303,105 research outputs found

    Distributional National Accounts (DINA) with Household Survey Data: Methodology and Results for European Countries

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    The paper builds Distributional National Accounts (DINA) using household survey data. We present a transparent and reproducible methodology to construct DINA whenever administrative tax data are not available for research and apply it to various European countries. By doing so, we build synthetic microdata files which cover the entire distribution, include all income components individually aligned to national accounts, and preserve the detailed socioeconomic information available in the surveys. The methodology uses harmonized and publicly available data sources (SILC, HFCS) and provides highly comparable results. We discuss the methodological steps and their impact on the income distribution. In particular, we highlight the effects of imputations and the adjustment of the variables to national accounts totals. Furthermore, we compare different income concepts of both the DINA and EG-DNA approach of the OECD in a consistent way. Our results confirm that constructing DINA is crucial to get a better picture of the income distribution. Our methodology is well suited to build synthetic microdata files which can be used for policy evaluation like social impact analysis and microsimulation.Series: INEQ Working Paper Serie

    Towards metric-like higher-spin gauge theories in three dimensions

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    We consider the coupling of a symmetric spin-3 gauge field to three-dimensional gravity in a second order metric-like formulation. The action that corresponds to an SL(3,R) x SL(3,R) Chern-Simons theory in the frame-like formulation is identified to quadratic order in the spin-3 field. We apply our result to compute corrections to the area law for higher-spin black holes using Wald's entropy formula.Comment: 29 pages; v2: typos correcte

    Finite-Size Corrections for Ground States of Edwards-Anderson Spin Glasses

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    Extensive computations of ground state energies of the Edwards-Anderson spin glass on bond-diluted, hypercubic lattices are conducted in dimensions d=3,..,7. Results are presented for bond-densities exactly at the percolation threshold, p=p_c, and deep within the glassy regime, p>p_c, where finding ground-states becomes a hard combinatorial problem. Finite-size corrections of the form 1/N^w are shown to be consistent throughout with the prediction w=1-y/d, where y refers to the "stiffness" exponent that controls the formation of domain wall excitations at low temperatures. At p=p_c, an extrapolation for d→∞d\to\infty appears to match our mean-field results for these corrections. In the glassy phase, w does not approach the value of 2/3 for large d predicted from simulations of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass. However, the value of w reached at the upper critical dimension does match certain mean-field spin glass models on sparse random networks of regular degree called Bethe lattices.Comment: 6 pages, RevTex4, all ps figures included, corrected and final version with extended analysis and more data, such as for case d=3. Find additional information at http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher

    The H-Covariant Strong Picard Groupoid

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    The notion of H-covariant strong Morita equivalence is introduced for *-algebras over C = R(i) with an ordered ring R which are equipped with a *-action of a Hopf *-algebra H. This defines a corresponding H-covariant strong Picard groupoid which encodes the entire Morita theory. Dropping the positivity conditions one obtains H-covariant *-Morita equivalence with its H-covariant *-Picard groupoid. We discuss various groupoid morphisms between the corresponding notions of the Picard groupoids. Moreover, we realize several Morita invariants in this context as arising from actions of the H-covariant strong Picard groupoid. Crossed products and their Morita theory are investigated using a groupoid morphism from the H-covariant strong Picard groupoid into the strong Picard groupoid of the crossed products.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 50 pages. Revised version with additional examples and references. To appear in JPA

    The midpoint between dipole and parton showers

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    We present a new parton-shower algorithm. Borrowing from the basic ideas of dipole cascades, the evolution variable is judiciously chosen as the transverse momentum in the soft limit. This leads to a very simple analytic structure of the evolution. A weighting algorithm is implemented, that allows to consistently treat potentially negative values of the splitting functions and the parton distributions. We provide two independent, publicly available implementations for the two event generators Pythia and Sherpa.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure
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