30 research outputs found

    Perancangan Rute Distribusi Beras Sejahtera Menggunakan Algoritma Ant Colony Optimization (Studi Kasus di BULOG Kabupaten Semarang

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    Distribution activity has a very important role in the supply chain. Distribution is an activity to send the goods or products from the supplier or manufacturer to the consumer. PERUM BULOG in Semarang district is responsible for distributing beras sejahtera from warehouses to distribution points spread over 19 districts. The distribution process that PERUM BULOG Semarang district apllied to distribute beras sejahtera takes enormous costs and time. This is due to the lack of distribution design from PERUM BULOG Semarang district so the distribution distance is not optimal and ineffective use of vehicles. This research aims to design beras sejahtera distribution route by optimizing the distance to be traversed and also the use of vehicles using Ant Colony Optimization algorithms. Ant Colony Optimization is a metaheuristic optimization method which adopts the behavior of ant colonies in taking food to the nest. Ant Colony Optimization optimize the distance between points distribution one with the other distribution points based on the intensity of the pheromone that exist at each distribution point. From the old method that applied PERUM BULOG Subdivre Semarang requires 1100.4 km distance, 24 trucks and distribution costs Rp . 58,142,204.00 . From Ant Colony Optimization algorithm requires a distance of 966.2 km, 12 trucks and distribution costs needed is Rp . 30,939,232.00 . By applying these Ant colony optimization algorithm results obtained distance reduction of 12% , the cost savings of 47% , and savings of 50% use of the truck to a distribution proces

    Mortality and Ingrowth Pattern of Dipterocarps in Forest Recovery in East Kalimantan

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    In primary and logged-over natural forest, the stand conditions such as stand structure, mortality and ingrowth rates will vary according to the species characteristic. The study objective was to determine mortality and ingrowth/recruitment rates to formulate biometric characteristic variability of dipterocarps forest in logged-over forests based on time series data. The study site was located in Labanan, East Kalimantan Province. Permanent measurement plots within logged-over forest were located to represent threedifferent logging techniques, i.e., (a)reduced impact logging with limit diameter 50 cm (RIL 50), (b) RIL 60, (c) conventional logging and (d) primary forest as control. Total plot permanent area about 48 ha that measured 2 years periodically along 17 years after logging. Data analysis of stands were divided into two major groups, i.e., Dipterocarps and non Dipterocarps. The mortality rates on logged forest were 2.5-29.3% ha-1 2yr-1 then very closed to primary forest after the 5th year after logging. While the ingrowth rate in logged forest were 1.3 – 21.3% ha-1 2yr-1 that have higher value than the primary forest along 17 years. The mortality and ingrowth rates fluctuation of Dipterocarps species group having different pattern with non Dipterocarps

    The tropical managed forests observatory: a research network addressing the future of tropical logged forests.

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    While attention on logging in the tropics has been increasing, studies on the long-term effects of silviculture on forest dynamics and ecology remain scare and spatially limited. Indeed, most of our knowledge on tropical forests arises from studies carried out in undisturbed tropical forests. This biasis problematic given that logged and disturbed tropical forests are now covering a larger area thantheso-alled primary forests. A new network of permanent sample plots in logged forests, the Tropical managed Forests Observatory (TmFO), aims to ?ll this gap by providing unprecedented opportunities to examine long-term data on the resilience of logged tropical forests at regional and global scales. TmFO currently includes 24 experimental sites distributed across three tropical regions, with a total of 490 permanent plots and 921 ha of forest inventories

    Pola Kerapatan Dan Keragaman Tegakan Hutan Dipterokarpa Sekunder (Pattern of Density and Diversity of Secondary Dipterocarps Forest Stand)

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    Penilaian pemulihan hutan sekunder dipterokarpa mempunyai parameter penting, yaitu kerapatan tegakan dan keragaman komposisi jenis hutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kecenderungan pola Perubahan kerapatan dan keragaman tegakan pada hutan alam dipterokarpa sekunder berdasarkan variasi umur tebangan sebagai proyeksi tingkat pemulihan (recovery) alami yang terjadi pada hutan alam produksi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di IUPHHK Hutan Alam PT Gunung Gajah Abadi, Wahau, Kalimantan Timur. Periode pengumpulan data pada tahun 2016-2019 dengan pembuatan plot sampling temporer sebanyak 11 plot (seluas 11 ha) pada tujuh variasi umur tebangan. Parameter kerapatan (jumlah pohon dan bidang dasar per satuan luas) dan keragaman (jumlah jenis, indeks keanekaragaman, kelimpahan jenis dan indeks kemerataan jenis) tegakan hutan sekunder dipterokarpa akan bervariasi sepanjang umur tebangan. Bentuk hubungan parameter kerapatan tegakan, indeks kelimpahan dan indeks kemerataan jenis adalah berbentuk regresi logaritma, sedangkan untuk parameter bidang dasar tegakan, jumlah dan indeks keanekaragaman jenis berbentuk regresi polynomial atau kuadratik. Umur tegakan setelah penebangan merupakan faktor yang memengaruhi cukup besar terhadap komposisi jumlah jenis, tetapi tidak cukup besar untuk parameter kerapatan dan keragaman tegakan lainnya

    The Valuation of Thinning Effectivity Based on Increment Respond of Natural Forest Log Over Area

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    Efforts to increase the natural forest productivity was conducted using several ways one of which is through thinning but the effectiveness is not well known yet. The research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of thinning techniques to logged-over natural forests based on the response of the stand increment. The study design was an 11-year-old logged-over natural forest stand that was carried out systematic thinning, thinning based on built trees and without treatment with a total area of 24 ha. Data collection is done by census inventory of trees with limit diameter of 10 cm per 2 years periodically. Stand conditions in the research plot varied in value range of density (419-510 stems ha-1) and the base plane (22.66-28.20 m2.ha-1) which were not too wide. The results of the calculation of the base plan of the stand shows that systematic thinning yields a larger stand increment (0.78-1.95 m2.ha-1.2th-1) compared to thinning based on built trees and without treatment. Thinning gives more responsive results for the Dipterocarp species group (the increment value is almost twice to normal) compared to non Dipterocarp. Based on the regression analysis, function of time period has correlation between 25-33% to the basal area increment. A systematic thinning technique approach that is more appropriate for increasing stand productivity