763 research outputs found

    Conversion of hydrocarbons for fuel cell applications. Part 1: Autothermal reforming of sulfur-free and sulfur-containing hydrocarbon liquids. Part 2: Steam reforming of n-hexane on pellet and monolithic catalyst beds

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    The autothermal reforming process for conversion of various hydrocarbons to hydrogen and the use of monolithic catalyst beds in the steam reforming of n-hexane are described

    Multiresolution analysis in statistical mechanics. II. The wavelet transform as a basis for Monte Carlo simulations on lattices

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    In this paper, we extend our analysis of lattice systems using the wavelet transform to systems for which exact enumeration is impractical. For such systems, we illustrate a wavelet-accelerated Monte Carlo (WAMC) algorithm, which hierarchically coarse-grains a lattice model by computing the probability distribution for successively larger block spins. We demonstrate that although the method perturbs the system by changing its Hamiltonian and by allowing block spins to take on values not permitted for individual spins, the results obtained agree with the analytical results in the preceding paper, and ``converge'' to exact results obtained in the absence of coarse-graining. Additionally, we show that the decorrelation time for the WAMC is no worse than that of Metropolis Monte Carlo (MMC), and that scaling laws can be constructed from data performed in several short simulations to estimate the results that would be obtained from the original simulation. Although the algorithm is not asymptotically faster than traditional MMC, because of its hierarchical design, the new algorithm executes several orders of magnitude faster than a full simulation of the original problem. Consequently, the new method allows for rapid analysis of a phase diagram, allowing computational time to be focused on regions near phase transitions.Comment: 11 pages plus 7 figures in PNG format (downloadable separately

    Multiresolution analysis in statistical mechanics. I. Using wavelets to calculate thermodynamic properties

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    The wavelet transform, a family of orthonormal bases, is introduced as a technique for performing multiresolution analysis in statistical mechanics. The wavelet transform is a hierarchical technique designed to separate data sets into sets representing local averages and local differences. Although one-to-one transformations of data sets are possible, the advantage of the wavelet transform is as an approximation scheme for the efficient calculation of thermodynamic and ensemble properties. Even under the most drastic of approximations, the resulting errors in the values obtained for average absolute magnetization, free energy, and heat capacity are on the order of 10%, with a corresponding computational efficiency gain of two orders of magnitude for a system such as a 4×44\times 4 Ising lattice. In addition, the errors in the results tend toward zero in the neighborhood of fixed points, as determined by renormalization group theory.Comment: 13 pages plus 7 figures (PNG

    Modeling and Dynamic Characterization of the Czochralski Crystal Growth Process

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    A lumped parameter model of the Czochralski crystal growth process is proposed that captures the dominant nonlinear dynamics, internal coupling, and disturbance structure. Conventional and advanced actuators are modeled. The dynamic characteristics of the interface shape and input/outputs that limit the achievable controller performance are identified. Introduction In previous papers we reported a 7th order lumped model of the process with a flat interface A schematic of the Czochralski process is shown in The crystal is begun by bringing a small seed in contact with the melt. After some equilibration time, the seed is pulled away from the melt. The crystal acts as a "cooling fin" which drives the solidification process. The operator adjusts the pulling rate and heater power to first neck the crystal which is a long thin section used to grow out dislocations that might be propagated into the crystal during seeding. The crystal is then grown out to diameter, shouldered, and maintained at the desired diameter. As the crystal grows in length, the melt level decreases, and the operator or automatic control system adjusts the power and/or pull rate to maintain constant diameter. Towards the end of growth run, the crystal can be tapered into a tail or suddenly lifted up from the melt to end the growth run

    The future of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology: Towards a systematic practice

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    Industrial biotechnology promises to revolutionize conventional chemical manufacturing in the years ahead, largely owing to the excellent progress in our ability to re-engineer cellular metabolism. However, most successes of metabolic engineering have been confined to over-producing natively synthesized metabolites in E. coli and S. cerevisiae. A major reason for this development has been the descent of metabolic engineering, particularly secondary metabolic engineering, to a collection of demonstrations rather than a systematic practice with generalizable tools. Synthetic biology, a more recent development, faces similar criticisms. Herein, we attempt to lay down a framework around which bioreaction engineering can systematize itself just like chemical reaction engineering. Central to this undertaking is a new approach to engineering secondary metabolism known as ‘multivariate modular metabolic engineering’ (MMME), whose novelty lies in its assessment and elimination of regulatory and pathway bottlenecks by re-defining the metabolic network as a collection of distinct modules. After introducing the core principles of MMME, we shall then present a number of recent developments in secondary metabolic engineering that could potentially serve as its facilitators. It is hoped that the ever-declining costs of de novo gene synthesis; the improved use of bioinformatic tools to mine, sort and analyze biological data; and the increasing sensitivity and sophistication of investigational tools will make the maturation of microbial metabolic engineering an autocatalytic process. Encouraged by these advances, research groups across the world would take up the challenge of secondary metabolite production in simple hosts with renewed vigor, thereby adding to the range of products synthesized using metabolic engineering.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (1-R01-GM085323-01A1)Special Research Funds BOF (BOF08/PDO/014)Research Foundation Flanders (FWO-Vlaandern V.4.174.10.N.01

    Metabolic requirements for cancer cell proliferation

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    Background: The study of cancer metabolism has been largely dedicated to exploring the hypothesis that oncogenic transformation rewires cellular metabolism to sustain elevated rates of growth and division. Intense examination of tumors and cancer cell lines has confirmed that many cancer-associated metabolic phenotypes allow robust growth and survival; however, little attention has been given to explicitly identifying the biochemical requirements for cell proliferation in a rigorous manner in the context of cancer metabolism. Results: Using a well-studied hybridoma line as a model, we comprehensively and quantitatively enumerate the metabolic requirements for generating new biomass in mammalian cells; this indicated a large biosynthetic requirement for ATP, NADPH, NAD+, acetyl-CoA, and amino acids. Extension of this approach to serine/glycine and glutamine metabolic pathways suggested lower limits on serine and glycine catabolism to supply one-carbon unit synthesis and significant availability of glutamine-derived carbon for biosynthesis resulting from nitrogen demands alone, respectively. We integrated our biomass composition results into a flux balance analysis model, placing upper bounds on mitochondrial NADH oxidation to simulate metformin treatment; these simulations reproduced several empirically observed metabolic phenotypes, including increased reductive isocitrate dehydrogenase flux. Conclusions: Our analysis clarifies the differential needs for central carbon metabolism precursors, glutamine-derived nitrogen, and cofactors such as ATP, NADPH, and NAD+, while also providing justification for various extracellular nutrient uptake behaviors observed in tumors. Collectively, these results demonstrate how stoichiometric considerations alone can successfully predict empirically observed phenotypes and provide insight into biochemical dynamics that underlie responses to metabolic perturbations.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01DK075850-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01CA160458-01A1

    Engineered yeast tolerance enables efficient production from toxified lignocellulosic feedstocks

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    Lignocellulosic biomass remains unharnessed for the production of renewable fuels and chemicals due to challenges in deconstruction and the toxicity its hydrolysates pose to fermentation microorganisms. Here, we show in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that engineered aldehyde reduction and elevated extracellular potassium and pH are sufficient to enable near-parity production between inhibitor-laden and inhibitor-free feedstocks. By specifically targeting the universal hydrolysate inhibitors, a single strain is enhanced to tolerate a broad diversity of highly toxified genuine feedstocks and consistently achieve industrial-scale titers (cellulosic ethanol of >100 grams per liter when toxified). Furthermore, a functionally orthogonal, lightweight design enables seamless transferability to existing metabolically engineered chassis strains: We endow full, multifeedstock tolerance on a xylose-consuming strain and one producing the biodegradable plastics precursor lactic acid. The demonstration of "drop-in" hydrolysate competence enables the potential of cost-effective, at-scale biomass utilization for cellulosic fuel and nonfuel products alike