8 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung dan Team Assisted Individualizaion pada Sub Kompetensi Membuat Pola secara Draping di SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis Surabaya

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      Abstrak   Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, mengatasi kesulitan sekaligus membantu siswa kelas XII SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis Surabaya pada sub kompetensi membuat pola busana (batwing sleeve) secara draping melalui penerapan model pembelajaran langsung (Direct Instruction) dan TAI (Team Assisted Individualization). Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari 2 siklus. Masing-masing siklus berisikan tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Kompetensi yang diajarkan untuk siklus I “Membuat pola batwing sleeve secara draping”, siklus II “Menyesuaikan ukuran pola secara grading” dan siklus III “Menjahit toile batwing sleeve”. Subyek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas XII Busana Butik sebanyak 14 siswa dan objek penelitian adalah aktivitas guru, siswa dan hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi dan tes hasil belajar. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar aktivitas guru, lembar aktivitas siswa dan lembar tes hasil belajar. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil analisis data yang diperoleh untuk Aktivitas guru pada siklus I memperoleh persentase nilai rata- rata 90%, dan siklus II 94%, sehingga dikategorikan sangat baik. Aktivitas siswa pada siklus I memperoleh persentase sebesar rata- rata 89%, dan siklus II 90%, sehingga dikategorikan sangat baik. Hasil belajar siswa yang diperoleh pada siklus I, nilai tertinggi adalah 95 dan nilai yang terendah adalah 80. Pada siklus II nilai tertinggi yang didapat siswa adalah 98 dan nilai yang terendah adalah 80. Ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa secara klasikal tercapai dengan hasil yang memuaskan yakni sebesar 100% mendapat nilai ≥75. Jadi penerapan model pembelajaran langsung dan team assisted individualization pada sub kompetensi dasar membuat pola busana (batwing sleeve) secara draping dapat meningkatkan aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa dan hasil belajar.   Kata kunci: Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung dan Team Assisted Indivialization,  Membuat Pola Secara Draping (Batwing Sleeve)     Abstract   Classroom action research was conducted in order to overcome the difficulties as well as help students of class XIIth SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis Surabaya in sub competence to make clothing patterns (batwing sleeve) by draping through the application of direct Instruction and TAI (Team Assisted Individualization). This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), which consists of 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of preparation, action, observation and reflection. This competence has taught for the first cycle "Make batwing sleeve pattern in a draping technique", the second cycle "Adjust the size of the pattern in a grading technique" and third cycle "Sewing batwing sleeve toile". Subjects of research were teachers and students of class XIIth Boutique as many as 14 students and the object of research were the activity of teachers, students and result of study. Research methods were used observation and achievement test. Research instruments were teacher activity sheet, student activity sheets, and achievement test sheet. The data analysis technique was used quantitative descriptive analysis. The result of data analysis for the activity of teachers in the first cycle to obtain the percentage of the average score of 90%, and 94% for the second cycle, so it is very well categorized. Activities of students in the first cycle to obtain a percentage of the average score 89%, and 90% the second cycle, so it is very well categorized. Result of student study were obtained in the first cycle, the highest score was 95 and the lowest score was 80. In the second cycle students obtained the highest score was 98 and the lowest score is 80. Mastery learning of students in the classical satisfactory results which is equal to 100% scored ≥ 75. So the application of direct instruction and team assisted individualizaion in sub competence to make drape pattern (batwing sleeve) can improve teacher activity, student activity and result of study.   Keywords: Application of Direct Instruction and Team Assisted Individualization, making pattern in draping (batwing bleeve) &nbsp

    Building Work Commitment of Bppt Employee

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    The research result, obtained the findings as follows: The Leadership and competence both partially and simultaneously had positive and significant impact on work motivation with contribution (R2) 51%. Partially leadership dominantly influence on work motivation. Further on Structural 2 showed, The leadership, competence and work motivation both partially and simultaneously had positive and significant impact on employee's performance with contribution (R2) 78%. Viewed as partial, competence had dominantly  toward employee's commitment. Concerning on direct and indirect effect, work motivation was being partial mediating.  This study found and recommended that to increase employee's commitment of technology agency research and application needed to be extending work motivation, reflected by the dimensions of affiliation which supported with an increase in competence which reflected by the dimensions of attitude, and rectified the leadership which reflected by the dimensions of supportin

    Wirausaha Muda Mandiri: Learning, Sharing & Practice

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    There are two ways to survive, first work and second entrepreneurship. Choosing to be an entrepreneur is not easy, many things to learn, including yourself. Starting from building a business spirit, having knowledge, studying the market, creating products, and management. In this dedication opportunity, a qualitative method was chosen. Where all parties are directly involved in learning and practice. Activities carried out for 3 days, covered by studying theory, practice, and providing motivation. Where participants are encouraged to awaken the spirit of entrepreneurship by looking at the reality of business and business knowledge. The results of the activities provide conclusions; 1) to increase entrepreneurial activities in the community, the first thing it takes is building a business spirit, with routine business practice. 2) the role of tertiary institutions is mentoring by educating entrepreneurship. and 3) tertiary institutions bridge the community to get business assistance to the governmen

    Earning Cultural Values as A Strategic Step to Improve Employee Performance

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    Employee performance is a reflection of a quality organization. Especially in government institutions, where the main task is public servants. So, having professional employees and integrity is a necessity. This study aims to examine the factors that shape performance, based on organizational values. The qualitative method was chosen as a scientific approach, used to facilitate data collection and analysis. The unit of analysis is an employee of the Religion Ministry of Banten province, with a total sample of 70. The sample technique uses simple random sampling and the research instrument uses a questionnaire. Furthermore, the research data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results suggest that the performance of employees in the Ministry of Religion offers more professional work skills. This is intended to make public services more measurable and satisfying to the community

    Pengembangan Kapasitas SDM dalam Dunia Pendidikan pada SMPN 83 Jakarta

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    The purpose of devotion to this community to provide training to the teachers in making questions about the Higher Order thinking Skills/HOTS) at SMPN 83 Jakarta. The methods used are several stages of preparation, which include preliminary surveys, commissioning and determination of the location and objectives. After the survey it is determined the location of implementation and target participants activities. The next stage is the implementation of community devotion. This stage will be given an explanation on the development of human resources, namely teachers in education. The session focuses on teachers ' skills in making HOTS and the latter a training stage, with several methods including lectures, questions and answers and simulations. The results of the public devotion is an increase of scholarly knowledge for teachers who performed on SMPN 83 Jakarta located at Jl. Empang Bahagia Raya Jelambar, Kec. Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta, with 21 teachers and teachers, so that they will be able to develop good human resources in education, teachers can apply the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) to encourage learners to think broadly and in depth about the subject matter. The knowledge gained on community devotion this time is expected to improve student competence through coaching teachers in planning, implementing, and evaluating learning oriented towards high Order thinking skills (HOTS)