44 research outputs found

    Conception d’un système de mesure de position angulaire des jambes pour stimulation musculaire de personnes paraplégiques

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    Ce travail de semestre s’inscrit dans le projet nommé Cyberthèse, le but est de réaliser une interface de mesure angulaire de la hanche, du genou et de la cheville avec les capteurs à disposition sur le marché

    Conception d'un système de mesure du mouvement pour la rééducation

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    Le but de ce projet est de concever un système de mesure des angles hanche, genou, cheville dans le plan sagittal, de détecter la pose du talon ainsi que mesurer la rotation de la tête

    How building and district algorithms enhance renewable energy integration in energy markets

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThis study shows the results of the SABINA H2020 project, which analyzes the effect of two level optimization algorithms to increase the consumption of renewable power sources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. First, at building level, a building algorithm maximizes the self-consumption of generated energy by its own renewable power sources. Second, at district level, a market integrated district algorithm takes into account aspects related to the electricity grid, such as the electricity generation mix and the prices of electricity and ancillary services, and aggregates the energy flexibility forecast of buildings to minimize the overall CO 2 emissions while ensuring a cost reduction to prosumersPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Harmonin-b, an actin-binding scaffold protein, is involved in the adaptation of mechanoelectrical transduction by sensory hair cells

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    We assessed the involvement of harmonin-b, a submembranous protein containing PDZ domains, in the mechanoelectrical transduction machinery of inner ear hair cells. Harmonin-b is located in the region of the upper insertion point of the tip link that joins adjacent stereocilia from different rows and that is believed to gate transducer channel(s) located in the region of the tip link's lower insertion point. In Ush1cdfcr-2J/dfcr-2J mutant mice defective for harmonin-b, step deflections of the hair bundle evoked transduction currents with altered speed and extent of adaptation. In utricular hair cells, hair bundle morphology and maximal transduction currents were similar to those observed in wild-type mice, but adaptation was faster and more complete. Cochlear outer hair cells displayed reduced maximal transduction currents, which may be the consequence of moderate structural anomalies of their hair bundles. Their adaptation was slower and displayed a variable extent. The latter was positively correlated with the magnitude of the maximal transduction current, but the cells that showed the largest currents could be either hyperadaptive or hypoadaptive. To interpret our observations, we used a theoretical description of mechanoelectrical transduction based on the gating spring theory and a motor model of adaptation. Simulations could account for the characteristics of transduction currents in wild-type and mutant hair cells, both vestibular and cochlear. They led us to conclude that harmonin-b operates as an intracellular link that limits adaptation and engages adaptation motors, a dual role consistent with the scaffolding property of the protein and its binding to both actin filaments and the tip link component cadherin-23

    Effects of Genotypes and Treatment on Oxygenscan Parameters in Sickle Cell Disease

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    (1) Background: The aim of the present study was to compare oxygen gradient ektacytometry parameters between sickle cell patients of different genotypes (SS, SC, and S/β+) or under different treatments (hydroxyurea or chronic red blood cell exchange). (2) Methods: Oxygen gradient ektacytometry was performed in 167 adults and children at steady state. In addition, five SS patients had oxygenscan measurements at steady state and during an acute complication requiring hospitalization. (3) Results: Red blood cell (RBC) deformability upon deoxygenation (EImin) and in normoxia (EImax) was increased, and the susceptibility of RBC to sickle upon deoxygenation was decreased in SC patients when compared to untreated SS patients older than 5 years old. SS patients under chronic red blood cell exchange had higher EImin and EImax and lower susceptibility of RBC to sickle upon deoxygenation compared to untreated SS patients, SS patients younger than 5 years old, and hydroxyurea-treated SS and SC patients. The susceptibility of RBC to sickle upon deoxygenation was increased in the five SS patients during acute complication compared to steady state, although the difference between steady state and acute complication was variable from one patient to another. (4) Conclusions: The present study demonstrates that oxygen gradient ektacytometry parameters are affected by sickle cell disease (SCD) genotype and treatment

    The WalkTrainer: A Robotic System for Walking Rehabilitation

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    Standard reeducation methods for paraplegic people rely on manual or robotic mobilization on a treadmill. However in both cases the motion is generated by an exterior force, the training is thus called passive. In this context the Swiss Fondation for Cyberthoses (FSC) has decided to combine the advantages of robotics (precise and repeatable motion, unlimited training) with closed-loop muscle stimulation. Thus the motion is provided by the muscle of the patients and the robot assists the subject

    Clinical Trials with the WalkTrainer: Preliminary Results

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    Robotic devices are well suited for providing motion to the patient and information (positions, forces, etc.) to the therapist. The FSC and LSRO are combining their effort in the development of robotic re-education devices, focusing on active rehabilitation. A new generation of rehabilitation devices combining mobility, closed loop functional electrical muscle stimulation through force feedback and a compliant mechanical interaction was elaborated. At this time, two devices are developed: the MotionMaker™; a stationary device for functional muscle strengthening and the WalkTrainer™; the mobile rehabilitation device used for this study. Previous clinical results on the MotionMaker™ have demonstrated the enhancement of such concept to paraplegic’s life quality and muscle force increasing. The first clinical trials of the WalkTrainer™ on a population of SCI patients will be presented. These trials are made at the Clinique Romande de Réadaptation (CRR) in Sion with the help of medical actors through a predefined protocol