30 research outputs found

    Aneurysm and Neurocysticercosis: Casual or Causal Relationship? Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Four cases of suggestive inflammatory aneurysms in patients with neurocysticercosis have been described. We report a case of a 49-year-old woman who presented with subarachnoid haemorrhage from a right middle cerebral artery bifurcation aneurysm and had a casual relationship with neurocysticercosis. At surgery, a viable cysticercus without signs of inflammation or thickened leptomeninges was found in the distal position of the aneurysm. Postoperatively, the patient received albendazole and dextrochlorpheniramine. In the subsequent three years, the patient was asymptomatic and took drugs to prevent convulsion and arterial hypertension. The relationship between NCC and the presence of cerebral aneurysm is discussed

    Aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos da neurocisticercose no Brasil: análise crítica

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    Com o objetivo de mostrar as características da neurocisticercose (NCC) no Brasil, realizou-se análise critica da literatura nacional que mostrou incidência de 1,5% nas necropsias e de 3,0% nos estudos clínicos, correspondendo a 0,3% das admissões em hospitais gerais. em estudos soroepidemiológicos, a positividade para cisticercose foi de 2,3%. O paciente brasileiro com NCC pode apresentar um perfil clínico-epidemiológico geral (homem, 31-50 anos, procedência rural, manifestações epilépticas parciais complexas, LCR normal ou hiperproteinorraquia, calcificações ao exame de TC, constituindo a expressão da forma inativa da NCC) e outro de gravidade (mulher, 21-40 anos, procedência urbana, manifestações de cefaléia vascular e HIC, típica síndrome do LCR ou alteração de dois ou mais parâmetros, vesículas associadas ou não a calcificações ao exame de TC, constituindo a expressão da forma ativa da NCC). Os coeficientes de prevalência nacionais são muito subestimados, embora em duas cidades do interior de São Paulo tenham sido verificados os valores de 72:100.000 e 96:100.000/habitantes. Discutem-se aspectos relacionados à subestimação da prevalência desta neuroparasitose no Brasil.With the objective to show the characteristics of neurocysticercosis (NCC) in Brazil, was performed a critical analysis of national literature which showed a frequency of 1.5% in autopsies and 3.0% in clinical studies, corresponding to 0.3% of all admissions in general hospitals. In seroepidemiological studies the positivity of specific reactions was 2.3%. Brazilian patient with NCC presents a general clinical-epidemilogical profile (31-50 years old man, rural origin, complex partial epileptic crisis, increased protein levels or normal CSF, CT showing calcifications, constituting the inactive form of NCC), and a profile of severity (21-40 years old woman, urban origin, vascular headache and intracranial hypertension, typical CSF syndrome of NCC or alteration of two or more CSF parameters, CT showing vesicles and/or calcifications, constituting the active form of NCC). Although two localities from the state of São Paulo have 72:100000 and 96:100000/habitants as prevalence coefficients, regional and national prevalences are very underestimated. Some aspects related to underestimation of NCC prevalence in Brazil are discussed

    Epidemiologia da neurocisticercose no Brasil

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    A revision of literature was done with the objective of tracing an epidemiologic profile of neurocysticercosis (NCC) in Brazil. The prevalence was 0.12-9% in autopsies. The frequency was 0.03-7.5% in clinical series and 0.68-5.2% in seroepidemiological studies. The disease corresponds to 0.08-2.5% of admissions to general hospitals. Patient origin was rural in 30-63% of cases. The most involved age range (64-100%) was 11 to 60 years, with a predominance (22-67%) between 21 and 40 years. The male sex was the most affected (51-80%). In the severe forms there was a predominance of urban origin (53-62%) and of the female sex (53-75%). The period of hospitalization ranges from 1 to 254 days and 33 to 50% of patients suffer 1.7 ± 1.4 admissions. The clinical picture was variable, with a predominance of epileptic syndrome (22-92%) and intracranial hypertension (19-89%). Psychiatric manifestations were associated in 9-23% of patients. Lethality was 0.29% in terms of all diseases in general and 4.8-25.9% in terms of neurologic diseases. The asymptomatic form was detected in 6% of patients in clinical serie and in 48.5% of case from autopsies. The racemose form and ventricular localization also was observed as asymptomatic form. Among the patients with cutaneous cysticercosis 65% of them showed neurologic manifestations.Realizou-se revisĂŁo da literatura com o objetivo de tentar delinear um perfil epidemiolĂłgico da neurocisticercose no Brasil. A prevalĂŞncia em necrĂłpsias variou de 0,12-9%. A freqĂĽĂŞncia, nas casuĂ­sticas clĂ­nicas foi de 0,03-7,5% e, nos estudos soroepidemiolĂłgicos, de 0,68-5,2%. Compreendeu 0,08-2,5% das internações em hospitais gerais. A procedĂŞncia foi rural em 30-63% dos doentes. Comprometeu mais (64-100%) na faixa etária dos 11 aos 60 anos, predominantemente (22-67%) entre 21 e 40 anos. O sexo masculino foi mais atingido (51-80%). Nas formas graves, houve predomĂ­nio da origem urbana (53-62%) e do sexo feminino (53-75%). O perĂ­odo de internação variou de 1 -254 dias, com 33 a 50% dos doentes necessitando 1.7 ± 1,4 admissões. Houve variabilidade no quadro clĂ­nico, predominando sĂ­ndrome epilĂ©ptica (22-92%) e hipertensĂŁo intracraniana (19-89%). A presença de manifestações psiquiátricas foi observada em 9-23% dos doentes. A letalidade, frente as doenças em geral, foi de 0,29% e, entre as doenças neurolĂłgicas, de 4,8-25,9%. A forma assintomática foi detectada em 6% dos doentes de casuĂ­stica clĂ­nica e em 48,5% dos casos de necrĂłpsia. A forma racemosa e a localização ventricular tambĂ©m se apresentaram de maneira assintomática. Entre os doentes com cisticercose cutânea, 65% apresentavam manifestações neurolĂłgicas