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    Kupu-kupu Papilio memnon memiliki tanaman inang yang spesifik untuk meletakkan telur dan pertumbuhan larvanya, salah satunya pada tanaman Citrus. Tanaman pakan ini berperan penting untuk pertumbuhan kupu-kupu selama fase larva. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pakan daun Citrus yang berbeda (C. maxima dan C. aurantiifolia) terhadap konsumsi dan pertumbuhan larva P. m. memnon di Laboratorium Penangkaran Kupu-kupu Cilember. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen, desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan pakan larva sebagai variabel bebas dan pertumbuhan larva sebagai variabel terikat. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif meliputi data panjang tubuh, berat tubuh larva, dan lebar kapsul kepala. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis data ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) dan uji-t independen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan larva P. m. memnon dengan pakan daun jeruk bali (C. maxima) dan daun jeruk nipis (C. aurantiifolia) hanya berpengaruh nyata terhadap konsumsi pakan larva P. m. memnon instar 2 dan larva instar 5, lebar kapsul kepala larva instar 4 dan instar 5, namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap berat tubuh dan panjang tubuh larva pada semua instar larva. Serta analisis proksimat mengungkapkan bahwa kandungan gizi pakan daun C. maxima dan C. aurantiifolia keduanya saling melengkapi satu sama lain. Papilio memnon memnon butterflies have specific host plants to lay their eggs and larval growth, one of them is on Citrus. Feed plants have a role to the butterflies growth during the larval stage. Research aims to determine the effect of the different Citrus leaves (C. maxima and C. aurantiifolia) on consumption and growth of larvae of P. m. memnon in butterflies captivity laboratory, Cilember. The research method I used the experiment by Completely Randomized Design with larval feed as independent variable and larval growth as the dependent variable. Data were analyzed quantitatively includes body length, larval body weight and larval head capsule. Analysis of data used technique ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and independent sample t-test. The results showed that feeding larvae of P. m. memnon with Pomelo leaves (C. maxima) and lime leaves (C. aurantiifolia) only significantly affect to 2nd and 5th larval instar consumption rank, to 4 th and 5th larval instar head capsule, but there are no significant effect on body weight and body length of larvae at all instar larvae. As well as the proximate analysis determined that the nutrient contect of C. maxima and C. aurantiifolia leaves are complementary to each other

    Flight activity and pollen resources of Apis nigrocincta and Apis cerana in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Importance of the work: Apis nigrocincta and A. cerana are important pollinators in Sulawesi; however, their flight activity patterns remain unstudied. Objectives: To characterize the flight activity of A. nigrocincta and A. cerana bees and its relationship to environmental factors and pollen sources. Materials & Methods: The flight activity of both honey bee species in lowland Central Sulawesi was observed during 0700-1600 hours and correlations between flight activity and environmental factors were analyzed. Bee pollen was collected from the hind legs of returning bees. Pollen acetolysis and color analysis were conducted to identify pollen sources. Results: Flight activity was higher and pollen sources were more diverse in A. cerana than for A. nigrocincta. The latter only collected a single type of pollen from Cocos nucifera, which was the dominant pollen source for both species, indicating that environmental management is needed to ensure the sustainability of beekeeping with the native A. nigrocincta in the presence of the introduced A. cerana. A. cerana collected Gramineae pollen, with 12 pollen types from 9 families and 3 unidentified types of pollen. Bee pollen with a single predominant pollen type, such as C. nucifera, varied in color. General linear models revealed that light intensity and temperature negatively affected flight activity, in contrast to the results of other studies. Main finding: In the apiaries of Central Sulawesi, the more widely distributed and adaptable A. cerana had higher flight activity and collected a greater diversity of pollen compared with the Sulawesi native A. nigrocincta