705 research outputs found

    Tachyons in Compact Spaces

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    We discuss condensations of closed string tachyons localized in compact spaces. Time evolution of an on-shell condensation is naturally related to the worldsheet RG flow. Some explicit tachyonic compactifications of Type II string theory is considered, and some of them are shown to decay into supersymmetric theories known as the little string theories.Comment: 14 page

    Dark energy from primordial inflationary quantum fluctuations

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    We show that current cosmic acceleration can be explained by an almost massless scalar field experiencing quantum fluctuations during primordial inflation. Provided its mass does not exceed the Hubble parameter today, this field has been frozen during the cosmological ages to start dominating the universe only recently. By using supernovae data, completed with baryonic acoustic oscillations from galaxy surveys and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, we infer the energy scale of primordial inflation to be around a few TeV, which implies a negligible tensor-to-scalar ratio of the primordial fluctuations. Moreover, our model suggests that inflation lasted for an extremely long period. Dark energy could therefore be a natural consequence of cosmic inflation close to the electroweak energy scale.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, uses RevTeX. Physical discussion extended, misprints corrected, references added. Matches published versio

    Non-Gaussianity from Symmetry

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    We point out that a light scalar field fluctuating around a symmetry-enhaced point can generate large non-Gaussianity in density fluctuations. We name such a particle as an "ungaussiton", a scalar field dominantly produced by the quantum fluctuations,generating sizable non-Gaussianity in the density fluctuations. We derive a consistency relation between the bispectrum and the trispectrum, tau_NL = 10^3 f_NL^(4/3), which can be extended to arbitrary high order correlation functions. If such a relation is confirmed by future observations, it will strongly support this mechanism.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure;v2 discussion and references added. To appear in JCA

    Closed String Tachyons and Semi-Classical Instabilities

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    We conjecture that the end point of bulk closed string tachyon decay at any non-zero coupling, is the annihilation of space time by Witten's bubble of nothing, resulting in a topological phase of the theory. In support of this we present a variety of situations in which there is a correspondence between the existence of perturbative tachyons in one regime and the semi-classical annihilation of space-time. Our discussion will include many recently investigated scenarios in string theory including Scherk-Schwarz compactifications, Melvin magnetic backgrounds, and noncompact orbifolds. We use this conjecture to investigate a possible web of dualities relating the eleven-dimensional Fabinger-Horava background with nonsupersymmetric string theories. Along the way we point out where our conjecture resolves some of the puzzles associated with bulk closed string tachyon condensation.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures 3 figures added, typos corrected and references added. Discussion of Type 0/Heterotic s-duality extended and some other points clarified Revision of discussion on Fabinger-Horava string descendents, section on Scherk-Schwarz compactification of Horava-Witten removed, some references adde

    Higher Order Corrections to the Primordial Gravitational Wave Spectrum and its Impact on Parameter Estimates for Inflation

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    We study the impact of the use of the power series expression for the primordial tensor spectrum on parameter estimation from future direct detection gravitational wave experiments. The spectrum approximated by the power series expansion may give large deviation from the true (fiducial) value when it is normalized at CMB scale because of the large separation between CMB and direct detection scales. We derive the coefficients of the higher order terms of the expansion up to the sixth order within the framework of the slow-roll approximation and investigate how well the inclusion of higher order terms improves the analytic prediction of the spectrum amplitude by comparing with numerical results. Using the power series expression, we consider future constraints on inflationary parameters expected from direct detection experiments of the inflationary gravitational wave background and show that the truncation of the higher order terms can lead to incorrect evaluation of the parameters. We present two example models; a quadratic chaotic inflation model and mixed inflaton and curvaton model with a quartic inflaton potential.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, revised version accepted by JCA

    Non-Gaussianity from isocurvature perturbations

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    We develop a formalism to study non-Gaussianity in both curvature and isocurvature perturbations. It is shown that non-Gaussianity in the isocurvature perturbation between dark matter and photons leaves distinct signatures in the CMB temperature fluctuations, which may be confirmed in future experiments, or possibly, even in the currently available observational data. As an explicit example, we consider the QCD axion and show that it can actually induce sizable non-Gaussianity for the inflationary scale, H_{inf} = O(10^9 - 10^{11})GeV.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures; references added; version to appear in JCA

    Evolution of FLRW spacetime after the birth of a cosmic string

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    We consider the evolution of an initially FLRW universe after the formation of a long, straight, cosmic string with arbitrary tension and mass per unit length. The birth of the string sources scalar and tensor-type perturbations in the background metric and both density and velocity perturbations in the background fluid, which compensate for the string mass and maintain energy conservation. The former generate the deficit angle within the light cone of the string and a gravitational shock front at the cosmological horizon, whereas the latter are confined within the sound cone. We study the properties of the metric within each region of the resulting spacetime and give the explicit coordinate transformations which demonstrate non-violation of causality. This paper generalizes the work of previous studies for the Nambu-Goto string.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, published versio

    Closed String Tachyon Condensation on Twisted Circles

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    We study IIA/B string theory compactified on twisted circles. These models possess closed string tachyons and reduce to type 0B/A theory in a special limit. Using methods of gauged linear sigma models and mirror symmetry we construct a conformal field theory which interpolates between these models and flat space via an auxiliary Liouville direction. Interpreting motion in the Liouville direction as renormalization group flow, we argue that the end point of tachyon condensation in all these models (including 0B/A theory) is supersymmetric type II theory. We also find a zero-slope limit of these models which is best described in a T-dual picture as a type II NS-NS fluxbrane. In this limit tachyon condensation is an interesting and well posed problem in supergravity. We explicitly determine the tachyon as a fluctuation of supergravity fields, and perform a rudimentary numerical analysis of the relevant flows.Comment: 21 pages plus appendices (12 pages), harvmac, 1 fig, v2: minor changes and references added, v3: minor changes version published in JHE

    Non-linear isocurvature perturbations and non-Gaussianities

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    We study non-linear primordial adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations and their non-Gaussianity. After giving a general formulation in the context of an extended delta N-formalism, we analyse in detail two illustrative examples. The first is a mixed curvaton-inflaton scenario in which fluctuations of both the inflaton and a curvaton (a light isocurvature field during inflation) contribute to the primordial density perturbation. The second example is that of double inflation involving two decoupled massive scalar fields during inflation. In the mixed curvaton-inflaton scenario we find that the bispectrum of primordial isocurvature perturbations may be large and comparable to the bispectrum of adiabatic curvature perturbations.Comment: 24 pages, typos corrected, references adde

    Ricci flows and expansion in axion-dilaton cosmology

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    We study renormalization-group flows by deforming a class of conformal sigma-models. We consider overall scale factor perturbation of Einstein spaces as well as more general anisotropic deformations of three-spheres. At leading order in alpha, renormalization-group equations turn out to be Ricci flows. In the three-sphere background, the latter is the Halphen system, which is exactly solvable in terms of modular forms. We also analyze time-dependent deformations of these systems supplemented with an extra time coordinate and time-dependent dilaton. In some regimes time evolution is identified with renormalization-group flow and time coordinate can appear as Liouville field. The resulting space-time interpretation is that of a homogeneous isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe in axion-dilaton cosmology. We find as general behaviour the superposition of a big-bang (polynomial) expansion with a finite number of oscillations at early times. Any initial anisotropy disappears during the evolution.Comment: 22 page
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