45,554 research outputs found

    Sensitivity Analysis of Flexible Provisioning

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    This technical report contains a sensitivity analysis to extend our previous work. We show that our flexible service provisioning strategy is robust to inaccurate performance information (when the available information is within 10% of the true value), and that it degrades gracefully as the information becomes less accurate. We also identify and discuss one particular case where inaccurate information may lead to undesirable losses in highly unreliable environments

    Composite oscillator systems for meeting user needs for time and frequency

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    Frequency standards are used in most navigation and telecommunications systems to provide a long term memory of either frequency, phase, or time epoch. From a systems point of view, the performance aspects of the frequency standard are weighed against other systems characteristics, such as overall performance, cost, size, and accessibility; a number of examples are very briefly reviewed. The theory of phase lock and frequency lock systems is outlined in sufficient detail that total oscillator system performance can be predicted from measurements on the individual components. As an example, details of the performance of a high spectral purity oscillator phase locked to a long term stable oscillator are given. Results for several systems, including the best system stability that can be obtained from present commercially available 5-MHz sources, are shown

    An Effective Strategy for the Flexible Provisioning of Service Workflows

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    Recent advances in service-oriented frameworks and semantic Web technologies have enabled software agents to discover and invoke resources over large distributed systems, in order to meet their high-level objectives. However, most work has failed to acknowledge that such systems are complex and dynamic multi-agent systems, where service providers act autonomously and follow their own decision-making procedures. Hence, the behaviour of these providers is inherently uncertain - services may fail or take uncertain amounts of time to complete. In this work, we address this uncertainty and take an agent-oriented approach to the problem of provisioning service providers for the constituent tasks of abstract workflows. Specifically, we describe an algorithm that uses redundancy to deal with unreliable providers, and we demonstrate that it achieves an 8-14% improvement in average utility over previous work, while performing up to 6 times as well as approaches that do not consider service uncertainty. We also show that our algorithm performs well in the presence of inaccurate service performance information

    Determinants of Hair Manganese, Lead, Cadmium and Arsenic Levels in Environmentally Exposed Children.

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    Biomarkers of environmental metal exposure in children are important for elucidating exposure and health risk. While exposure biomarkers for As, Cd, and Pb are relatively well defined, there are not yet well-validated biomarkers of Mn exposure. Here, we measured hair Mn, Pb, Cd, and As levels in children from the Mid-Ohio Valley to determine within and between-subject predictors of hair metal levels. Occipital scalp hair was collected in 2009-2010 from 222 children aged 6-12 years (169 female, 53 male) participating in a study of chemical exposure and neurodevelopment in an industrial region of the Mid-Ohio Valley. Hair samples from females were divided into three two centimeter segments, while males provided a single segment. Hair was cleaned and processed in a trace metal clean laboratory, and analyzed for As, Cd, Mn, and Pb by magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Hair Mn and Pb levels were comparable (median 0.11 and 0.15 µg/g, respectively) and were ~10-fold higher than hair Cd and As levels (0.007 and 0.018 µg/g, respectively). Hair metal levels were higher in males compared to females, and varied by ~100-1000-fold between all subjects, and substantially less (<40-70%) between segments within female subjects. Hair Mn, Pb, and Cd, but not As levels systematically increased by ~40-70% from the proximal to distal hair segments of females. There was a significant effect of season of hair sample collection on hair Mn, Pb, and Cd, but not As levels. Finally, hair metal levels reported here are ~2 to >10-fold lower than levels reported in other studies in children, most likely because of more rigorous hair cleaning methodology used in the present study, leading to lower levels of unresolved exogenous metal contamination of hair

    Academic professional development for effective e-learning: a possible framework for Brazil

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    Distance education at a tertiary level in Brazil represents a very new educational approach compared with countries such as Australia and the United Kingdom. However, higher educational institutions in these and other countries share similar concerns surrounding this issue. One concern relates to preparing academics for delivery of quality online education. This paper will explore a PhD investigation concerning academic professional development for online learning in Brazil, as well as discuss the current available literature regarding this topic

    Line formation in solar granulation: II. The photospheric Fe abundance

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    The solar photospheric Fe abundance has been determined using realistic ab initio 3D, time-dependent, hydrodynamical model atmospheres. The study is based on the excellent agreement between the predicted and observed line profiles directly rather than equivalent width, since the intrinsic Doppler broadening from the convective motions and oscillations provide the necessary non-thermal broadening. Thus, three of the four hotly debated parameters (equivalent widths, microturbulence and damping enhancement factors) in the center of the recent solar Fe abundance dispute regarding FeI lines no longer enter the analysis, leaving the transition probabilities as the main uncertainty. Both FeI (using the samples of lines of both the Oxford and Kiel studies) and FeII lines have been investigated, which give consistent results: log FeI = 7.44 +- 0.05 and log FeII = 7.45 +- 0.10. Also the wings of strong FeI lines return consistent abundances, log FeII = 7.42 +- 0.03, but due to the uncertainties inherent in analyses of strong lines we give this determination lower weight than the results from weak and intermediate strong lines. In view of the recent slight downward revision of the meteoritic Fe abundance log Fe = 7.46 +- 0.01, the agreement between the meteoritic and photospheric values is very good, thus appearingly settling the debate over the photospheric Fe abundance from FeI lines.Comment: Accepted for A&

    Longwall shearer tracking system

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    A tracking system for measuring and recording the movements of a longwall shearer vehicle includes an optical tracking assembly carried at one end of a desired vehicle path and a retroreflector assembly carried by the vehicle. Continuous horizontal and vertical light beams are alternately transmitted by means of a rotating Dove prism to the reflector assembly. A vertically reciprocating reflector interrupts the continuous light beams and converts these to discrete horizontal and vertical light beam images transmitted at spaced intervals along the path. A second rotating Dove prism rotates the vertical images to convert them to a second series of horizontal images while the first mentioned horizontal images are left unrotated and horizontal. The images are recorded on a film