7 research outputs found

    Projected Prevalence of Inadequate Nutrient Intakes in Europe

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to analyze the prevalence of nutrient intake inadequacy in Europe, applying the Nordic Nutritional Recommendations in the context of the EURRECA Network of Excellence. Methods: Nutrient data was obtained from the European Nutrition and Health Report II. Those nutritional surveys using a validated food frequency questionnaire or diet history and a food diary/register with at least 7 days of registers or with an adjustment for intraindividual variability were included. The nutrients analyzed were: vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B-12, folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, and iodine. The estimated average requirement cut point was applied to estimate inadequacy. The Nordic and Institute of Medicine nutrient recommendations were used as references. Results: The mean prevalence of inadequacy was below 11% for zinc, iron, and vitamin B-12 (only in the elderly), and it was 11-20% for copper in adults and the elderly and for vitamin B-12 in adults and vitamin C in the elderly. The prevalence was above 20% for vitamin D, folic acid, calcium, selenium, and iodine in adults and the elderly and for vitamin C in adults. Conclusions: Vitamin C, vitamin D, folic acid, calcium, selenium, and iodine were the nutrients showing a higher prevalence of inadequate intakes in Europe. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Atualizações em guias alimentares para crianças e adolescentes: uma revisão Updating dietary guides for children and adolescents: a review

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    OBJETIVO: apresentar uma revisão dos guias alimentares desenvolvidos para crianças e adolescentes. MÉTODOS: revisão sistemática conduzida nas bases de dados Medline e Lilacs e em sites institucionais. Incluíram-se documentos publicados entre 2000-2010. RESULTADOS: foram identificados 17 guias alimentares publicados no mundo, sendo dez na América Latina, três na América do Norte, dois na Europa e dois na Ásia e Oceania. Os guias se diferenciaram quanto à sua estrutura, podendo ser organizados em diretrizes nutricionais, representações gráficas ou em ambas. O conteúdo das diretrizes nutricionais, bem como o número de grupos alimentares e a representação gráfica utilizada nos manuais também são variáveis conforme cultura alimentar da população. Dezesseis guias enfocaram orientações sobre alimentos em detrimento dos nutrientes, sendo que o guia japonês está organizado em recomendações de consumo de preparações de alimentos, se configurando em um instrumento de mais fácil compreensão. Todos os guias alimentares identificados para crianças menores de dois anos (n=5) foram elaborados na América Latina, além de terem sido detectados três manuais, cujas diretrizes se direcionam aos profissionais de saúde, denotando necessidade de capacitação e atualização dos mesmos. CONCLUSÕES: o estudo apontou para a relevância do emprego dos guias alimentares na abordagem à criança e adolescente, fornecendo bases teóricas para profissionais e órgãos de saúde.<br>OBJECTIVES: to conduct a review of dietary guides for children and adolescents. METHODS: a systematic review of the Medline and Lilacs databases and institutional sites, covering documents published between 2000 and 2010. RESULTS: seventeen dietary guides published were identified worldwide, including ten in Latin America, three in North America, two in Europe and two in Asia/Oceania. The guides differ in terms of structure. Some contain nutritional guidelines, others graphics and some both. The content of the nutritional guidelines, as well as the number of food groups and graphics used in the manual also varied according to the dietary culture of the population. Sixteen guides focus on food rather than nutrients. The Japanese guide, for example, contains recommendations on how to consume and prepare dishes and is easier to understand. All the dietary guides identified for children aged under two years (n=5) were from Latin America, and three were found whose guidelines were aimed at health professionals, suggesting a need for training and retraining of these. CONCLUSION: the study demonstrates the importance of dietary guides when dealing with children and adolescents, providing a theoretical basis for health professionals and institutions