2,741 research outputs found

    Fermions, Gauge Theories, and the Sinc Function Representation for Feynman Diagrams

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    We extend our new approach for numeric evaluation of Feynman diagrams to integrals that include fermionic and vector propagators. In this initial discussion we begin by deriving the Sinc function representation for the propagators of spin-1/2 and spin-1 fields and exploring their properties. We show that the attributes of the spin-0 propagator which allowed us to derive the Sinc function representation for scalar field Feynman integrals are shared by fields with non-zero spin. We then investigate the application of the Sinc function representation to simple QED diagrams, including first order corrections to the propagators and the vertex.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 9 figure

    Fast Evaluation of Feynman Diagrams

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    We develop a new representation for the integrals associated with Feynman diagrams. This leads directly to a novel method for the numerical evaluation of these integrals, which avoids the use of Monte Carlo techniques. Our approach is based on based on the theory of generalized sinc (sin(x)/x\sin(x)/x) functions, from which we derive an approximation to the propagator that is expressed as an infinite sum. When the propagators in the Feynman integrals are replaced with the approximate form all integrals over internal momenta and vertices are converted into Gaussians, which can be evaluated analytically. Performing the Gaussians yields a multi-dimensional infinite sum which approximates the corresponding Feynman integral. The difference between the exact result and this approximation is set by an adjustable parameter, and can be made arbitrarily small. We discuss the extraction of regularization independent quantities and demonstrate, both in theory and practice, that these sums can be evaluated quickly, even for third or fourth order diagrams. Lastly, we survey strategies for numerically evaluating the multi-dimensional sums. We illustrate the method with specific examples, including the the second order sunset diagram from quartic scalar field theory, and several higher-order diagrams. In this initial paper we focus upon scalar field theories in Euclidean spacetime, but expect that this approach can be generalized to fields with spin.Comment: uses feynmp macros; v2 contains improved description of renormalization, plus other minor change

    Multi-dye theranostic nanoparticle platform for bioimaging and cancer therapy

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    Amit K Singh,1,2 Megan A Hahn,2 Luke G Gutwein,3 Michael C Rule,4 Jacquelyn A Knapik,5 Brij M Moudgil,1,2 Stephen R Grobmyer,3 Scott C Brown,2,61Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, 2Particle Engineering Research Center, College of Engineering, 3Division of Surgical Oncology, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, 4Cell and Tissue Analysis Core, McKnight Brain Institute, 5Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA; 6DuPont Central Research and Development, Corporate Center for Analytical Science, Wilmington, DE, USABackground: Theranostic nanomaterials composed of fluorescent and photothermal agents can both image and provide a method of disease treatment in clinical oncology. For in vivo use, the near-infrared (NIR) window has been the focus of the majority of studies, because of greater light penetration due to lower absorption and scatter of biological components. Therefore, having both fluorescent and photothermal agents with optical properties in the NIR provides the best chance of improved theranostic capabilities utilizing nanotechnology.Methods: We developed nonplasmonic multi-dye theranostic silica nanoparticles (MDT-NPs), combining NIR fluorescence visualization and photothermal therapy within a single nanoconstruct comprised of molecular components. A modified NIR fluorescent heptamethine cyanine dye was covalently incorporated into a mesoporous silica matrix and a hydrophobic metallo-naphthalocyanine dye with large molar absorptivity was loaded into the pores of these fluorescent particles. The imaging and therapeutic capabilities of these nanoparticles were demonstrated in vivo using a direct tumor injection model.Results: The fluorescent nanoparticles are bright probes (300-fold enhancement in quantum yield versus free dye) that have a large Stokes shift (>110 nm). Incorporation of the naphthalocyanine dye and exposure to NIR laser excitation results in a temperature increase of the surrounding environment of the MDT-NPs. Tumors injected with these NPs are easily visible with NIR imaging and produce significantly elevated levels of tumor necrosis (95%) upon photothermal ablation compared with controls, as evaluated by bioluminescence and histological analysis.Conclusion: MDT-NPs are novel, multifunctional nanomaterials that have optical properties dependent upon the unique incorporation of NIR fluorescent and NIR photothermal dyes within a mesoporous silica platform.Keywords: bioluminescence, in vivo imaging, mesoporous silica nanoparticles, NIR fluorescence, photothermal ablation, theranosti

    HPA axis function predicts development of working memory in boys with FXS

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    The present study examines verbal working memory over time in boys with fragile X syndrome (FXS) compared to nonverbal mental-age (NVMA) matched, typically developing (TD) boys. Concomitantly, the relationship between cortisol—a physiological marker for stress—and verbal working memory performance over time is examined to understand the role of physiological mechanisms in cognitive development in FXS. Participants were assessed between one and three times over a 2-year time frame using two verbal working memory tests that differ in complexity: memory for words and auditory working memory with salivary cortisol collected at the beginning and end of each assessment. Multilevel modeling results indicate specific deficits over time on the memory for words task in boys with FXS compared to TD controls that is exacerbated by elevated baseline cortisol. Similar increasing rates of growth over time were observed for boys with FXS and TD controls on the more complex auditory working memory task, but only boys with FXS displayed an association of increased baseline cortisol and lower performance. This study highlights the benefit of investigations of how dynamic biological and cognitive factors interact and influence cognitive development over time

    Coloration in different areas of facial skin is a cue to health: The role of cheek redness and periorbital luminance in health perception

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    Looking healthy is a desirable trait, and facial skin color is a predictor of perceived health. However, skin conditions that cause dissatisfaction with appearance are specific to particular facial areas. We investigated whether color variation in facial skin is related to perceived health. Study 1 defined three areas based on color differences between faces perceived as healthy or unhealthy: the forehead, periorbital areas, and the cheeks. Periorbital luminance and cheek redness predicted perceived health, as did global skin yellowness. In Study 2, increased luminance and redness caused faces to be perceived as healthier, but only when the increase was in the periorbital and cheek areas, respectively. Manipulating each area separately in Study 3 revealed cheek redness and periorbital luminance equally increased perceived health, with low periorbital luminance more negatively affecting perceptions. These findings show that color variation in facial skin is a cue for health perception in female faces