44 research outputs found
Articulating practice through the interview to the double
The paper aims to realise the critical potential of the practice lens by contributing to the
development of a coherent set of methodologies for investigating work and
organisational activity. It does so by introducing and critically assessing the "interview
to the double" as a method to articulate and represent practice.
After briefly illustrating its history and usage, the paper analyses in depth the setting
generated by this unusual interview method. It argues that the nature of the encounter
produces narratives that are often morally connoted and idealised in character. As a
consequence the method is especially useful to capture the going concerns which orient
the conduct of the members and the normative and moral dimension of practice. The
paper also shows that because it mimics familiar instruction-giving discursive practices,
the method constitutes an effective textual device to convey this moral and normative
dimension in a way which remains faithful to its situated and contingent nature of
The Implementation of an Experimental Research Design in the Evaluation of an Intervention to Prevent AIDS among IV Drug Users
A demonstration project, currently in progress in Miami, is using an experimental research design to evaluate an AIDS intervention program among IV drug users and the sexual partners of IV drug users. At the time of the initial assessment, which includes a blood test to determine HIV serostatus and an extensive interview, study participants are randomized into either a standard or an enhanced intervention protocol. The enhanced intervention group receives more intensive counseling including individual as well as group sessions. Follow-up assessments of both groups are made at six-month intervals. The before/after comparisons will assess whether frequency of risk behaviors have changed and whether observed changes are greater in the enhanced group than the standard group. Randomization to two alternative intervention groups allows for the control of many potential biases that plague other types of before/after research designs
Medicina privada e saĂșde pĂșblica estariam convergindo? I. O problema e argumentos que justificariam o preparo do estudante de medicina em medicina comunitĂĄria
Tece-se consideraçÔes sĂŽbre a aproximação que parece estar havendo entre o ensino mĂ©dico e o de saĂșde pĂșblica, em virtude da criação de Departamentos de Medicina ComunitĂĄria em algumas Escolas de Medicina. SĂŁo apresentados alguns argumentos que estariam a indicar a evolução da medicina privada no sentido de uma atuação mais efetiva na comunidade, contribuindo assim para a real integralização do campo mĂ©dico.<br>The author comments on the approximation that would be happening between medical and public health teaching, in face of the establishment of Departments of Community Medicine in some schools of medicine. After that, he presents some arguments that would indicate the evolution of Private Medicine in sense of a more effective performance in the community, contributing then to a real integration of the medical field
Nesta primeira abordagem as autoras discutem a situação do Programa de AssistĂȘncia Integral Ă SaĂșde da Mulher no Estado de SĂŁo Paulo e enfatizam o dĂ©ficit de informação acerca da epidemiologĂa social dos comportamentos das mulheres em relação a prĂĄticas de saĂșde. Focalizam o exame preventivo de Papanicolau e relacionam os motivos que levaram as mulheres de Vargem Grande Paulista a fazĂȘ-lo. Analisam este conhecimento Ă luz dos critĂ©rios propostos por KULBOK5 para, posteriormente, aplicĂĄ-los na prĂĄtica (Parte II).In this first approach the authors discusse the state of the Program for Integral Assistence por Woman's Health in SĂŁo Paulo and emprasize the deficit of information on social epidemiology of womens's behavirs related to health practices. .They focus on the preventive Pap smear and associate the motives that yeld women of Vargem Grande Paulista to have it mad. .They analyse this knowledge from criterian proposed by KULBOK5 for posteriory apply it in practice