10 research outputs found

    Analisa Pendapatan dan Efisiensi Ekonomis Penggunaan Pakan pada USAhatani Penggemukan Sapi Bali (Studi Kasus di Desa Lebih, Kabupaten Gianyar)

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    Kemampuan petani untuk mengalokasikan faktor-faktor produksi secara efisien dan ekonomis sangat penting untuk memaksimumkan pendapatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendapatan peternak dan tingkat efisiensi ekonomis penggunaan pakan hijauan dan pakan konsentrat dalam USAhatani penggemukan sapi Bali. Wawancara terhadap 50 peternak yang ada di Desa Lebih telah dilakukan pada tahun 2009 untuk mengumpulkanan data. Tingkat pendapatan peternak dianalisis berdasarkan atas biaya tunai dan biaya total. Efisiensi ekonomis penggunaan pakan hijauan dan pakan konsentrat ditentukan dengan mencari indeks efisiensi pakan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa USAhatani penggemukan sapi Bali memberikan keuntungan pada peternak sebesar Rp. 1.292.485/ekor, dengan R/C ratio 1,2 jika hanya memperhitungkan biaya tunai (tanpa memperhitungkan biaya pakan hijauan, tenaga kerja, dan lahan). Namun jika semua biaya diperhitungkan secara finansial, USAhatani penggemukan sapi Bali menyebabkan kerugian sebesar Rp. 698.426,65/ekor, dengan R/C rasio 0,92. Jumlah pemberian pakan hijauan sudah mendekati kondisi yang efisien secara ekonomis (sedikit berlebihan) dengan nilai Indeks Efisiensi 0,93. Sedangkan jumlah pemberian pakan konsentrat tidak efisien dengan nilai Indeks Efisiensi 0,57, pemberian pakan hijauan dan konsentrat harus dikurangi sehingga masing-masing menjadi 29,27 kg/ekor/hari dan 2,35 kg/ekor/hari (setara dedak padi) untuk mencapai kondisi yang efisien secara ekonomis

    Efektivitas Pemberian Rebusan Kunyit Asam terhadap Penurunan Dismenorea

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of tumeric and tamarind to relieve dysmenorrhoea. The method was quasy experiment by giving tumeric and tamarind stew to the experimental group. The research was conducted on SMAN 9 Pekanbaru, toward 30 respondent which devided into two group. The first group was experimental group and the second group was control group. The sampling used purposive sampling technique, the measurement was a numeric rating scale to measure the intensity of pain. The analysis were univarite and bivariate analysis by using t-dependent sample test and mann whitney. The result showed there was a significant reduction of the intensity of pain to the experimental group after the group had taken the tumeric and tamarind stew ( p < α 0,05). Its mean that the stew was efective to relieve dysmenorrhoea. Its recomended to female student to apply the tumeric and tamarind stew as herbal medicine to relieve the dysmenorrhoea

    The Effect of Elderly Gymnastics on Bone Density and Balance in the Elderly at Batara Hati Mulia Foundation

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    Elderly is the process of slowly disappearing the ability of tissues to repair themselves / replace and maintain their normal structure and function so that they cannot survive the traces (including infection) and repair the damage suffered. Problems that are often experienced by the elderly are decreased bone density and balance problems. In every body activity or movement, the body will always need balance both statically and dynamically so that the position of the human body becomes stable and reduces the risk of falling. This study aims to determine the effect of elderly exercise on bone density and balance in the elderly at the Hati Mulia Foundation, Takalar Regency. This study uses a quasi-experimental research design with a pretest-post-test one group design. The research population is the elderly at the Hati Mulia Foundation, Takalar Regency. The number of samples was 30 people who were divided into 2 groups, namely the control group carried out by the Batara Hati Mulia Gowa Foundation and the control group each 15 people by the Batara Hati Mulia Takalar Foundation. This study used bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to measure bone density and Stork Stand Test to measure balance before and after the Elderly exercise treatment for the treatment group, while the control group was not given any intervention

    Preferensi Produsen Babi Guling terhadap Babi Bali sebagai Bahan Baku

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    This study aims at observing the main attributes of Bali pigs that prefer as a raw material suckling pig producer.Farmers have to know this thing in order to increase consumer satisfaction and their loyality. The data usedinterview and observation as primary data collected to fifty producers of suckling pig which is located in Bali. Theywere interviewed using questionnaires and analyzed with chi square and multiatribut Fishbein analysis. It showedthat preferences of producers based on attributes of color, gender, body size and body condition significantly differwithin 95% level of interest. Bali pig attributes that preferred by the producer as a raw material of roasted pig isbali pig with balck colour, sex of male, 10 up to 15 kg of body weight and fat body condition. The Bali pig attributesconsidered by the producer in making decision to buy from the most consideration to the minimum such as bodysize, body condition, gender, and color. Body condition attribute was considered to be less satisfying for producersindicated with satisfaction score 2.9 from the maximum score of 5. So, it is important that farmers should payattention to these attributes in the future

    Perbandingan Tingkat Keefektifan Sintesis Hidroksisitronellal melalui Hidrasi Garam Natrium Sitronelil Bisulfit dan Sitronellal

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    Telah dilakukan sintesis hidroksisitronellal dari minyak sereh wangi dengan bahan dasar garam natrium sitronellil bisulfit dan sitronellal dengan berbagai katalis asam antara lain HCl, H2SO4 dan H3PO4 dengan konsentrasi masing-masing 1% (v/v). Produk sintesis dikarakterisasi dengan penggunakan KG-SM. Hasil perhitungan rendemen produk sintesis menunjukkan bahwa reaksi dengan katalis H3PO4 menghasilkan produk reaksi paling tinggi sebesar 7,6% untuk bahan dasar garam sedangkan 26,9% untuk bahan dasar sitronellal. Jalur sintesis hidroksisitronellal paling efektif melalui jalur B, yaitu hidrolisis garam nyang dilanjutkan dengan reaksi hidrasi sitronellal

    Model Hipotetik: Pendekatan Solution-Focused Brief Counseling (SFBC) dalam Keluarga

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    HYPOTHETIC MODEL: AN APPROACH OF SOLUTION-FOCUSED BRIEF COUNSELING (SFBC) IN THE FAMILY. This study is aimed to study hypothetically about Solution-Focused Brief Counseling (SFBC) application in family and some example cases of family counseling that focused on solution. The SFBC is a post-modern counseling approach that is developed in 1982 by Insoo Kim Berg and De Shazer. SFBC is an approach based on counselee strength and potency, and focused to the solution and future. In solving the problem, SFBC families more focus on nowadays problems and immediately move to build solution to repair family situation. Counselee strength is a primary asset to build solution of the problem