83 research outputs found

    Regulation of caspase-3 processing by cIAP2 controls the switch between pro-inflammatory activation and cell death in microglia.

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    Cell Death and Disease is an open-access journal published by Nature Publishing Group. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons licence, users will need to obtain permission from the licence holder to reproduce the material.The activation of microglia, resident immune cells of the central nervous system, and inflammation-mediated neurotoxicity are typical features of neurodegenerative diseases, for example, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. An unexpected role of caspase-3, commonly known to have executioner role for apoptosis, was uncovered in the microglia activation process. A central question emerging from this finding is what prevents caspase-3 during the microglia activation from killing those cells? Caspase-3 activation occurs as a two-step process, where the zymogen is first cleaved by upstream caspases, such as caspase-8, to form intermediate, yet still active, p19/p12 complex; thereafter, autocatalytic processing generates the fully mature p17/p12 form of the enzyme. Here, we show that the induction of cellular inhibitor of apoptosis protein 2 (cIAP2) expression upon microglia activation prevents the conversion of caspase-3 p19 subunit to p17 subunit and is responsible for restraining caspase-3 in terms of activity and subcellular localization. We demonstrate that counteracting the repressive effect of cIAP2 on caspase-3 activation, using small interfering RNA targeting cIAP2 or a SMAC mimetic such as the BV6 compound, reduced the pro-inflammatory activation of microglia cells and promoted their death. We propose that the different caspase-3 functions in microglia, and potentially other cell types, reside in the active caspase-3 complexes formed. These results also could indicate cIAP2 as a possible therapeutic target to modulate microglia pro-inflammatory activation and associated neurotoxicity observed in neurodegenerative disorders

    Triad3a induces the degradation of early necrosome to limit RipK1-dependent cytokine production and necroptosis.

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    Understanding the molecular signaling in programmed cell death is vital to a practical understanding of inflammation and immune cell function. Here we identify a previously unrecognized mechanism that functions to downregulate the necrosome, a central signaling complex involved in inflammation and necroptosis. We show that RipK1 associates with RipK3 in an early necrosome, independent of RipK3 phosphorylation and MLKL-induced necroptotic death. We find that formation of the early necrosome activates K48-ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation of RipK1, Caspase-8, and other necrosomal proteins. Our results reveal that the E3-ubiquitin ligase Triad3a promotes this negative feedback loop independently of typical RipK1 ubiquitin editing enzymes, cIAPs, A20, or CYLD. Finally, we show that Triad3a-dependent necrosomal degradation limits necroptosis and production of inflammatory cytokines. These results reveal a new mechanism of shutting off necrosome signaling and may pave the way to new strategies for therapeutic manipulation of inflammatory responses

    LCL161 enhances expansion and survival of engineered anti-tumor T cells but is restricted by death signaling

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    BackgroundThe genesis of SMAC mimetic drugs is founded on the observation that many cancers amplify IAP proteins to facilitate their survival, and therefore removal of these pathways would re-sensitize the cells towards apoptosis. It has become increasingly clear that SMAC mimetics also interface with the immune system in a modulatory manner. Suppression of IAP function by SMAC mimetics activates the non-canonical NF-κB pathway which can augment T cell function, opening the possibility of using SMAC mimetics to enhance immunotherapeutics.MethodsWe have investigated the SMAC mimetic LCL161, which promotes degradation of cIAP-1 and cIAP-2, as an agent for delivering transient costimulation to engineered BMCA-specific human TAC T cells. In doing so we also sought to understand the cellular and molecular effects of LCL161 on T cell biology.ResultsLCL161 activated the non-canonical NF-κB pathway and enhanced antigen-driven TAC T cell proliferation and survival. Transcriptional profiling from TAC T cells treated with LCL161 revealed differential expression of costimulatory and apoptosis-related proteins, namely CD30 and FAIM3. We hypothesized that regulation of these genes by LCL161 may influence the drug’s effects on T cells. We reversed the differential expression through genetic engineering and observed impaired costimulation by LCL161, particularly when CD30 was deleted. While LCL161 can provide a costimulatory signal to TAC T cells following exposure to isolated antigen, we did not observe a similar pattern when TAC T cells were stimulated with myeloma cells expressing the target antigen. We questioned whether FasL expression by myeloma cells may antagonize the costimulatory effects of LCL161. Fas-KO TAC T cells displayed superior expansion following antigen stimulation in the presence of LCL161, suggesting a role for Fas-related T cell death in limiting the magnitude of the T cell response to antigen in the presence of LCL161.ConclusionsOur results demonstrate that LCL161 provides costimulation to TAC T cells exposed to antigen alone, however LCL161 did not enhance TAC T cell anti-tumor function when challenged with myeloma cells and may be limited due to sensitization of T cells towards Fas-mediated apoptosis

    Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins, NAIP, cIAP1 and cIAP2 expression during macrophage differentiation and M1/M2 polarization

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    Monocytes and macrophages constitute the first line of defense of the immune system against external pathogens. Macrophages have a highly plastic phenotype depending on environmental conditions; the extremes of this phenotypic spectrum are a pro-inflammatory defensive role (M1 phenotype) and an anti-inflammatory tissue-repair one (M2 phenotype). The Inhibitor of Apoptosis (IAP) proteins have important roles in the regulation of several cellular processes, including innate and adaptive immunity. In this study we have analyzed the differential expression of the IAPs, NAIP, cIAP1 and cIAP2, during macrophage differentiation and polarization into M1 or M2. In polarized THP-1 cells and primary human macrophages, NAIP is abundantly expressed in M2 macrophages, while cIAP1 and cIAP2 show an inverse pattern of expression in polarized macrophages, with elevated expression levels of cIAP1 in M2 and cIAP2 preferentially expressed in M1. Interestingly, treatment with the IAP antagonist SMC-LCL161, induced the upregulation of NAIP in M2, the downregulation of cIAP1 in M1 and M2 and an induction of cIAP2 in M1 macrophages.This work was supported by Universidad de Granada, Plan Propio 2015;#P3B: FAM, VMC (http://investigacion.ugr.es/pages/planpropio/2015/ resoluciones/p3b_def_28072015); Universidad de Granada CEI BioTic;#CAEP2-84: VMC (http:// biotic.ugr.es/pages/resolucionprovisional enseaanzapractica22demayo/!); and Canadian nstitutes of Health Research;#231421, #318176, #361847: STB, ECL, RK (http://www.cihr-irsc.gc. ca/e/193.html). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Plant Diversity Changes during the Postglacial in East Asia: Insights from Forest Refugia on Halla Volcano, Jeju Island

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    Understanding how past climate changes affected biodiversity is a key issue in contemporary ecology and conservation biology. These diversity changes are, however, difficult to reconstruct from paleoecological sources alone, because macrofossil and pollen records do not provide complete information about species assemblages. Ecologists therefore use information from modern analogues of past communities in order to get a better understanding of past diversity changes. Here we compare plant diversity, species traits and environment between late-glacial Abies, early-Holocene Quercus, and mid-Holocene warm-temperate Carpinus forest refugia on Jeju Island, Korea in order to provide insights into postglacial changes associated with their replacement. Based on detailed study of relict communities, we propose that the late-glacial open-canopy conifer forests in southern part of Korean Peninsula were rich in vascular plants, in particular of heliophilous herbs, whose dramatic decline was caused by the early Holocene invasion of dwarf bamboo into the understory of Quercus forests, followed by mid-Holocene expansion of strongly shading trees such as maple and hornbeam. This diversity loss was partly compensated in the Carpinus forests by an increase in shade-tolerant evergreen trees, shrubs and lianas. However, the pool of these species is much smaller than that of light-demanding herbs, and hence the total species richness is lower, both locally and in the whole area of the Carpinus and Quercus forests. The strongly shading tree species dominating in the hornbeam forests have higher leaf tissue N and P concentrations and smaller leaf dry matter content, which enhances litter decomposition and nutrient cycling and in turn favored the selection of highly competitive species in the shrub layer. This further reduced available light and caused almost complete disappearance of understory herbs, including dwarf bamboo

    Combination of IAP Antagonists and TNF-α-Armed Oncolytic Viruses Induce Tumor Vascular Shutdown and Tumor Regression

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    Smac mimetic compounds (SMCs) are anti-cancer drugs that antagonize Inhibitor of Apoptosis proteins, which consequently sensitize cancer cells to death in the presence of proinflammatory ligands such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). SMCs synergize with the attenuated oncolytic vesicular stomatitis virus (VSVΔ51) by eliciting an innate immune response, which is dependent on the endogenous production of TNF-α and type I interferon. To improve on this SMC-mediated synergistic response, we generated TNF-α-armed VSVΔ51 to produce elevated levels of this death ligand. Due to ectopic expression of TNF-α from infected cells, a lower viral dose of TNF-α-armed VSVΔ51 combined with treatment of the SMC LCL161 was sufficient to improve the survival rate compared to LCL161 and unarmed VSVΔ51 co-therapy. This improved response is attributed to a bystander effect whereby the spread of TNF-α from infected cells leads to the death of uninfected cells in the presence of LCL161. In addition, the treatments induced vascular collapse in solid tumors with a concomitant increase of tumor cell death, revealing another mechanism by which cytokine-armed VSVΔ51 in combination with LCL161 can kill tumor cells. Our studies demonstrate the potential for cytokine-engineered oncolytic virus and SMCs as a new combination immunotherapy for cancer treatment. Keywords: Smac mimetics, tumor necrosis factor alpha, TNF-α, vesicular stomatitis virus, VSV, oncolytic virus, vascular collapse, Smac mimetic compound, SMC, cellular inhibitor of apoptosis 1/2, cIAP1/cIAP2, cancer, immunotherap
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