21 research outputs found


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    L'apparition des espaces marginalisés au niveau de la ville ne se limite pas à certaines zones géographiquementdéfavorisées et/ou de création relativement récente (les grands ensembles, la banlieue, les nouveaux quartiers…), mais elle concerne aussi des espaces historiquement prestigieux : les centres historiques. Ces derniers dontla centralité est souvent multiples: urbaine, historique, sociale, culturelle, identitaire et économique, sont parfoisaussi des territoires urbains qui ont subi, à travers leur évolution, des changements sociaux et économiques telsqu’ils ne sont plus aptes à subvenir aux besoins nouveaux. Notre intervention s'intéresse à ces territoires souventlaissés pour compte et tente de reconnaître les différentes formes de leur marginalité. Il s'agira, notamment,d’identifier les causes qui ont été à la source du déclin de ses entités urbaines et qui ont engendré une situationambiguë, quant à leur appropriation par leurs utilisateurs, se manifestant par des phénomènes socioculturelsgraves (paupérisation, insécurité, qualité de la vie en deçà des ambitions des populations, exclusion, perted’identité…).Notre intervention se basera sur une étude de cas : le damier colonial de Biskra. Cet intérêt pour le centrecolonial répond aux objectifs d'un projet de recherche en cours qui tente de définir les outils permettant de sauverce qui reste de cette ville coloniale en la considérant comme patrimoine locale. la situation de ce centrehistorique est, en effet, assez problématique: territoire exclu des circuits principaux des échanges et des activités,soumis parfois à la destruction de son patrimoine, défiguré et bazardisé, souffrant cruellement d'un manqued'animation, subissant un dépeuplement massif. Ce sont là des constatations générales, mais néanmoins réellesqui attestent d'une marginalisation assez avancée de cette entité urbaine et que l'on se propose de présenter etd'analyser dans le cadre de ce travail


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    The analysis of these dwellings facades, constructed during the French colonial era in Biskra, an Algerian southern town, aims to identify not only the characteristics of this largely mistreated architectural heritage, but also, to grasp the co-occurrence of its morphological characteristics. Hence, a morphological approach was applied to a representative corpus of 190 facades located in the centre of this town.In order to conduct such an analysis, a model of the façade consisting on an elementary mesh of solid and void (a window network) was elaborated. This model allows various operations of segmentations through the observation of discontinuities, namely lyses. These latter define the composition levels (primary structuring) and the openings’ sequences (secondary structuring). The combinations of composition levels and spans arrangement produce a particular organisation for this windowed network, which was examined in detail, in this study.The outcomes from the studied corpus give prominence to both the delimited levels through the horizontal lyses (primary structuring) and the definition of the spaced out spans (secondary structuring). They also allows the description of the façades studied as having a simple character,  denoted by a variety of elements, connected  arbitrarily and  organized into one or more levels of composition.Moreover, these results suggest, that the renewal of the building stock in this old colonial city centre, could be done in respect to the models of the horizontal lyses structuring with either the introduction of new architectural elements, such as windows, balconies and arches, or the re-use of the forms of the existing ones. It is important to mention here, that the outcomes of this research can also help in different works and actions aiming to restore the old buildings stock within the area studied. A protected sector plan is the most suitable framework for such actions according to Algerian planning regulation.Finally, this research has demonstrated that some of the façades studied shared a homogeneous character, whereas others are different, they neither share the same stylistic elements, nor do they share the same structuring models. This result needs a further research, not only to explain the origin of these disparities within the corpus, considering the geographical localization of the façade in this colonial city centre (the cadastral section), but also, to explore some extrinsic factors, in order to interpret and explain the morphological characteristics of these dwellings façades in Biskra city centre, during the French colonial era

    New Renewable and Biodegradable Particleboards from Jatropha Press Cakes

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    The influence of thermo-pressing conditions on the mechanical properties of particleboards obtained from Jatropha press cakes was evaluated in this study. Conditions such as molding temperature and press cake oil content were included. All particleboards were cohesive, with proteins and fibers acting respectively as binder and reinforcing fillers. Generally, it was the molding temperature that most affected particleboard mechanical properties. The most resistant boards were obtained using 200°C molding temperature. Glass transition of proteins then occurred during molding, resulting in effective wetting of the fibers. At this optimal molding temperature, the best compromise between flexural properties (7.2 MPa flexural strength at break and 2153 MPa elastic modulus), Charpy impact strength (0.85 kJ/m²) and Shore D surface hardness (71.6°), was a board obtained from press cake with low oil content (7.7%). Such a particleboard would be usable as interlayer sheets for pallets, for the manufacture of containers or furniture, or in the building trade

    Exploring Building’s Climatic Adaptability Through Critical Regionalism

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    Against globalization and other centralized structures in arts or business, thinking in terms of region brings the tactile immediacy of spatial experience, the necessary response to climate and topography. A sense of reality to the cultural meaning (identity) of architectural form, and the possibility of engaging local labor and skill in architectural production (to embrace the principles of critical regionalism, an alternative theory that respects local culture, geography). The good architecture is also local. Re-center the theory away from concerns for style and aesthetic representation and update regionalism and architecture to a “subset environmentalism”, revised the theory, calling it a “liberative environmental practice” This study focuses on the views of architects (Fernand Pouillon & Minyaoui brothers) and their way of thinking contributing to the production of cultural identity in their work projects. For the purpose of this study, a sample of their projects which express cultural identity will be analyzed through the critical regionalist approach and explore their climatic adaptability. The methods used for data collection included: a survey using a standardized thematically axes; and the analysis of projects’ sample that represents the expression of cultural identity –through critical regionalism-. The analysis contained several axes covering different enquiries including: the views of architects producing this architecture in order to understand how they perceive what they are doing, what are their references, and how they are influenced by the client, the context, the climate and the history of the region. The aim of this work and research is to explore climatic adaptability through the critical regionalist approach and clarify the strong relation between identity and climatic adaptability in critical regionalism architecture

    تطوير جودة التراث المعماري والعمراني من خلال ضمان التوفيقة بين الهوية والمناخ (دراسة حالة مدينة أولاد جلال بمنطقة الزاب الغربي

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    من بين كل الفنون والتكنولوجيا المُنتجة من قبل الإنسان، العمارة هي الأكثر تعبيرا ووضوحا من بينهم جميعا، المنظر العمراني العام والتراث للمدينة يعكس فعلا حضارة المنطقة وهويّتها بطريقة جد جليَّة. البحث عن الحفاظ على هذا الموروث الثّقافي المعماري والحث على تعزيز جودة هذه الأماكن العمرانيّة هو أصعب عمل يواجه الشّعوب المتعدّدة الثّقافة والبيئة. العمارة العظيمة هي تلك العمارة التي تعكس هويّة المنطقة وحضارتها، هي تلك الأماكن العامّة التي يتقابل فيها الناس ويقومون بنشاطاتهم وحياتهم الاجتماعية، هي تلك الساحات العموميّة التي يقيمون بها احتفالاتهم، نقول عن مكان ما أنه نجح عمرانيا إذا تمّ فيه تواصل الناس مع بعضهم البعض في جو مناسب وسلس ليكون بذلك حاثَّا على حياة اجتماعية أرقى. هذه الدراسة تركّز على تطوير وتحسين جودة استخدام الموروث المعماري والعمراني الموجود في جنوب الجزائر الصحراوي (حالة الدراسة: مدينة أولاد جلال بمنطقة الزاب الغربي)، وذلك من خلال دراسة للنواة القديمة لمدينة أولاد جلال وتحليلها معماريّا وعمرانيّا من خلال استقراء عناصرها المكوّنة لهذه المدينة التّاريخيّة ذات الموروث الثقافي الغزير؛ ومن ثمّ الوصول إلى مقترح يلائم هذه المنظومة لينتج لدينا بالتالي مفاهيم تحافظ على الموروث الثقافي للعمارة المحلية للمنطقة من جهة ومن جهة أخرى إعطاء بُعد جديد للتصميم والمعالجة من خلال الاستعانة بالمعطيات البيئيّة والمناخية لهذه المنطقة. للوصول إلى هذا الهدف المبتغى سنقوم بوضع حلول تهيئة وتوسعة (بحي ثقافي) لهذه النواة باستخدام تصميم يراعي الهوية والموروث الثقافي وفي نفس الوقت يحترم بيئة ومناخ المنطقة ومن ثم أخذ آراء السكان وبعض المختصين من خلال تقسيم البحث إلى محورين هما: محور الهوية المعمارية والعمرانية للمدينة ومحور المناخ لهذه المنطقة. الهدف من هذا البحث والدراسة هو إظهار مختلف العوامل البيئية المؤثرة على التصميم الذي يراعي هوية وموروث المنطقة وإثبات العلاقة بين الهوية والمناخ، وللحفاظ على هذا الموروث وجب مراعاة وأخذ المعطيات البيئية المناخية في عين الاعتبار لتحسين جودة الموروث الثقافي المعماري والعمراني

    Towards public identity and climate awareness architecture

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    Of all of the arts and technology produced by man, architecture is the most conspicuous of them all. The search for an identity is a difficult endeavour and for a multicultural nation the effort is even greater. To search for one’s identity is also something of a peculiar endeavour, since it implies that one has either lost their identity or does not have a clue as to who one is. The Aga Khan Organisation gives awards to architectural projects every three years and there is a large selection criteria; but the most important ones concern the identity issue data. So, his highness the Aga Khan is interested in the heritage and identity of Islamic architecture. This study focuses on the views of architects contributing to the production of cultural identity in public architecture and analyses examples of their projects. For the purpose of this study, samples of architecture\projects that won the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) were selected from a group of international architects expressing Islamic cultural identity in their projects. The methods used for data collection included an analytical framework using standardised thematical axes and the analysis of examples of contemporary international public architecture that represent the expression of cultural identity. The aim of this work and research is to clarify the duality of Identity/Climate awareness in public architecture and to define the influence of different variables and indicators on the architectural design of the public projects, such as architectural identity variables and climate data variables


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    Il y a quelques décennies les communautés rurales de la région des Ziban vivaient encore en autarcie presque totale. Durant lacolonisation ces communautés sont soumises à la destructions des structures spatiales et sociales qui sous-tendaient leursétablissements humains ce qui engendra des conséquences graves et irréversibles sur l'environnement bâti.D'un autre côté, la confrontation avec le mode de vie et en particulier le mode d'habiter occidental généré par la colonisation adéclenché des mutations de grandes envergures. A l'indépendance ce phénomène s'est accentué sous l'influence des médias.Ces mutations ont, certes, engendré des bienfaits mais aussi beaucoup de problèmes imputables à la brutalité de ce phénomène;les populations locales n'ayant pas eu assez de recul pour assimiler les influences nouvelles. Ils se sont construits une idée duconfort et de la modernité qui n'est, en général, pas adaptée à leur mode de vie.Aujourd'hui, les ksouriens du Ziban essayent spontanément de transformer leur habitat suivant l'image qu'ils se font de lamodernité; une nouvelle architecture est en train de s'élaborer qui essaie à tout prix de se démarquer du traditionnel (matériauxnouveaux, nouvelle relation à l'espace extérieur, nouvelles valeurs esthétiques…). Les transformations du bâti précèdentsouvent la réflexion sur l'adaptation, c'est donc par l'usage que les habitants prennent conscience de l'inadéquation de leurlogement à leur mode d'habiter. Des mécanismes d'appropriation/réappropriation se mettent, alors, en place pour adapter lecadre de vie aux manières de vivre.C'est dans l'idée de révéler certains de ces mécanismes qu'une étude a été entreprise dans la région des Ziban (région deBiskra). Cette contribution donnera un aperçu sur l'approche adoptée pour l'étude des modes de transformations de l'habitatdans la région, des résultats préliminaires s e r o n t é g a l eme n t p r é s e n t é s

    Old Islamic Saharan Cities, The Narrative of Space and Environment; Case Study: Old Cities in Southern Sahara of Algeria

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    During past years, Islamic cities always have been considered as a reference to be follow regarding the new cities or smart cities concept and design. Although we are having this rich heritage and we live inside it but there are no considered researches and practical works established in our societies and Muslim communities regarding this treasure. This paper tries to reach the idea of the relation between urban fabric spaces and environment, this concept or duality is a holy act of architecture and urbanism. To achieve our assumptions, we choose two cities in south of Algeria which are known by their traditional and old Islamic urban pattern and layout (Ouled Djellal and Ghardaia), those two cities have been analyzed through thematic elements of the environmental adaptability design and cites principles of this research towards concluding the guidelines of cities planning and urban design in south of Algeria. The aim of this study and research is to explore the Islamic cities' urban fabric and environment influence on the old Saharan cities' planning in south of Algeria. Which means that the old cities' planning of Saharan cities is a compatible solution for environment such as climate and at the same time this environmental design is suitable with urban fabric and society traditions’ needs. Researches like this benefits the land of new theories of cities and regional planning and allows us as architects and urbanists to reconsider the environment, climate issues and urban fabric thread in cities for the future, especially after new cities' planning issues nowadays

    Overview of climate-responsive design strategies for the work of Fernand Pouillon in the south of Algeria

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    Enhancing the thermal and energy performance of buildings becomes necessary in times of climate change and environmental degradation. Assuring passive strategies application corresponding to each climate condition, especially harsh climate, contributes effectively to sustainable buildings and carbon neutrality. This paper thoroughly investigates iconic case studies considered responsive to the hot-dry climate of the south of Algeria. The process was carried out step by step, including an overview of the climate of Algeria, systematic analysis and in situ measurements. The results show that the actual design operative temperatures on the typical hottest days are between 32.9 °C and 39.2 °C in the M’Zab hotel, while the temperature in El-Djanoub hotel is fluctuating between 28.1 °C and 36.1 °C. Accordingly, the external air temperature is achieving 46 °C in peak times. However, the work of Pouillon is creatively adapted to the harsh hot-dry climate of the south of Algeria and uses considerable climate-responsive design strategies. The main used passive design strategies are highlighted throughout the study besides their impact on the indoor thermal environment. Further comments and recommendations were derived and discussed


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    The existing monuments and heritage could inspire the principles of Islamic aesthetics in architecture. We cannot simply copy the same ancient buildings, but rather, we should apply the same principles. Western architects always find their ways of designing Islamic architecture and presenting its aesthetics. This study offers an overview of Islamic aesthetics in architecture as interpreted by Fernand Pouillon (FP). The architect is explored in this study through his thoughts, concepts, philosophy, social studies, construction materials, morphology, and selected case studies in the south of Algeria. The methods used for data collection include analysing the architect’s writings and architectural designs using standardised thematic axes. This proposal aims to provide a comprehensive qualitative and analytical study of a pioneering Western architect influenced by Islamic architecture who worked in Algeria during the 20th decade, specifically focusing on his work in the south of Algeria