurship to serve as a basis for discussing how heterogeneous and hybrid entrepreneurial strategies emerge from and shape the evolving diaspora context. Originality - By placing the reproduction of social collectivity centre-stage, this paper identifies the particularities of diaspora entrepreneurship as a form of transnational entrepreneurship. This recognizes the significance of a contextualised understanding of entrepreneurial diversity within wider processes of diaspora development, which has important implications for policy and practice development in homeland and settlement areas
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