341 research outputs found

    A review of hepatic nanotoxicology - summation of recent findings and considerations for the next generation of study designs

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    The liver is one of the most important multi-functional organs in the human body. Amongst various crucial functions, it is the main detoxification center and predominantly implicated in the clearance of xenobiotics potentially including particulates that reach this organ. It is now well established that a significant quantity of injected, ingested or inhaled nanomaterials (NMs) translocate from primary exposure sites and accumulate in liver. This review aimed to summarize and discuss the progress made in the field of hepatic nanotoxicology, and crucially highlight knowledge gaps that still exist. Key considerations include In vivo studies clearly demonstrate that low-solubility NMs predominantly accumulate in the liver macrophages the Kupffer cells (KC), rather than hepatocytes. KCs lining the liver sinusoids are the first cell type that comes in contact with NMs in vivo. Further, these macrophages govern overall inflammatory responses in a healthy liver. Therefore, interaction with of NM with KCs in vitro appears to be very important. Many acute in vivo studies demonstrated signs of toxicity induced by a variety of NMs. However, acute studies may not be that meaningful due to liver’s unique and unparalleled ability to regenerate. In almost all investigations where a recovery period was included, the healthy liver was able to recover from NM challenge. This organ’s ability to regenerate cannot be reproduced in vitro. However, recommendations and evidence is offered for the design of more physiologically relevant in vitro models. Models of hepatic disease enhance the NM-induced hepatotoxicity. The review offers a number of important suggestions for the future of hepatic nanotoxicology study design. This is of great significance as its findings are highly relevant due to the development of more advanced in vitro, and in silico models aiming to improve physiologically relevant toxicological testing strategies and bridging the gap between in vitro and in vivo experimentation


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    As the production and use of nanomaterials (NMs) in medicine and many other applications develops, so the need to understand the potential risks posed by NMs to human health (and the environment) increases (Aitken et al. 2006). At the nanoscale (1-100 nm), materials exhibit properties that are different to larger or bulk materials. These new properties are exploited by researchers and industry to generate new products; however, the same properties can also inuence how the NM behaves in biological systems, including affecting toxicity. Nanotoxicology is a relatively new eld of research that aims to assess the human and environmental hazard of nanomaterials. In recent years, this new discipline has seen a rapid expansion in the number of studies concerned with assessing the safety of engineered NMs (Figure 20.1)

    Focusing a New Lens: STEM Professional Development for Early Education and Care Educators and Programs

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    The purpose of this groundbreaking grassroots report is to engage early childhood educators and policy makers in understanding the urgency and importance of early childhood educator professional development in STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). This report focuses on the teaching of children birth to five years old and out of school time students. STEM…Science…Technology…Engineering…Math. These are not curriculum topics that early childhood educators traditionally call to mind when planning activities. However, the evidence supporting the importance and emphasis on STEM education in early childhood is overwhelming. Children are engineers, problem solvers, and collaborators at heart- with boundless potential for leadership, creativity and innovation. Filling their days building and creating with blocks and manipulatives, wooden sticks and Legos, finger-paints and clay, they naturally seek solutions to challenges, discuss multiple options and, when necessary, start over! Essential to supporting, extending and deepening children’s STEM learning is the presence in classrooms of well-prepared educators, in both content and appropriate instructional strategies. Thus, this report urges educators to view their role, the children they teach and the early childhood environment through a powerful “new lens,” one that focuses on STEM education and professional development

    Using 3D gastrointestinal tract in vitro models with microfold cells and mucus secreting ability to assess the hazard of copper oxide nanomaterials

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    Abstract: Background: Copper oxide nanomaterials (CuO NMs) are exploited in many products including inks, cosmetics, textiles, wood preservatives and food contact materials. Their incorporation into these products may enhance oral exposure in consumer, environmental and occupational settings. Undifferentiated and differentiated monocultures of Caco-2 cells are commonly used to assess NM toxicity to the intestine in vitro. However, the integration of other cell types into Caco-2 in vitro models increases their physiological relevance. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the toxicity of CuO NMs and copper sulphate ( CuSO4) to intestinal microfold (M) cell (Caco-2/Raji B) and mucus secreting (Caco-2/HT29-MTX) co-culture in vitro models via assessment of their impact on barrier integrity, viability and interleukin (IL)-8 secretion. The translocation of CuO NMs and CuSO4 across the intestinal barrier was also investigated in vitro. Results: CuO NMs and CuSO4 impaired the function of the intestinal barrier in the co-culture models [as indicated by a reduction in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and Zonular occludens (ZO-1) staining intensity]. Cu translocation was observed in both models but was greatest in the Caco-2/Raji B co-culture. CuO NMs and CuSO4 stimulated an increase in IL-8 secretion, which was greatest in the Caco-2/HT29-MTX co-culture model. CuO NMs and CuSO4 did not stimulate a loss of cell viability, when assessed using light microscopy, nuclei counts and scanning electron microscopy. CuO NMs demonstrated a relatively similar level of toxicity to CuO4 in both Caco-2/Raji B and Caco-2/ HT29-MTX co- culture models. Conclusions: The Caco-2/Raji B co-culture model was more sensitive to CuO NM and CuSO4 toxicity than the Caco-2/HT29-MTX co-culture model. However, both co-culture models were less sensitive to CuO NM and CuSO4 toxicity than simple monocultures of undifferentiated and differentiated Caco-2 cells, which are more routinely used to investigate NM toxicity to the intestine. Obtained data can therefore feed into the design of future studies which assess the toxicity of substances (e.g. NMs) and pathogens to the intestine (e.g. by informing model and endpoint selection). However, more testing with a wider panel of NMs would be beneficial in order to help select which in vitro models and endpoints to prioritise when screening the safety of ingested NMs. Comparisons with in vivo findings will also be essential to identify the most suitable in vitro model to screen the safety of ingested NMs

    Assessing exposure, uptake and toxicity of silver and cerium dioxide nanoparticles from contaminated environments

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    The aim of this project was to compare cerium oxide and silver particles of different sizes for their potential for uptake by aquatic species, human exposure via ingestion of contaminated food sources and to assess their resultant toxicity. The results demonstrate the potential for uptake of nano and larger particles by fish via the gastrointestinal tract, and by human intestinal epithelial cells, therefore suggesting that ingestion is a viable route of uptake into different organism types. A consistency was also shown in the sensitivity of aquatic, fish cell and human cell models to Ag and CeO2 particles of different sizes; with the observed sensitivity sequence from highest to lowest as: nano-Ag > micro Ag > nano CeO2 = micro CeO2. Such consistency suggests that further studies might allow extrapolation of results between different models and species

    Intracellular imaging of nanoparticles: Is it an elemental mistake to believe what you see?

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    In order to understand how nanoparticles (NPs <100 nm) interact with cellular systems, potentially causing adverse effects, it is important to be able to detect and localize them within cells. Due to the small size of NPs, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is an appropriate technique to use for visualizing NPs inside cells, since light microscopy fails to resolve them at a single particle level. However, the presence of other cellular and non-cellular nano-sized structures in TEM cell samples, which may resemble NPs in size, morphology and electron density, can obstruct the precise intracellular identification of NPs. Therefore, elemental analysis is recommended to confirm the presence of NPs inside the cell. The present study highlights the necessity to perform elemental analysis, specifically energy filtering TEM, to confirm intracellular NP localization using the example of quantum dots (QDs). Recently, QDs have gained increased attention due to their fluorescent characteristics, and possible applications for biomedical imaging have been suggested. Nevertheless, potential adverse effects cannot be excluded and some studies point to a correlation between intracellular particle localization and toxic effects