10 research outputs found

    Increase in mammography detected breast cancer over time at a community based regional cancer center: a longitudinal cohort study 1990–2005

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    Background: Coincident with the advent of mammography screening, breast carcinoma in situ has increased in the US population. Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study of all women presenting with primary breast cancer, aged 21-94, and biopsy confirmed Stage 0-IV from 1990-2005 identified and tracked by our registry. Clinical presentation characteristics including age, race, TNM stage, family and pregnancy history, histologic type and method of detection by patient (PtD), physician (PhysD) or mammography (MgD) were chart abstracted at time of diagnosis. Cases with unknown or other method of detection (n = 84), or unusual cell types (n = 26) were removed (n = 6074). Results: From 1990 to 1998 the percentage of PtD and MgD cases was roughly equivalent. In 1999 the percentage of MgD cases increased to 56% and PtD dropped to 37%, a significant 20% differential, constant to 2005 (Pearson chi square = 120.99, p less than .001). Overall, percent TNM stage 0 (breast carcinoma in situ) cases increased after 1990, percent stage I and III cases declined, and stage II and IV cases remained constant (Pearson chi square = 218.36, p less than .001). Increase in MgD over time differed by age group with an 8.5% increase among women age 40-49 and 12% increase among women age 50-95. Women age 21-39 rarely had MgD BC. In forward stepwise logistic regression modeling, significant predictors of MgD BC by order of entry were TNM stage, age at diagnosis, diagnosis year, and race (chi square = 1867.56, p less than .001). Conclusion: In our cohort the relative proportion of mammography detected breast cancer increased over time with a higher increase among women age 50+ and an increase of breast carcinoma in situ exclusively among MgD cases. The increase among women currently targeted by mammography screening programs (age = 50) combined with an increase of breast carcinoma in situ most often detected by mammography screening indicates a possible incidence shift to lower stage breast cancer as a result of mammographic detection.Kaplan Research Fun

    Rising incidence of breast cancer among female cancer survivors: implications for surveillance

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    The number of female cancer survivors has been rising rapidly. We assessed the occurrence of breast cancer in these survivors over time. We computed incidence of primary breast cancer in two cohorts of female cancer survivors with a first diagnosis of cancer at ages 30+ in the periods 1975–1979 and 1990–1994. Cohorts were followed for 10 years through a population-based cancer registry. Over a period of 15 years, the incidence rate of breast cancer among female cancer survivors increased by 30% (age-standardised rate ratio (RR-adj): 1.30; 95% CI: 1.03–1.68). The increase was significant for non-breast cancer survivors (RR-adj: 1.41, 95% CI: 1.04–2.75). During the study period, the rate of second breast cancer stage II tripled (RR-adj: 3.10, 95% CI: 1.73–5.78). Non-breast cancer survivors had a significantly (P value=0.005) more unfavourable stage distribution (62% stage II and III) than breast cancer survivors (32% stage II and III). A marked rise in breast cancer incidence among female cancer survivors was observed. Research to optimise follow-up strategies for these women to detect breast cancer at an early stage is warranted

    Tumor Characteristics in Screen-Detected and Symptomatic Breast Cancers

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    The natural course of early breast cancer has changed as a result of the introduction of mammographic screening. The present aim was a prospective analysis of screen-detected and symptomatic operable breast cancers in the era of mammographic service screening. The mode of detection (screen-detected, symptomatic or interval cancer), the type of mammographic image and other characteristics (the invasive tumor size, histological tumor type, grade, nodal, hormone receptor and HER2 status and the presence of lymphovascular invasion) of 569 invasive breast cancers were studied. Screen-detected cancers were significantly more frequently of grade I, <10 mm of size and nodenegative (p<0.001, respectively). Symptomatic/interval cancers were significantly more frequently of grade 3, >20 mm of size (p<0.001), and exhibited lymphovascular invasion (p=0.001). Screening-detection of the tumor favored breast-conserving surgery, sentinel lymph node biopsy and the avoidance of chemotherapy (p<0.001). Cancers associated with casting-type calcifications on the mammogram were typically of ductal type (p=0.043), of grade 2–3, estrogen receptor and progesterone receptornegative and HER2-positive (p<0.001). Interval cancers occurred significantly more often at a younger age and remained mammographically occult as compared with other cancers. Mammographic screen-detected cancers demonstrate more favorable prognostic features, and need less extensive treatment than symptomatic or interval cancers. The mammographic appearance of the tumor reflects its biological behavior, and this should be considered in the management optimization

    Everyday Discrimination, Diabetes-Related Distress, and Depressive Symptoms Among African Americans and Latinos with Diabetes

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    It is not known how discrimination might affect diabetes-related distress (DRD), an important correlate of diabetes outcomes. We examined correlates of discrimination and the influence of discrimination on DRD and depressive symptoms (DS) for African Americans and Latinos with type 2 diabetes. We analyzed survey data (n = 157) collected at enrollment into a diabetes management intervention. Using multiple linear regression, we examined correlates of discrimination and the association between discrimination and DRD and DS. Discrimination was significantly associated with higher DRD for Latinos (b 1.58, 95 % CI 1.08, 2.31, p < 0.05), but not significant for African Americans (b 0.96, 95 % CI 0.59, 1.57). Discrimination was marginally significantly associated with more DS for Latinos (b 1.43, 95 % CI 0.97, 2.12, p < 0.10), but not significant for African Americans (b 1.21, 95 % CI 0.87, 1.70). These findings suggest the need to address stressors unique to racial/ethnic minorities to improve diabetes-related outcomes

    Discrimination and racial disparities in health: evidence and needed research

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    Theories for Race and Gender Differences in Management of Social Identity-Related Stressors: a Systematic Review

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