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    Letter from Daniel Muir [Sr.] to Daniel and Emma [Muir], 1882 Apr 1.

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    [4]Paul could not get of the way of righteousness by the law of Moses till Jesus Christ stoped him saying Paul why persecutest thou me then he Paul preached Christ crucified for the Sins of all men for he tasted death for all men. though mercy & free grace. not of works least any man should boast. So the apostles and those who believed through their ministry was commanded to go into all the world & preach Christ crucified for the Sins of all men for their original and actual Sins from their birth untill their death. No wonder at the true believers loving the [3?] one god for he tasted death for every man so that none need fear about having been missed or lost sight of by god. Gods word is all true it says cursed is the man that trusteth in man. Kings. or guids. but if man believes all gods word and obeysit by gods grace he shall never die. God says it. —I think god has sent me here being suitable for my old age & infirmities. my health is very good Please write me soon. give my love to the family. Yours in Christ Jesus. Daniel Muir.[1]Jefferson Arkansas 1882 April 1stDear Daniel and Emma my childrenMargret told me you wished me to write you a letter. when Jesus Christ our dear Saviour asked water to drink of the Samariten woman at the well. She said the jews have no dealings with the Samaritens. So why askest thou water of me. Jesus Said If thou hadest known who it is that asketh water of thee thou woudst have asked of him living water and thou would not thirst again. bu[illegible] would have been a well of water springing up in your heart to eternal life. For water is a figure of the Holy Ghost which is given to true believers yea a love to god which no water can quench throughout the countless ages of time and throughout eternity also. For Jesus Christ is made of God unto us wisdom. righteousness. Sanctification. and redemption that is the gift of god to us poor Sinners. it is all we need &[Page 2][2]We have all his Wisdom righteousness. Sanctification & redemption from Sin. Yea Jesus Christ is gifted to us with all his fullness of grace to Save us and preserve us eternally. [yea?] by that gift we are made heirs of god & joint heirs with Christ. yea we are made clean from Sin and Kept clean from it ever more and not by the work of the law. the law is fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of Sin and death. First he Jesus. cleanses us from Sin and then keeps us from Sin ever more by his own power. while he was Suffering for our Sins on the cross he was brusing the Serpent the devils head yea it was then he conquered our bodies of the flesh Sin and the world. If it were possible our enemies would deceive the very elect.[3]If I did not believe gods Standard with all my heart I could not love god and the things of god with all my heart but thanks be to god I do believe every word in it. Seeing I can do nothing good of my Self. at any time when my mind is drawn away with the things of time the fire of love to god loses its heat. and the degree of joy is lessend then I soon perceive my loss & suddenly I cry out Lord come to thy place in my heart again fore I fear all things else but loss compared with thee then I get to my good treashure again and my Soul is Safe and [happy?] again. I cannot be happy with out constant fellowship with god I like Christian Christian fellowship but there is very little of it. But thank god he hath made the way clear for those who loves to walk wherein [Straite?] is the gate and [narrow?] the way that leadeth unto life & few there is that walk therein

    Letter from Daniel Muir [Sr.] to Daniel [H. Muir], 1872 Jan 7.

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    Hickory hill, Jan. 1872.Dear Daniel. Though I seldom write to you it is no sign of want of love to you, for I do love you & your very best interests, which is the things that concern your Souls everlasting peace in Jesus for which I often pray and I would be most happy & most thankful to God, were I always sure of your Safe Keeping in Jesus in that respect, & may God grant that we may all as an unbroken family appe- ar before Him in glory at last for His Dear Sons sake and I shall praise Him for ever for it. Inclosed in this letter you will find a little Trout, it is from the repository of Dr. Charles [illegible] of Boston. God has made him the Steward of a consumpt- ives home there, where a great many poor consumptives & their children are kept free of expense, the Lord Sends in enough to Support them in answer to the Doctors prayers. There is from 40 to 50 dies annually in a converted state. it commenced about 7 years ago we have got all the annual reports, & 12 of last years reports, which along with 20 reports of the last year from George Mullers Orphan home at [Bristol?] I have Circulated along with Tracts from both places [amo?] ngst] the churches in portage, & friends & churches in the country, also. They are read with very great intrest, they have done us a deal of good, Your Mother, Anne Joanna & myself are all entred upon a life of trust. Trusting Jesus Christ as given of God & made of God unto us Wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, & redemption. We have cast the care of our Souls & our bodies upon Jesus. Who has promised to save us to the uttermost even all that call upon his name. We have taken Him as our ever- lasting place of rest, & none else & he is enough. He is the rock of ages, & our rock, we can trust him without fear of disappoint- ment for ever. For all we need for time & eternity. Christ is a fullness we cannot exhaust, & He links us to Himself & that fullness by the link of faith which He gifts to us. That on inheritance that is, and we enter upon it the moment we believe. My Dear child you may have trusted Jesus Christ to Save you from hell, but have you trusted Him with your Salvation from reigning Sin within, do you [illegible] like Paul feel your inability to conquer that sin & cry out with him, who shall deliver me from this body of death, He even Jesus can deliver us none else, O then trust Him to deliver you, callupon him then to fulfill His promise to you. For he says who so ever shall call upon the Lord Shall be Saved [illegible] this day is the day of Salvation, not [illegible] this moment not the next, We cannot abide in Jesus Christ without condemnation & follow his Spirit only until we come to Jesus, & receive of Him by our faith that power, even Himself as our deliverer. But as soon as he conquers our enemies, as our Substitute then we can abide in him at peace, & safe, without condemnation and like a grafted branch draw nourishment out of Christ Jesus always, every moment, even to great fruitfulness. Except the branch abide in the vine it cannot bring forth fruit, no more can ye except ye abide in me, for without me ye can do nothing. Your Mother & Anna joins me in kind live to you, we are glad to hear you are well, hoping you will write soon I remain yours affectionately Daniel Mui

    Letter from Daniel Muir Sr. to Daniel H. Muir, 1865 ? 18

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    [1]Town of Buffalo 18th 1865. Dear Daniel I recieved yours of the 3d that we were thinking you were long of writing but we were glad to hear you were both well in body. I should like to give you a good advice but it is god only that can by his Spirit through the attonement of Jesus Christ accompanying my pray and advice & that can make it profitable unto you, for you know by the three first chapters of Romans what man is of himself and what he may be by grace Rom 3 - Rom 1:25-52 Now your earthly fathers advice is that you take your heavenly Fathers I John 3-23. advice and Seek first the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness and all other things shall be added. I should like better to hear you saying to me that doing the will of your heavenly fathers will on earth [deleted was the] as it is done in heaven by Angles was your element exactly instead of saying to put new idias of your own into form would your element exactly. O what a difference of mans ideas when god by his spirit lets light into his mind by faith regenerating grace. My Son may god for Christs sake incline you to ask for light of him and you will understand the Scriptures when you read them. And he will change your Idias wonderfully, would you be perfictly ready to meet your god were you as quickly & unexpectedly cut off from this world by death as president Lincoln was If you do not live in Christ you cannot die Christ my Son your mother & I are daily praying for all our children meet us my children at 2 o\u27clock & pray for us also. [2]We are much revived in our little church and we are all praying for each other digly read the Isa 55. prayerfully read the Bible much we cannot be benefited by it if we do not know it. And having food & raiment let us their with be content, mind not high things but condisend to man of low estates do not seek the honour that comes of man but that which comes of god. Their is nothing in the world but vanity and vexation of Spirit and the love of money is root of all evil which some have coveted & have thereby [illegible]ced themselves through with many sorrows, Try to mix with good company as much as possible & keep out of bad thing. Keep Faith & a good conscience for Christ hath died for us leaving us a good example that we should follow his steps. Keep all his commandments give up all rash gudging evil speaking, back biting whispering and do to others as you would like them to do unto you, Trust not to anything you can do or have done for Salvation but only to what Christ hath done & to what he has promised to do in you by his Sirit in Subdincing an your corruptions keep always humbling views of yourself & seek all your goodness in Christ black with sin in yourself but white by Christ impated righteousness in him, let him work all your works in you by his Spirits power and then your works will be well for there is imperfection in our own wisdom. righteous sanctification etc but all perfection in Christs I think if you had Christ and a good farm to make your bread upon you would be supplied the best I will either have to sell my farm or let it, there is nothing doing on it now receive all our loves & write soon (all well) love to [illegible]) Daniel Muir

    Measurement and Controls Data Acquisition System

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    Measurement and Controls Data Acquisition System (MCDAS) is an application program that integrates the functions of two stand-alone programs: one for acquisition of data, the other for controls. MCDAS facilitates and improves testing of complex engineering systems by helping to perform calibration and setup of test systems and acquisition, dissemination, and processing of data. Features of MCDAS include an intuitive, user-friendly graphical user interface, a capability for acquiring data at rates greater than previously possible, cooperation between the data-acquisition software subsystem and alarm-checking and analytical components of the control software subsystem, and a capability for dissemination of data through fiber optics and virtual and wide-area networks, including networks that contain hand-held display units. The integration of the data acquisition and control software offers a safety advantage by making alarm information available to the control software in a more timely manner. By enabling the use of hand-held devices, MCDAS reduces the time spent by technicians asking for screen updates to determine effects of setup actions. Previously recorded data can be processed without interruption to current acquisition of data. Analysts can continue to view test parameters while test-data files are being generated

    Accurate PCR detection of influenza A/B and respiratory syncytial viruses by use of Cepheid Xpert Flu+RSV Xpress Assay in point-of-care settings: Comparison to Prodesse ProFlu+

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    ABSTRACT The Xpert Flu+RSV Xpress Assay is a fast, automated in vitro diagnostic test for qualitative detection and differentiation of influenza A and B viruses and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) performed on the Cepheid GeneXpert Xpress System. The objective of this study was to establish performance characteristics of the Xpert Flu+RSV Xpress Assay compared to those of the Prodesse ProFlu+ real-time reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) assay (ProFlu+) for the detection of influenza A and B viruses as well as RSV in a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)-waived (CW) setting. Overall, the assay, using fresh and frozen nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs, demonstrated high concordance with results of the ProFlu+ assay in the combined CW and non-CW settings with positive percent agreements (PPA) (100%, 100%, and 97.1%) and negative percent agreements (NPA) (95.2%, 99.5%, and 99.6%) for influenza A and B viruses and RSV, respectively. In conclusion, this multicenter study using the Cepheid Xpert Flu+RSV Xpress Assay demonstrated high sensitivities and specificities for influenza A and B viruses and RSV in ∼60 min for use at the point-of-care in the CW setting. </jats:p

    Evidence of Walleye Spawning in Maumee Bay, Lake Erie

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    Author Institution: Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University ; Single Spin Guide Service ; Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, Sandusky Fisheries Research UnitDuring the mid-1990s, anglers reported large numbers of walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) in spawning condition concentrated on shallow points adjacent to the Maumee River channel during spring. These fish had flowing eggs and semen and were suspected to be actively spawning in Maumee Bay. To investigate the potential of walleye spawning, we used a benthic pump to sample for eggs at five sites adjacent to the Maumee River channel and one site near Turtle Island in Maumee Bay on 5 April 1998, a time when walleye were actively spawning in rivers and on mid-lake reefs. We found walleye eggs at each of the six sites sampled. Relative abundance of eggs ranged from 17 to 2,105 per 2-min sample, with a mean of 459 (±232). Egg viability ranged from 33 to 54% across the sites and 10% of the viable walleye eggs were observed to be in late stages of embryonic development indicating that egg survival to hatching is likely. These results are the first documentation of walleye spawning in Maumee Bay, indicating that Maumee Bay is a viable spawning location for walleye, possibly representing an important source of recruitment for the Lake Erie stock

    Cryo-EM structures show the mechanistic basis of pan-peptidase inhibition by human α<inf>2</inf>-macroglobulin

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    Human α2-macroglobulin (hα2M) is a multidomain protein with a plethora of essential functions, including transport of signaling molecules and endopeptidase inhibition in innate immunity. Here, we dissected the molecular mechanism of the inhibitory function of the ∼720-kDa hα2M tetramer through eight cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of complexes from human plasma. In the native complex, the hα2M subunits are organized in two flexible modules in expanded conformation, which enclose a highly porous cavity in which the proteolytic activity of circulating plasma proteins is tested. Cleavage of bait regions exposed inside the cavity triggers rearrangement to a compact conformation, which closes openings and entraps the prey proteinase. After the expanded-to-compact transition, which occurs independently in the four subunits, the reactive thioester bond triggers covalent linking of the proteinase, and the receptor-binding domain is exposed on the tetramer surface for receptor-mediated clearance from circulation. These results depict the molecular mechanism of a unique suicidal inhibitory trap
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