56 research outputs found

    Poligami Ramah Perempuan; Catatan Kritis Atas Poligami Kuantitatif- Kualitatif Perspektif Muhammad Syahrûr

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    Polygamy has become a controversial topic in the discourses of gender relations, including in Islam. It is therefore always attractive to scholars and experts to discuss this topic. Muslims thinkers have attempted to re-interpret polygamy either to reject it, fasten its procedure or to allow it under certain conditions. One leading contemporary Muslim scholar who is concerned with the issues of gender relations and polygamy under Islam is Muhammad Shahrur. This article examines Shahrur's view on polygamy. Based on his several works as the main data, this study analyzes his approach to polygamy and criticizes it. He is well-known for the theory of limit. He employs a qualitative-quantitative concept to formulate an understanding of polygamy which is just for women, as this is often neglected under the stipulation of normative Islamic law. However, as a system of thought, Syahrur's idea on polygamy opens up criticism despite its novelty idea that is less severe to women since he limits polygamy

    Studi Eksperimental Aliran Sekunder Untuk Axial Compressor Cascade Stagger Kuat Dengan Dan Tanpa Tip-clearance: Distribusi Tekanan Statis Pada Permukaan Blade

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    Secondary Flow Experimental Study for Axial Compressor Cascade Strong Stagger With and Without Tip-Clearance: Static Pressure Distribution on Blade Surface. The performance of blade cascade is influenced by thegrowth and boundary layer\u27s separation along blade surface and endwall (casing and hub). The secondary flow whichhappens near hub and casing compressors is three dimentional flow separation phenomenon comes from interactionblade boundary layer with casing and hub boundary layers in the compressor. The secondary flow causes secondarylosses, blockage effect, and turning angle (deflection) distribution along blade span. The result of the research showsthat the increase of the angle of attack reveals lines of constan pressure to be curved forward (upstream) or pressuregives rise to spanwise caused by a strong curl flow. Separation is also increase and cross between two blades. Hence,three dimentional separation region in corner also increase

    Paradigma Pembangunan Ekonomi; Satu Analisis Tinjauan Ulang dari Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

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    . Paradigma Pembangunan Ekonomi; Satu Analisis Tinjauan Ulang Dari Perspektif Ekonomi Islam. Kegagalan sistem ekonomi kapitalis yang membenarkan orang kaya mengeksploitasi orang miskin, dan sistem sosialis membenarkan orang miskin merampas harta orang kaya menjadi satu isu penting bagi para ekonom muslim. Paradigma kedua sistem liberal tersebut bersifat eksploitatif dan tidak fair serta memperlakukan manusia bukan sebagai manusia. Mengesampingkan nilai moral dan akhlak, memisahkan antara agama dengan ekonomi, dan menjadikan manusia hamba pembangunan, bukan pembangunan untuk manusia. Makalah ini merupakan satu refleksi fenomena dari kerusakan alam, ketimpangan sosial, kemiskinan yang tidak berkunjung reda. Sehingga teori dan konsep ekonomi liberal perlu ditinjau ulang dengan menyajikan satu konsep pembangunan ekonomi baru yang bersumber dari wahyu yaitu al-Quran maupun hadith. Akhirnya dari pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembangunan ekonomi tidak akan dapat dicapai melainkan dengan menjalankan ajaran Islam secara kaffah, dan sifat pembangunan mestilah multi dimensi yang merangkumi pemuasan secara fisik maupun ruh. Termasuk pembangunan ekonomi juga mesti dapat menciptakan keseimbangan antara kepentingan individu dan kepentingan masyarakat, kebaikan yang seimbang dan konsisten sesuai kaedah-kaedah agama Islam. Tolak ukur keberhasilan pembangunan ini apabila tuntutan khilafah, ‘adalah dan tazkiyah dapat memenuhi seluruh keperluan dasar setiap insan dan pelestarian alam sekitar untuk jangka panjang generasi selanjutnya

    Doktrin Objektivisme Ilmu Pengetahuan Modern

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    This paper proves that the doctrine of scientific objectivism which then leads as the final truth in the world of science is only a figment, due to the fact that the main method used in the world of science it self contains a lot of weaknesses. Therefore, scientific truth is not the only truth that is needed and used as guidance for human life, but there are other truths which are so necessary to complement the scientific truth.DOI: 10.15408/ref.v13i4.90

    Memadukan Kembali Eksoterisme Dan Esoterisme Dalam Islam

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    : Reintegrating Exoterisme and Esoterisme in Islam. There have been a misnderstanding amonngst some Muslims between the exoteric of rituals or syariah and the esoteric dimension of tasawuf or mystisism in Islam. Those who give more weight for exoteric dimension regarded the esoteric of no great concern and even sometimes have departed from the Islamic teachings. For those who support the esoteric dimension, however, considered the exoteric to be unusefull, since man had been able to uncover the mystery of God. Ideally, the exoteric and esoteric dimensions are separate whole, both of which are an integrated part of Islamic tenets. This essay, is going to shed some lights on esoteric and exoteric dimension of Islam. The author concludes that the esoteric dimension of tasawuf is need by human being so that equilibrium can be maintained in facing their lives and will give more spiritual impetus in understanding the deemed rigid and wither syariah

    Maqâshid Syarî'ah Approach on the Empowerment of Human Resources in Mulyodadi Village Bantul YOGYAKARTA

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    The process of community economic development by involving the community directly from planning, implementation to evaluation is a model of empowerment that raises human dignity on the real essence. The villagers is not only an object of development, but every individual is required to be involved in the whole process of empowerment. This article tries to analyze the inhibiting factors as well as solutions of empowerment program of Human Resources in Mulyodadi village. By using qualitative method and taking data through interview, observation, and documentation (triangulation). Finally this article found two factors inhibiting the empowerment of human resources that is internal and external aspects. However, these two factors can be solved with some solutions and approaches made by the government and the community

    Model Blended Learning di Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Untirta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan bidang studi (content knowledge) sebagai unsur pembentuk kompetensi mahasiswa calon guru matematika dengan pembelajaran blended learning. Pengetahuan bidang studi dalam hal ini disebut hasil belajar. Desain penelitian menggunakan kuasi eksperimen karena akan membandingkan pengaruh suatu perlakuan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes. Untuk uji persyaratan normalitas, digunakan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov, sedangkan uji homogenitas digunakan uji Levene. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan rerata, digunakan uji-t jika data berdistribusi normal. Sementara, jika data tidak berdistribusi normal digunakan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil tes akhir pembelajaran dibandingkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh blended learning terhadap hasil belajar. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar kelas blended learning lebih baik daripada kelas biasa. Selain itu, mahasiswa blended learning lebih aktif mengerjakan tugas daripada kelas biasa

    Understanding on Strategies of Teaching Mathematical Proof for Undergraduate Students

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    Many researches revealed that many students have difficulties in constructing proofs. Based on our empirical data, we develop a quadrant model to describe students\u27 classification of proof result. The quadrant model classifies a students\u27 proof construction based on the result of mathematical thinking. The aim of this article is to describe a students\u27 comprehension of proof based on the quadrant model in order to give appropriate suggested learning. The research is an explorative research and was conducted on 26 students majored in mathematics education in public university in Banten province, Indonesia. The main instrument in explorative research was researcher itself. The support instruments are proving-task and interview guides. These instruments were validated from two lecturers in order to guarantee the quality of instruments.Based on the results, some appropriate learning activities should be designed to support the students\u27 characteristics from each quadrant, i.e: a hermeneutics approach, using the two-column form method, learning using worked-example, or using structural method

    Pengobatan Alternatif Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    : Alternative Medicine in the Perspective of Islamic Law. This article discusses the model of Islamic medicine. This is done because there are many opinions and views on what exactly is meant by the term Islamic medicine. Whether it is a medical discipline based on the Quran and al-Sunnah, or a method of treatment taken by the Muslims through the best formula when they are in the best condition, or whether it is a model of alternative treatment that is obtained through the God Guidance. These questions are of particular interest to answer, given the Quran and al-Sunnah, besides regulating the relations among human beings, between man and God, and between man and his environment, also contain cues and meanings that can be used as guidance in the practice of healing various diseases, both psychiatric and physical illnesses
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