4,492 research outputs found

    Core Competencies and Christian Education: An Integrative Approach to Education in Marriage and Family Therapy Programs

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    For educating marriage and family therapy (MFT) students, there has been an increasing emphasis on their ability to demonstrate a series of core competencies as identified by the American Associate for Marriage and Family (AAMFT) (Nelson et al., 2007). This type of therapist education from outcome-based education (OBE) fosters the characteristics or worldview associated with educational institutions and the profession. At the most general level, OBE is education or socialization into the professional MFT worldview. As a corrective to this, there is a need to seek this moral character in a Christian worldview which emphasizes a metanarrative informed by the Bible as well as Christian tradition. Therefore, moral character must be identified and developed in a Christian moral community. This Christian moral education and participation in moral community encourage Christian virtues such as faith, hope, and love

    How Did We Get Here? An Inquiry into Pop Culture, Pop Culture Icons, and America\u27s Support of the Degradation of Humanity Through Mass Media Consumption

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    This thesis focuses on the contemporary human condition associated with the consumption of current entertainment media. Sampling on modes of thought from anthropological, biological, psychological, sociological, and biographical points of view I sought to define what it means to be uniquely human. Furthermore, I sought to compare and contrast contemporary human interactions as described through research studies associated with tabloid news sources, and the entertainment industry. The results of this study were then articulated through four works of art that visually describe that which was found amongst a variety of resources. They describe the rise and fall of the careers of three pop culture icons: Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, and Amy Winehouse. Each career ended tragically perhaps due to the current climate that encourages self-destructive behavior through media sources that keep our celebrities in the public eye. This study finds that public support, through consumption of such media sources, further perpetuates a media culture that functions to erode the moral fabric of our society today

    Minimizing Warping in 3D-Printed Architectural Models

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    The MacCrate Report: Its Impact on Education in Law Firm Management

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    The Vascular Flora Of The Red River Gorge In Powell, Menifee, And Wolfe Counties Kentucky

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    The Red River Gorge (RRG) is a 26,283 ha natural area within Menifee, Powell, and Wolfe counties of Kentucky. This area is in the Cumberland Plateau Physiographic Section which is a southern subsection of the Appalachian Plateau Physiographic Province. It is a mecca of outdoor recreation, hosting thousands of visitors each year, while also being home to a unique flora worthy of continued protection. A vascular flora was conducted between the fall of 2016 and the summer of 2018. Additional vouchers donated by Dr. Ross C. Clark and the Stanton Ranger District office, as well as vouchers deposited at regional herbaria were used to complete this flora. This project utilized 3021 vouchers from 1940-2018, and documented 1023 taxa, including 1004 species, 455 genera, and 139 families. The most taxon-rich families include Asteraceae (137), Poaceae (99), Cyperaceae (74), Fabaceae (50), and Rosaceae (49). There were 145 exotic species found, including 74 that are considered invasive in some way by the Kentucky Invasive Plant Council. A total of 23 taxa found are state-listed, including Solidago albopilosa a RRG endemic. Additionally, 40 taxa found are new county records and 40 taxa are new to the RRG. There were 10 ecological systems found in the RRG with 33 unique associations within them. Of these, 11 associations are listed as vulnerable (G3) and three are listed as imperiled (G2) by NatureServe. A species-area curve was updated for the Cumberland Plateau Physiographic Section resulting in an improved r2 value of 0.86

    Orality and Literacy in Matter and Form: Ben Franklin's Way to Wealth

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    The reader finishes Benjamin Franklin's Way to Wealth, first published as the preface to the silver-anniversary Poor Richard's Almanach of 1758, with the sense that an infinity of proverbs have followed one another in an endless sequence. With very few exceptions, Franklin took these proverbs, the "active ingredients" of the piece, from printed sources. They came immediately from his own twenty-four previous almanacs, but originally he had taken them from a handful of books which scholars assure us were his direct source of proverbial wisdom (Gallacher 1949:238-39; Newcomb 1957:3, 252; Amacher 1962:56-57). Franklin was, after all, city-born and city-bred, while by contrast proverbs are native to the world of agriculture, orality, and traditionalism. Proverbs embody the concrete and earthy morality of peasant shrewdness; as Walter J. Ong states it, they are situational and operational rather than abstract and speculative, and they are formulated as concrete and earthy expressions in order to be memorable and readily available in the concrete and earthy situations of everyday peasant life (Ong 1982:33-36)

    Effectual Prayer

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    From The Bible Institute Hour; what prayer is.https://digitalcommons.biola.edu/biola-radio-pubs/1023/thumbnail.jp

    Zen and the Art...: The Identity of the Erlkönig

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    Employee Engagement as a Shared Responsibility: A Study of Engagement Strategies Employed by Legal Assistants

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    The purpose of this study was to identify strategies used by legal assistants to engage, stay engaged, and reengage, when appropriate, in their work, in particular when common organizational efforts fall short or do not exist. Constructivism and job demands-resources (JD-R) were the primary frameworks for understanding and analyzing the phenomenon of developing engagement strategies. Qualitative data were drawn through semi-structured interviews with 16 legal assistants. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. Trustworthiness and validity were enhanced by using multiple respondents and allowing each to review the transcripts for accuracy, fairness, and clarity. The transcriptions were then analyzed for themes. Two of the categories that emerged from the data were the strategies individuals developed to enhance employee engagement (EE) and the drivers that motivated the participants to develop the strategies. These two categories were developed into sub-categories. Participants felt motivated to employ their strategies by their internal drive to be productive, to do the work they are assigned, to achieve success for themselves and their attorneys, and from a sense of community with their firms and colleagues. The strategies they employed included temporarily disconnecting from the work, work organization tactics, self-care, and self-motivation. These strategies supported their internal drives, just as the internal drives supported their strategies. Overall, the participants were fully engaged the majority of the time they are at work, they recognized the need to be engaged, and they felt driven to develop strategies, and bring those strategies to their employers, to engage, remain engaged, and reengage, when appropriate, in their work. This study provided support for the idea that EE is a shared duty between employee and employer. As an individual construct, employees share a responsibility in creating and maintaining an environment of engagement. Highly engaged employees enjoy being engaged and may even become more engaged through the act of developing engagement strategies

    Qcd Condensates, The Operator-product Expansion And The Dynamical Quark Mass

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    The operator-product expansion will be applied to the two-point Green functions of QCD in order to study the dynamical generation of quark masses. The lowest order quark and gluon condensate contributions to the quark self-energy will be calculated to all orders in the expansions of the quark-quark and gluon-gluon vacuum expectation values. The resulting on-shell gauge independence of the quark self-energy leads self-consistently to a non-perturbative dynamical quark mass in agreement with the phenomenology of up and down constituent mass.;The order g{dollar}\sp3{dollar}, chiral-violating, mixed condensate component of the quark self-energy will be calculated to order m{dollar}\sp3{dollar} in the expansions of the quark-quark and quark-gluon-quark vacuum expectation values, and then extended to all orders. The resulting self-energy is gauge independent for arbitrary values of the current mass, and the pole position of the quark propagator is unshifted from the value obtained from the quark and gluon condensates.;The lowest order quark condensate projection of the gluon propagator will be calculated to all orders in the quark-quark vacuum expectation value. The self-energy is found to be transverse, satisfying the Slavnov-Taylor identity. Implications for mechanisms which lead to an effective gluon mass will be considered. A brief application of this result to the QCD sum rule for the {dollar}\rho{dollar} meson will also be presented