44 research outputs found

    Effects of Physical Exercise and of Dietary Protein Levels on Nitrogen Retention in Energy-Restricted Adult Rats

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    たんぱく質および脂肪含量が異なる種々の実験食を自由摂取時の50〜60%量与え, 同時に1日30分のトレッドミル歩行(20m/分)または50分の遊泳を課して10〜35日間減量させた成熟ラット(約100日齢)について, 窒素出納, 体組成, 血液性状, 筋グリコーゲン量などを測定し, 以下の成績が得られた.1.食餌制限した運動負荷ラットは, たんぱく質摂取水準が等しい非運動ラットに比べて窒素保留量の増加がみられ, 体構成的にも水分とたんぱく質が多くなり脂肪が著るしく減少した.2.運動・非運動群ともに, 25%カゼイン食給与ラットは10%および40%カゼイン食ラットと比較すると, 窒素出納が正に傾き, 減食に伴う体たんぱく質の損失も著るしく軽減された.3.食餌制限下においても, 運動群ラットの血清コレステロール値は同一食の非運動群ラットよりも低下する傾向が認められた.また, 自由摂取時に血清コレステロール上昇作用をもつラードとカゼインは食餌中の添加量が増すにつれ, 減食中のラットに対しても血清コレステロール値を高めるように作用した.4.10%カゼイン食給与ラットを食餌制限と運動負荷を併用して減量させると貧血傾向が出現したが, 25%および40%カゼイン食ラットではこの傾向は認められなかった.運動群ラットの筋グリコーゲン量は非運動群ラットに比べて著明に増加した.以上の結果から, 減食時の運動は体たんぱく質さらには活性組織の損失を抑制し体脂肪の減少を促進するほかに, 血清コレステロール値を低下させ筋グリコーゲン量を高めるなど, 体力・保健上有利な作用を示すことが明らかになった.また, 減食時の体構成の変化に食餌たんぱく質量, 血清コレステロール値には食餌脂肪がそれぞれ強く影響する

    Risk Factors for Bleeding After Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Gastric Cancer in Elderly Patients Older Than 80 Years in Japan.

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    Introduction:As the aging of people in a society advances, the number of elderly patients older than 80 years in Japan with gastric cancer continues to increase. Although delayed ulcer bleeding is a major adverse event after endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), little is known about characteristic risk factors for bleeding in elderly patients undergoing ESD. This study aimed to evaluate risk factors for delayed bleeding after ESD for gastric cancer in elderly patients older than 80 years.Methods:We retrospectively evaluated the incidence of delayed bleeding after ESD in 10,320 patients with early-stage gastric cancer resected by ESD between November 2013 and January 2016 at 33 Japanese institutions and investigated risk factors for delayed bleeding in elderly patients older than 80 years.Results:The incidence of delayed bleeding in elderly patients older than 80 years was 5.7% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 4.6%-6.9%, 95/1,675), which was significantly higher than that in nonelderly (older than 20 years and younger than 80 years) patients (4.5%, 4.1%-5.0%, 393/8,645). Predictive factors for ESD-associated bleeding differed between nonelderly and elderly patients. On multivariate analysis of predictive factors at the time of treatment, risk factors in elderly patients were hemodialysis (odds ratio: 4.591, 95% CI: 2.056-10.248, P < 0.001) and warfarin use (odds ratio: 4.783, 95% CI: 1.689-13.540, P = 0.003).Discussion:This multicenter study found that the incidence of delayed bleeding after ESD in Japanese patients older than 80 years was high, especially in patients receiving hemodialysis and taking warfarin. Management of ESD to prevent delayed bleeding requires particular care in patients older than 80 years

    experimental methods and techniques 328 Generation of an X-ray microbeam for spectromicroscopy at SPring-8 BL39XU

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    A pair of elliptical mirrors (KB mirror) was designed and fabricated to realize an energy tunable x-ray microbeam for spectromicroscopy at SPring-8 BL39XU. As is commonly recognized, the obtainable beam size with the aspherical total reflection mirrors is strongly affected with the slope error of the mirror. Considering that the extremely high brilliance of the undulator radiation from the SPring-8, the small mirror size and the small mirror-to-focus distance were employed to minimize effects of the slope error. Preliminary evaluation of the KB mirror was carried out using 10 keV monochromatized undulator radiation. Alignment of the mirror was assisted by the beam monitor system composed of a scintillator and a CCD, and the beam size less than 5 µm can be easily achieved even when the source was fully used. The beam size obtained with this experiment was 2 x 4 µm 2 with the photon flux of 1 x 10 10 photons/s. Smaller beam size may be expected with the use of intermediate slits. Characterization of trace elements with the spatial resolution will be carried out by using x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis and x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurements with XRF yield method

    Electrosynthesis of Layered Organo-Manganese Dioxide Framework-Doped with Cobalt for Iodide Sensing

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    Aqueous Mn<sup>2+</sup> ions were anodized at 70 °C with Co<sup>2+</sup> in the presence of cationic surfactant, cetyltrimethylammonium (CTA). X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed that the deposited film possesses a layered structure of MnO<sub>2</sub>, the interlayer of which is occupied with the assembled CTA molecules. Inclusion of Co ions in the MnO<sub>2</sub> film was evidenced by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). They were located in the MnO<sub>2</sub> framework, not in the interlayer. The thus-obtained film, CTA-intercalated Co-framework-doped layered MnO<sub>2</sub> (CTA/Co-MnO<sub>2</sub>), was applied as an electrochemical sensor toward iodide (I<sup>–</sup>), a hydrophobic anion. The organic phase between MnO<sub>2</sub> layers could extract I<sup>–</sup> ions from solution, providing a better sensitivity than a film consisting of layered MnO<sub>2</sub> with hydrated alkali metals. On the other hand, the Co-doped layers of MnO<sub>2</sub> achieved faster electron transfer kinetics for the oxidation of I<sup>–</sup>, which resulted in a drastic reduction in response time compared to the nondoped CTA/MnO<sub>2</sub>


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    A Case of Rapidly-Progressing Cervical Spine Subependymoma with Atypical Features

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    This was a study of the case of a 60-year-old woman who presented with a six-month history of headache and numbness radiating to the right arm. MRI revealed a fusiform intramedullary spinal tumor spanning C2 to C5 at the hospital where she first presented. As her right upper limb weakness had presented gradually, she visited our hospital after one and a half years. Neurological examination revealed muscle weakness in the right deltoid, but no sensory disturbance. The patient underwent a C2-C6 total laminectomy and posterior midline myelotomy from the posterior median fissure of the spinal cord. The intraoperative histological diagnosis was glioma. Pathological findings in low magnification demonstrated clusters of small uniform nuclei embedded in a dense and fibrillary matrix in hematoxylin-eosin staining (H.E.). On immunohistochemical staining, the tumor cells were weakly positive for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), but negative for the epithelial membrane antigen (EMA). The histopathological findings were consistent with the diagnosis of a subependymoma. However, the MIB-1 labeling index was of moderately high level up to approximately 8%. In this case, we performed total resection because the tumor had rapidly increased in size and was of atypical form in histological findings. It should be minded that some of subependymomas have a possibility of rapidly increasing in size with progressing neurological deficits

    Potential Involvement of Oxidative Stress in Ligamentum Flavum Hypertrophy

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    Oxidative stress (OS) results in many disorders, of which degenerative musculoskeletal conditions are no exception. However, the interaction between OS and ligamentum flavum (LF) hypertrophy in lumbar spinal canal stenosis is not clearly understood. The first research question was whether OS was involved in LF hypertrophy, and the second was whether the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) was effective on LF hypertrophy. In total, 47 LF samples were collected from patients with lumbar spinal disorders. The cross-sectional area of LF was measured on axial magnetic resonance imaging. Immunohistochemistry of 8-OHdG and TNF-&alpha; were conducted on human LF samples. A positive association was found between 8-OHdG or TNF-&alpha; expression and cross-sectional area of LF. Flow cytometry analysis showed that H2O2, buthionine sulfoximine, and TNF-&alpha; treatment significantly increased intracellular reactive oxygen species in primary LF cells. NAC inhibited the induction of LF hypertrophy markers by OS or TNF in a real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Western blotting analysis indicated that p38, Erk, and p65 phosphorylation were involved in intracellular OS signaling in LF cells. In conclusion, our results indicated that OS could be a therapeutic target for LF hypertrophy. Although this study included no in vivo studies to examine the longitudinal efficacy of NAC on LF hypertrophy, NAC may have potential as a therapeutic agent against lumbar spinal canal stenosis