136 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Strategis Klinik Mata Papandayan Semarang

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi Rumah Sakit 2015 ABSTRAK Nur Isnayanti Perencanaan Strategis Klinik Mata Papandayan Semarang xviii + 154 halaman + 41 tabel + 11 gambar + 16 lampiran Organisasi kesehatan baik profit maupun non profit dihadapkan pada lingkungan kompetitif yang kompleks. Klinik Mata Papandayan (KMP) membutuhkan pertumbuhan organisasi sehingga perlu menyusun rencana strategi guna menyikapi persaingan demi mengembangkan bisnisnya dengan menganalisis faktor ekternal dan internal menggunakan metode SWOT dan menganalisis kinerja dengan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Perencanaan strategis KMP dibuat agar kegiatan lima tahun ke depan terarah dan tepat sasaran. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, jenis penelitian observasional partisipatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi langsung, wawancara mendalam dan Focused Group Discussion (FGD). Informan utama adalah 3 orang direktur, 3 orang manajer. Dan informan triangulasi komisaris KMP. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis model interaktif yaitu dengan reduksi data, penyajian data dan menarik kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan visi Klinik Mata Papandayan adalah: pusat pelayanan kesehatan mata dan bedah katarak terbaik yang terjangkau untuk seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Misi, memberikan pelayanan kesehatan mata secara profesional dan paripurna, mengembangkan sumber daya dan potensi diri karyawan untuk terus maju dan lebih baik, serta berperan serta aktif mendukung program pemerintah dalam rangka penurunan angka kesakitan mata dan kebutaan. Value statement, Klinik mata profesional yang menggunakan peralatan diagnostik terbarukan dengan pelayanan prima. Goal, selalu tumbuh dan berkembang. Perencanaan strategis disusun dalam Strategy map untuk tahun 2016-2020 BSC.. Rekomendasi penelitian agar KMP membuat perencanaan strategi dengan metode BSC untuk 5 (lima) tahun. Perlu ditinjau ulang perencanaan strategis yang telah dibuat dengan penyesuaian menggunakan kerangka BSC Sosialisasikan perencanaan strategis untuk seluruh karyawan di Klinik Mata Papandayan (KMP). Evaluasi rencana kerja yang telah ditetapkan setiap tahun. Kata kunci : Perencanaan Strategis, SWOT, Balanced Scorecard Kepustakaan : 44 (1996 -2014) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Study Program in Public Health Majoring in Hospital Administration 2015 ABSTRACT Nur Isnayanti A Strategic Plan of Papandayan Eyes Clinic in Semarang xviii + 154 pages + 41 tables + 11 figures + 16 appendices Either profit or non-profit health organisations face a complex and competitive environment. Papandayan Eyes Clinic (PEC) needs to develop its organisation. Therefore, a strategic plan needs to be arranged to anticipate a competition and to develop its business through analysing external and internal factors using a SWOT method and analysing performance using Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach. A strategic plan of PEC was arranged as a guidance of activities to achieve goals for the next five years. This was a qualitative study using an observational-participative design. Data were collected using methods of direct observation, indepth interview, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Main informants consisted of three directors and three managers. A commissioner of PEC was selected as an informant for triangulation purpose. Data were analysed using an interactive model analysis, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The results of this research showed that PEC had a vision as follows: the best centre for eye health services and cataract surgery that is affordable for all people. Meanwhile, a mission of PEC was to provide eye health services professionally and perfectly, to develop human resource and self-potential employees, and to be actively involved in supporting government’s programs to reduce eye morbidity and blindness rates. A value statement, a professional eye clinic uses sophisticated diagnostic equipment accompanied by excellent services. A goal, always grow and develop. A strategic plan was arranged in a strategy map for the years 2016-2020 using a BCS method. PEC needs to make a strategic plan using a BSC method for the next five years. The current strategic plan needs to be reviewed through adjustment using a BSC method. In addition, socialisation of a strategic plan for all employees working at PEC needs to be conducted. A work plan needs to be evaluated annually. Keywords : Strategic plan, SWOT, Balanced Scorecard Bibliography: 44 (1996-2014


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    This study aims to determine how much influence the product, price, location, and promotion to the buying decision that can build customer satisfaction in stores Essy's Brownies Semarang. This study uses four independent variables are product, price, location, and promotion, customer satisfaction as the dependent variable and the purchase decision as an intervening variable. The population used in this study is that consumers who had visited the shop Essy's Brownies Semarang. This research method using a non-probability sampling technique with accidental sampling method. Used as a sample of 160 respondents. Data obtained from the questionnaires were then processed and analyzed using multiple regression analysis and analysis of SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) through the AMOS program. The results showed that the product has a positive influence on purchasing decisions; price has a positive influence on purchasing decisions; location has a positive influence on purchasing decision; promotion has a positive influence on purchasing decisions; and purchasing decisions have a positive effect on customer satisfaction


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    In recent years, the Indonesian banking industry has massive changing. This issue challenges the Indonesia People Bank (Bank Rakyat Indonesia, BRI) to raise their level of competition. Meanwhile, the decreasing number of customers caused by the decreasing number of people opening an account, is an unevitable problem to BRI Pandanaran Unit, Semarang. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the marketing relationship factors that consist of Building Sercive Partnership and Total Quality Management toward Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in BRI Pandanaran Unit, Semarang. This research examines two independent variables that is Building Service Partnership--of which the dependent variable of Customer Loyalty can be influenced--and Customer Satisfaction as the interverning variable. The research's population is the customers of BRI Unit Pandanaran, Semarang. The sample taken from 100 respondences by giving them quesionnaire, while non probability technique with purposive sampling approach was used. The analysis method was multiple regression linear, using SPSS 16.0. The direct coefficient determination (R2) test results 22,7%, meanwhile a 30,0% derived from the indirect coefficient determination (R2) test. In the other hand, testing hypotheses concerning partial correlation confirms that (i) Building Service Partnership indicates a positive and significant relationship towards Customer Satisfaction; (ii) Total Quality Management indicates a positive and significant relationship towards Customer Satisfaction; (iii) Building Service Partnership indicates a positive and significant relationship towards Customer Loyalty; (iv) Total Quality Management indicates a positive and significant relationship towards Customer Loyalty; and (v) Customer Satisfaction indicates a positive and significant relationship towards Customer Loyalty. From the significant hypothesis test (F-test), it can be derived that there is positive and significant influence between Building Service Partnership and Total Quality Management towards Customers Loyalty, with Customer Satisfaction as its interverning variable

    Pengaruh Kuat Arus Dan Waktu Pengelasan Pada Proses Las Titik (Spot Welding) Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Dan Mikrostuktur Hasil Las Dari Baja Fasa Ganda (Feritte-Martensite)

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    This research was conducted to investigate the appropiate spot welding variable to get the maximum tensile strength. The highest of tensile strength referred as good quality of weldment.The plate was made from low carbon steel with phase ferrite and martensite. The current of welding used 0.9 kA, 1.6 kA, dan 1.85 kA with welding time were 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75 and 1 second. Mechanical properties testing done involved tensile strength to know shear strength of weld joint. Microstructure test used optical microscope.The results show that spot welding with thecurrent of 1.85kA and welding time of 1 second has the highest tensile strength (about 237.04N/mm2). On the other hand, the lowest tensile strength (150 N/mm2) was produced by combination of 0.9 kA and 0.25 second welding time. It was caused by recrystallization phasedeformation on steel


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    Many businesses today's culinary cause business competition is getting tougher. Therefore, each company is required to be able to make the right business strategy in order not to lose competitiveness, so that customers remain satisfied and can improve the customer loyalty. This study aims to describe the influence of product quality and service quality in influencing customer satisfaction, in order to increase customer loyalty in Lunpia Mbak Lien Semarang. The study was conducted by taking samples using purposive sampling technique, which has ever visited and bought lunpia in Lunpia Mbak Lien Semarang. The collection of data obtained from 150 customers Lunpia Mbak Lien Semarang by questionnaire consisting of open and closed questions. Respondents' answers to open-ended questions were analyzed qualitatively, and answers to the closed questions were analyzed with methods (Structural Equation Modeling) SEM using AMOS program assistance 22 for Windows. The analysis showed that the quality of the product has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction with the regression value of 0.30, and the quality of the product has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty with regression value of 0.24. Quality of service has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction with the regression value of 0.58, and the quality of service has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty with regression value of 0.30. And customer satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty with regression value of 0.32 at Lunpia Mbak Lien Semarang

    Perancangan Mesin Molding sebagai Alternatif Pemanfaatan Limbah Plastik untuk Bahan Dasar Sangkar Burung

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    Indonesia is a country which has plastic waste problem. Based on BPS's (1999) data shows that in 1995 volume of import plastic trade in Indonesia especially polipropilena (PP) is 136,122.7 tons whereas in 1999 is 182,523.6 tons. Thus, in that particular time the volume of import plastic trade increases up to 34.15 %. In this case, we create a new innovation in the form of injection molding machine to overcome plastic waste problem. Injection molding machine is a waste processor machine which change plastic waste from solid form into fluidaform then take it into a mold by using screw. Moreover, Injection molding machine could change plastic waste becomes valuable commercial products. One of the products is bird cage. In this case, it helps the bird cage maker to overcome the scarcity of rattan and the explosion volume of plastic waste


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    This study aims to examine the factors - factors that influence purchasing decisions Asus laptop in Semarang. These data were collected from 100 consumers or users Asus laptop. The samples in this study using simple random sampling. The analysis used in this study include the validity and reliability testing and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The results of the analysis using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) to determine the level of consumer expectation gap between the amount of product performance. Based on data analysis of each - each purchase decision factors experienced negative gap (-), where the factor of product quality experience gap -0.65. Factor Price happen gap -0.55. Promotion factor -0.86. and the after-sales service factor -0.77. Where the expectation is greater than the performance of the products that can be used as a reference diharapkan.Hal to improve product performanc

    PENGARUH KEUNGGULAN BERSAING MELALUI KINERJA BISNIS (Studi Kasus Warung Makan Di Wilayah Tlogosari Semarang)

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    This research was conducted at the Public Eating In Semarang Tlogosari Regional Culinary Center . Data revenue at a food stall in 2013-2014 showed that the decrease in total revenues despite consumer food stalls Tlogosari Region increase every year . This study aimed to analyze whether there is connection between the diversity of products , quality products with business performance at a food stall in the area Tlogosari Semarang , and whether business performance diner Tlogosari Semarang can affect the competitive advantage of the food stalls in the area Tlogosari itself . The research sample 70 , the types and sources of data from the owner of the diner , method of data collection questionnaire distributed to respondents , as well as the methods of analysis used in this study multiple linear regression method . The results of this study , the effect of product diversity and quality of the products on competitive advantage that impact on business performance in the diner at the Culinary Center in Region Tlogosari . And advice in this research is variable product quality and product diversity is a good variable to increase competitive advantag


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    This study was conducted on consumers drink fruit Marimas pollen in the city of Semarang. Top Brand Index shows that a decline in market share in the year 2012-2014. This study aims to provide empirical evidence whether Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality influence on Brand Loyalty and Brand Equity on the impact on consumers drink Marimas in Semarang. Samples were Marimas beverage consumers in the city of Semarang, amounting to 100 people. Data analysis method used is quantitative analysis using multiple linear regression analysis.Quantitive methods include the validity and reliability, the classic assumption test, testing hypothesis through F test, t test and the coefficient of determination (R2). And in this study using Sobel test to detect Brand Loyalty as intervening variable. The results showed that the Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality showed a positive influence on Brand Loyalty, Brand Loyalty subsequently accepted as an intervening variable in mediating the Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality to Brand Equity

    Correlation Between Apolipoprotein B (Apob) Level and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Metabolic Syndrome

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    Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a liver disorder commonly found in the majority of patients with metabolic risk factors, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Apolipoprotein B (apoB) is the moiety of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and clinical interest that provides a relative accurate estimation of circulating LDL particle. The aim of this study was to know the relationship between apoB level and occurrence of fatty liver in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) with metabolic syndrome. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted in patients suffered from type 2 DM with metabolic syndrome at Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic in Moewardi Hospital Surakarta between April and May 2011. Thirty two patients with type 2 DM and metabolic syndrome were enrolled to this study and categorized into two groups; consisting of 16 patients with fatty liver and 16 patients without fatty liver. Student t-test was used in the analysis of this study. Results: Of 32 patients who fulfilled this study criteria, patients type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome with non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) had higher apoB level than patients type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome without NAFLD (p = 0.013). Conclusion: NAFLD group had significantly higher apoB level than without NAFLD group in type 2 DM with metabolic syndrome patients
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