4,690 research outputs found

    Landsat survey of near-shore ice conditions along the Arctic coast of Alaska

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Comparison of late season U-2 color infrared sea ice photography and early ice season LANDSAT sea ice imagery has made possible the identification of subtle features seen on early season LANDSAT imagery in the near shore areas. The U-2 imagery positively linked these features to ice conditions generally not observable by LANDSAT because of the time of year when they take place. Ice formed in place largely as single sheets appears light while ice deformed by considerable rafting appears darker when viewed on LANDSAT imagery. Because the ice is snow-covered at the time this imagery is obtained, this underlying structure must be revealed by the topography of the snow surface, and the resulting light scattering characteristics

    Studies on the Bryophytes of Southern Manitoba. IV. Collections from Bird's Hill Provincial Park

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    One hundred and seventeen taxa of bryophytes were collected in Bird's Hill Provincial Park, Manitoba. Habitats sampled included ditches, streams, marshes, moist clay banks, dry grassland, and areas forested by black spruce, tamarack, white cedar, white spruce, aspen, balsam poplar, and bur oak. Cephalozia catenulata, Platydictya confervoides, P. subtile, and Thuidium minutulum are new records for the province."The field work for this study was supported in part by Grant No. 140-118 from the University of Winnipeg.

    Feasibility study for locating archaeological village sites by satellite remote sensing techniques

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    LANDSAT survey of near-shore ice conditions along the Arctic coast of Alaska

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Winter and spring near-shore ice conditions were analyzed for the Beaufort Sea 1973-77, and the Chukchi Sea 1973-76. LANDSAT imagery was utilized to map major ice features related to regional ice morphology. Significant features from individual LANDSAT image maps were combined to yield regional maps of major ice ridge systems for each year of study and maps of flaw lead systems for representative seasons during each year. These regional maps were, in turn, used to prepare seasonal ice morphology maps. These maps showed, in terms of a zonal analysis, regions of statistically uniform ice behavior. The behavioral characteristics of each zone were described in terms of coastal processes and bathymetric configuration

    Studies on the Bryophytes of Southern Manitoba. II. Collections from the Winnipeg Area

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    Fifty-five taxa of bryophytes are reported for the area of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Frullania inflata, Brachythecium acuminatum, Encalypta ciliata, and Tortella inclinata are new records for the province.The field work in this study was supported in part by Grant No. 140-118 from the University of Winnipeg

    Studies on the Bryophytes of Southern Manitoba. V. Collections from Whiteshell Provincial Park

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    One hundred and twenty-nine taxa of bryophytes were collected in the western part of Whiteshell Provincial Park, Manitoba. The following eight taxa have not previously been recorded for the province: Frullania bolanderi, Lophozia excisa, L. hatcheri, Porella platyphylloidea, Anomodon rostratus, Grimmia donniana, G. unicolor, and Hygroamblystegium fluviatile var. orthocladum."The field work for this study was supported in part by Grant Number 140-118 from the University of Winnipeg.

    Studies on the Bryophytes of Southern Manitoba. III. Collections from Grand Beach Provincial Park

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    "The field work was supported in part by Grant No. 140-118 from the University of Winnipeg.

    Towards standards for statistical sampling

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    States of suspended decay in the works of Edgar Allan Poe

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    It is the purpose of this study to examine a particular set of closely related physical and mental states of characters and special states of nature found in the imaginative works of Edgar Allan Poe. I have found it most convenient to refer to these conditions as states of suspended decay, through other critics have used various terms such as suspended animation, life-in-death, or the suspended death-in-life or life-in-death of reverie to distinguish what seems to be essentially the same phenomenon in Poe’s works Although it is difficult to settle upon a term, suspended decay is perhaps the most inclusive of the entire range of states or conditions which one feels are intimately related and which therefore should be grouped and examined together. It is also the term which perhaps best expresses the particular fascination of these states for readers. The term suspended animation, for instance, is too abstract and general and furthermore omits the inorganic examples of suspended decay; and the suspended death-in-life or life-in-death of reverie omit all images which deal with non-sentient od suspended decay
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