1,072 research outputs found

    Semiotic Communication: An Approach Of Understanding A Meaning In Communication

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    In interpreting communication, we are often trapped in symbols and a set of signs that are used. This is due to our simple assumption that tends assume on symbols or signs that stand alone in representing meaning. We forget that symbols or signs, as well as meaning are complex. Though they are not stand alone. They are representation of the many factors that influence them, including the knowledge and culture of their participants. In media, the meaning of symbols or signs that used to convey news is very dependent on the ideology of the media and the whole organization that manages the media. Even the "reality of truth" is very dependent on the construction of the media in processing it. Likewise in film and music, certain symbols or signs that are used are representations of reality which must be explored and understood as a form of communication, even a picture of the social and cultural reality of the participants. This is where the semiotics in communication emerge, and offer themselves as an important approach in understanding the true meaning of symbols or signs used in a communication process


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    Purpose: This study investigated perceptions about collaborative leadership style via a study among administrative assistants of the faculty of Economics and Management Sciences and Faculty of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia. Precisely, the study examined their perceptions, collective decision making and differences between faculties under study. Methodology: A survey method was employed to collect the data. The data were analyzed using t-test and descriptive statics (frequencies and percentages). A total of 44 administrative assistants were sampled through a self-administered questionnaire from two faculties, namely Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS) and Faculty of Knowledge and Human Sciences (IRKHS) at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Main findings: The results of the analysis indicated that perceptions of administrative assistants were positive towards a collaborative leadership style. The study also found statistically significant differences between administrative assistants of KEMNS and IRKHS. It was found that IRKHS administrative assistant was more elicit to activities of collaborative leadership than their counterparts. Overall, the study revealed that administrative assistants were of the view that applying a collaborative leadership style will facilitate effective decision making in their respective faculties. Implications/Applications: This study is useful for administrative assistants in institutions of higher learning to adopt and adapt to understanding a clear collaborative leadership concept. Therefore, collaboration among staff will be recognized to develop a general perception in the educational institution. Novelty/Originality: In this research collaborative leadership style had been studied among administrative assistants critically. Permission was granted by the Dean of post-graduate studies from the kulliyyah of Education (IIUM)

    Molecular Identification of Fusobacterium Isolates and limitation of Biofilm Formation Adhesion Gene (fadA) in Dental Outpatients

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    ان الافراد التابعة لجنس Fusobacterium متشابهة الى حد كبير للأفراد التابعة لجنس Bacteroides من ناحية كونها سالبة لصبغة كرام ولاهوائية اجبارية، لكن افرادها يمتازون بأن خلاياهم طويلة نحيفة ذات نهايات مستدقة وبعضهم تمتاز بكون نهاياتهم دائرية وبالمجمل تشبه المغزل، تسبب عدة امراض للإنسان مثل التهابات جيوب اللثة وحول الاسنان لهذا هدفت الدراسة الى تشخيص هذه البكتريا جزيئيا وتحديد الجين المسؤول في تكوين الاغشية الحيوية اذ تم الحصول على (10.2%) من بكتريا Fusobacterium spp. من مجموع 39(89%) من العينات المأخوذة من التهابات جيوب اللثة وبعد عزلها وتشخيصها بالاعتماد على نموها في الوسط الخاص بها FSM تحت الظروف اللاهوائية واجراء الاختبارات الكيمياء حيوية عليها وجدنا ان كل العزلات كانت متغايرة النتيجة تجاه اختبار اليوريز والكل حساسة للمضادات الحيوية (IPM10) بنطاق تثبيط (42.7 ملم/قرص)، (CIP10) (27.2 ملم/قرص) و (E15) (25.0 ملم/قرص) على التوالي بينما أظهرت مقاومة لبقية المضادات الأخرى. وجد ان كل الأنواع التابعة لجنس Fusobacterium spp. تحت الدراسة حاوية على الجين 16S rDNA (حجم 360 زوج قاعدي) بينما وجد اثنان من العزلات تمتلك الجين fadA (بحجم 232 زوج قاعدي) المسؤول عن قدرتها على تكوين الاغشية الحيوية. Fusobacterium are compulsory anaerobic gram-negative bacteria, long thin with pointed ends, it causes several illnesses to humans like pocket lesion gingivitis and periodontal disease; therefore our study is constructed on molecular identification and detection of the fadA gene which is responsible for bacterial biofilm formation. In this study, 10.2% Fusobacterium spp. were isolated from pocket lesion gingivitis. The isolates underwent identification depending on several tests under anaerobic conditions and biochemical reactions. All isolates were sensitive to Imipenem (IPM10) 42.7mm/disk, Ciprofloxacin (CIP10) 27.2mm/disk and Erythromycin (E15) 25mm/disk, respectively. 100% of Fusobacterium spp. isolates had 16S rDNA gene (360bp.), whereas two isolates had fadA gene (232bp.

    Menata Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia

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    Kerangka acuan pemikiran dalam penataan dan pengembangan sistem pendidikan Islam, harus mampu mengakomodasikan berbagai pandangan secara selektif sehingga terdapat keterpaduan dalam konsep, yaitu : Pertama, pendidikan harus membangun prinsip kesetaraan antara sektor pendidikan dengan sektor-sektor lain. Kedua, pendidikan merupakan wahana pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mengutamakan penciptaan dan pemeliharaan sumber yang berpengaruh, seperti keluarga, sekolah, media massa, dan dunia usaha. Ketiga, prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan segenap institusi sosial yang ada di dalamnya, terutama institusi yang dilekatkan dengan fungsi mendidik generasi penerus bangsa. Keempat, prinsip kemandirian dalam pendidikan dan prinsip pemerataan menurut warga negara secara individual maupun kolektif untuk memiliki kemampuan bersaing dan sekaligus kemampuan bekerja sama. Kelima, dalam kondisi masyarakat pluralistik diperlukan prinsip toleransi dan konsensus. Keenam, prinsip perencanaan pendidikan. Ketujuh, prinsip rekonstruksionis, bahwa kondisi masyarakat selalu menghendaki Perubahan mendasar. Kedelapan, prinsip pendidikan berorientasi pada peserta didik. Kesembilan, prinsip pendidikan multicultural, Kesepuluh, pendidikan dengan prinsip global, artinya pendidikan harus berperan dan harus menyiapkan peserta didik dalam konstelasi masyarakat global


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    Helicopter as an instrument of war in counter insurgency warfare in Malaysia had its origin during the Malayan emergency 1948-1960. Three helicopters, the Dragonfly, made an entry into Malaya in March 1950 at the request of the Commander-in-Chiefs Committee of the Far East Land Forces on 8 March 1949. The primary role of these helicopters then was for casualty evacuation of wounded troops sustained during operations against the communist terrorists (CTs). Their ability to operate from unprepared areas expanded their roles as an ideal platform for air mobility of troops, supplies, and search and rescue. The flexibility of transporting the troops made the CTs no longer invincible in their own safe havens. More importantly, the morale of the troops was kept high knowing that they would be evacuated fast for medical treatment in the event they were wounded. This article discusses the roles of helicopter during the Malayan emergency. Most of the references are records from the Royal Air Force (RAF), books, and online information. This paper highlights the contributions of helicopters towards the successful ending of the emergency. Keywords: Counter insurgency, Commander-in-Chief of Far East Land Forces, communist terrorists, Malayan emergency, Royal Air Force helicopter squadronsCite as: Sulaiman, N.I. (2017). Helicopters as an instrument of war during the Malayan emergency 1948-1960. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2(2), 188-197.  http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol2iss2pp188-197

    The Perceived Influence of Islamic Banking on Financial Inclusion in Nigeria: A Study of Jaiz Customers in Kano: A Pilot Study

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    This study attempts to examine a few sample data on perceived influence of Islamic banking on financial inclusion in Nigeria: a study of jaiz customers in Kano. Thus, instruments such as content and face validity, reliability and the data normality were also examined base on the on revised version by expert, a few data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS version 16. The result reveals that the instruments are reliable and the data for pilot study show evidence of rational normality. Keywords: Financial inclusion, Ja`iz Bank, formal financial syste


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    The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the implementation of basketball-based shooting learning on the students, to produce basketball shooting learning model, and to develop conceptual model and procedural model of shooting set shoot learning, jump shoot and basketball shoot layup and also to know effectiveness of efficient model. This research and development use Research & Development (R & D) development method from Borg and Gall. Group trials were conducted on second semester students who took basic basketball courses consisting of 4 classes totaling 120 people, 60 treatment groups and 60 as control groups with eight (8) meetings. The effectiveness test of the learning model uses shooting skill set shoot skill instruments, jump shoot and basketball shoot layup using portofolio (process assessment). Analysis of research data using t test with a significance level of 0.05. Data analysis for shoot shooting set obtained an average value of pretest 50.43 and posttest 75.57 t-count ratio and t-table -188.500 <1.67065, while the jump shoot obtained the average value of pretest 57.55 and posttest 82 , 85 t-count comparisons and t-tables -89,235 <1,67065 and for shoot layups, the average pretest score is 48,02 and posttest 73,17 t-count ratio and t-table -167,667 <1,67065, significance (2-tailed) 0.000 with a significance level of 0.05 then of the three H0 rejected. Based on the data analysis, it can be said that the set shoot, jump shoot and drill layup-based learning models for students are developed, effective and can improve the results of basketball shooting learning.   Keywords: Effectiveness, Shooting Basketball Model, Based of Dril

    Torque Studies of 6 Slot-7 Pole Motor for Hybrid Motor

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    Hybrid excitation machines (HEMs) that consist of permanent magnet (PM) and field excitation coil (FEC) as their main flux sources has several attractive features compared to interior permanent magnet synchronous machines (IPMSM) conventionally employed in hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). Hybrid excitation flux switching machines (HEFSM) is one type of HEMs. This is to decrease the PM size in a HEFSM so that the cost of the machine can be reduced. By reducing the size of PM, the torque and the power of the machine will be slightly different from the original PM size. The torque is almost the same as the original sized PM but the size is successfully reduced