3,131 research outputs found

    The thermal model on the verge of the ultimate test: particle production in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC

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    We investigate the production of hadrons in nuclear collisions within the framework of the thermal (or statistical hadronization) model. We discuss both the ligh-quark hadrons as well as charmonium and provide predictions for the LHC energy. Even as its exact magnitude is dependent on the charm production cross section, not yet measured in Pb-Pb collisions, we can confidently predict that at the LHC the nuclear modification factor of charmonium as a function of centrality is larger than that observed at RHIC and compare the experimental results to these predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; proceedings of QM201

    The transition zone as a host for recycled volatiles: Evidence from nitrogen and carbon isotopes in ultra-deep diamonds from Monastery and Jagersfontein (South Africa)

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    Sublithospheric (ultra-deep) diamonds provide a unique window into the deepest parts of Earth's mantle, which otherwise remain inaccessible. Here, we report the first combined C- and N-isotopic data for diamonds from the Monastery and Jagersfontein kimberlites that sample the deep asthenosphere and transition zone beneath the Kaapvaal Craton, in the mid Cretaceous, to investigate the nature of mantle fluids at these depths and the constraints they provide on the deep volatile cycle. Both diamond suites exhibit very light ή13C values (down to − 26‰) and heavy ή15N (up to + 10.3‰), with nitrogen abundances generally below 70 at. ppm but varying up to very high concentrations (2520 at. ppm) in rare cases. Combined, these signatures are consistent with derivation from subducted crustal materials. Both suites exhibit variable nitrogen aggregation states from 25 to 100% B defects. Internal growth structures, revealed in cathodoluminescence (CL) images, vary from faintly layered, through distinct cores to concentric growth patterns with intermittent evidence for dissolution and regular octahedral growth layers in places. Modelling the internal co-variations in ή13C-ή15N-N revealed that diamonds grew from diverse C-H-O-N fluids involving both oxidised and reduced carbon species. The diversity of the modelled diamond-forming fluids highlights the complexity of the volatile sources and the likely heterogeneity of the deep asthenosphere and transition zone. We propose that the Monastery and Jagersfontein diamonds form in subducted slabs, where carbon is converted into either oxidised or reduced species during fluid-aided dissolution of subducted carbon before being re-precipitated as diamond. The common occurrence of recycled C and N isotopic signatures in super-deep diamonds world-wide indicates that a significant amount of carbon and nitrogen is recycled back to the deep asthenosphere and transition zone via subducting slabs, and that the transition zone may be dominated by recycled C and N

    Has the Quark-Gluon Plasma been seen?

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    Data from the first three years of running at RHIC are reviewed and put into context with data obtained previously at the AGS and SPS and with the physics question of creation of a quark-gluon plasma in high energy heavy ion collisions. Also some very recent and still preliminary data from run4 are included.Comment: plenary paper, Lepton-Photon 2005, Uppsala, Swede

    Gravitational strings. Do we see one?

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    I present a class of objects called gravitational strings (GS) for their similarity to the conventional cosmic strings: even though the former are just singularities in flat spacetime, both varieties are equally "realistic", they may play equally important cosmological r\^ole and their lensing properties are akin. I argue that the enigmatic object CSL-1 is an evidence in favor of the existence of GS.Comment: The published version. Minor correction

    Production of Strange Clusters and Strange Matter in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at the AGS

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    Production probabilities for strange clusters and strange matter in Au+Au collisions at AGS energy are obtained in the thermal fireball model. The only parameters of the model, the baryon chemical potential and temperature, were determined from a description of the rather complete set of hadron yields from Si+nucleus collisions at the AGS. For the production of light nuclear fragments and strange clusters the results are similar to recent coalescence model calculations. Strange matter production with baryon number larger than 10 is predicted to be much smaller than any current experimental sensitivities.Comment: 9 Pages (no figures

    Rotating magnetic solution in three dimensional Einstein gravity

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    We obtain the magnetic counterpart of the BTZ solution, i.e., the rotating spacetime of a point source generating a magnetic field in three dimensional Einstein gravity with a negative cosmological constant. The static (non-rotating) magnetic solution was found by Clement, by Hirschmann and Welch and by Cataldo and Salgado. This paper is an extension of their work in order to include (i) angular momentum, (ii) the definition of conserved quantities (this is possible since spacetime is asymptotically anti-de Sitter), (iii) upper bounds for the conserved quantities themselves, and (iv) a new interpretation for the magnetic field source. We show that both the static and rotating magnetic solutions have negative mass and that there is an upper bound for the intensity of the magnetic field source and for the value of the angular momentum. The magnetic field source can be interpreted not as a vortex but as being composed by a system of two symmetric and superposed electric charges, one of the electric charges is at rest and the other is spinning. The rotating magnetic solution reduces to the rotating uncharged BTZ solution when the magnetic field source vanishes.Comment: Latex (uses JHEP3.cls), 12 pages. Published versio

    The Physical Role of Gravitational and Gauge Degrees of Freedom in General Relativity - II: Dirac versus Bergmann observables and the Objectivity of Space-Time

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    (abridged)The achievements of the present work include: a) A clarification of the multiple definition given by Bergmann of the concept of {\it (Bergmann) observable. This clarification leads to the proposal of a {\it main conjecture} asserting the existence of i) special Dirac's observables which are also Bergmann's observables, ii) gauge variables that are coordinate independent (namely they behave like the tetradic scalar fields of the Newman-Penrose formalism). b) The analysis of the so-called {\it Hole} phenomenology in strict connection with the Hamiltonian treatment of the initial value problem in metric gravity for the class of Christoudoulou -Klainermann space-times, in which the temporal evolution is ruled by the {\it weak} ADM energy. It is crucial the re-interpretation of {\it active} diffeomorphisms as {\it passive and metric-dependent} dynamical symmetries of Einstein's equations, a re-interpretation which enables to disclose their (nearly unknown) connection to gauge transformations on-shell; this is expounded in the first paper (gr-qc/0403081). The use of the Bergmann-Komar {\it intrinsic pseudo-coordinates} allows to construct a {\it physical atlas} of 4-coordinate systems for the 4-dimensional {\it mathematical} manifold, in terms of the highly non-local degrees of freedom of the gravitational field (its four independent {\it Dirac observables}), and to realize the {\it physical individuation} of the points of space-time as {\it point-events} as a gauge-fixing problem, also associating a non-commutative structure to each 4-coordinate system.Comment: 41 pages, Revtex

    Finite Temperature Gauge Theory on Anisotropic Lattices

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    The finite temperature transition of QCD can be seen as a change in the structure of the hadrons and as a symmetry breaking transition -- a change in the structure of the vacuum. These phenomena are observed differently and carry complementary information. We aim at a correlated analysis involving hadronic correlators and the vacuum structure including field and density correlations, both non-trivial questions.Comment: 3 pages, Talk presented at LATTICE96(finite temperature

    Complex Wave Numbers in the Vicinity of the Schwarzschild Event Horizon

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    This paper is devoted to investigate the cold plasma wave properties outside the event horizon of the Schwarzschild planar analogue. The dispersion relations are obtained from the corresponding Fourier analyzed equations for non-rotating and rotating, non-magnetized and magnetized backgrounds. These dispersion relations provide complex wave numbers. The wave numbers are shown in graphs to discuss the nature and behavior of waves and the properties of plasma lying in the vicinity of the Schwarzschild event horizon.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication Int. J. Mod. Phys.
