7,711 research outputs found

    Cyclical bi-directional rotary actuator

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    A thermally powered rotary actuator is disclosed which is used for positioning a shaft in first and second positions which are disposed 180 deg apart. A pair of heat extensible springs are attached to the shaft and to the frame of the rotary actuator for selectively rotating the shaft from one of its two positions to the other position upon the application of heat to one of the heat extensible springs. The heat extensible springs are preferably constructed from the alloy 55-Nitinol. In the preferred embodiment, a detent mechanism is provided for locking the rotatable shaft in its two rotary positions

    A preliminary list of Neuroptera from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

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    The following species of Neuroptera have been identified from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

    The Zethus of Venezuela (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae)

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    Thirty four species of Zethus are enumerated from Venezuela, providing known and new locality records. Six new species are described: Z. rubioi and Z. vincenti in the subgenus Zethusculus, Z. carpenteri and Z. milleri in the subgenus Zethoides, and Z. bolivarensis and Z. yepezi in the nominate subgenus. A key to the species of Venezuela is provided. The distribution patterns of Zethus are discussed

    Preliminary report on the Myrmeleontidae (Neuroptera) of Paraguay

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    Ten species of antlions are confirmed as present in Paraguay and seven additional species are suspected to be present there. All of the species are found also in Argentina and Brazil except for Eremoleon pulchra (Esben- Petersen) which is endemic to Paraguay. A key to the adults is provided as well as distributional data for Paraguay with two new country records (Ameromyia dimidiata Navás and Austroleon dispar (Banks)).Se documentan diez especies de Myrmeleontidae en Paraguay con otras siete especies conocidas de países limítrofes probablemente también presentes en Paraguay. Todos las especies están presentes también en Argentina y Brazil salvo Eremoleon pulchra (Esben-Petersen) que parece ser endémica. Se presenta una clave para las especies y también datos sobre distribución en Paraguay con dos registros nuevos Ameromyia hirsuta Navás y Austroleon dispar (Banks)

    The structural and functional effects of electromagnetic fields on the plasma membrane of Vicia faba, the broad bean : a thesis dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, Plant Biology at Massey University

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    Vicia faba (broad bean) root-tip cells were exposed to electromagnetic fields at 50 and 60 Hz, square and sine waveforms and 0.1, 1, and 10 gauss. Levels of [³H]-alanine uptake and ion efflux were measured at these parameters and compared to unexposed control seedlings. The ultrastructure of cortical cells from the zone of elongation exposed to a 1 gauss, 50 hertz, squarewave field was studied under the electron microscope. In the first uptake trials alanine uptake via ATP dependant membrane carriers was stimulated by square waveform fields, but inhibited by 50 Hz fields. In the replicate trials alanine uptake was inhibited by both 50 and 60 hertz, square and sine waveform fields. The different response between trials was attributed to aging of the seeds used, owing to a six month chemical supply delay. This apparent aging of the seeds appeared to increase seedling susceptibility to modification by electromagnetic fields. The ion efflux trials saw no significant change in the pattern of ion efflux (as measured by conductivity) from exposed cells, although there was a significant decrease in hydrogen ion efflux at 0.1 and 1 gauss. A secondary inhibition effect on hydrogen ion efflux occurred with exposure to sine and square waveforms, but only in the presence of 0.1 and 1 gauss field amplitudes. The reduction in hydrogen efflux was most probably due to the inhibition of an active ATP dependent membrane carrier responsible for maintaining the transmembrane electrochemical gradient. Under the electron microscope exposed cortex cells from the zone of elongation had significantly more pinocytotic vesicles than the controls. These vesicles were believed to be involved in bulk uptake of extracellular media, which may permit exposed cells to expand more rapidly than the controls. Thus the functioning of three separate membrane transport systems were shown to be susceptible to functional modification, at least in the short term, by extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields. This introduces the potential for an enormous array of downstream effects to echo through-out the organism via signal transduction pathways

    Observations on the biology of the antlion genus Glenurus Hagen (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae)

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    This New World genus contains nine described species classified in the Nemoleontini. Larvae have been found for five species (Miller and Stange, unpublished data)

    Review of Zethus Fabricius from the West Indies (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

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    Eleven species of Zethus are reported for the West Indies including two new species. A re-evaluation of Z. albopictus Smith is accomplished based on new material from Hispaniola leading to the creation of a new species group. A new species from St. Vincent is described which is the first known representative of the Z. sichelianus group from the West Indies. Also, a new species of the Z. cubensis group is described from San Salvador. New records are provided for many species except Z. dentostipes Bohart and Stange, Z. islandicus Bohart and Stange and Z. arietis (Fabricius) which are still known only from the holotypes. A key to species is provided