353 research outputs found

    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations between two uniformly accelerated oscillators

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    We consider the quantum correlations, i.e. the entanglement, between two systems uniformly accelerated with identical acceleration a in opposite Rindler quadrants which have reached thermal equilibrium with the Unruh heat bath. To this end we study an exactly soluble model consisting of two oscillators coupled to a massless scalar field in 1+1 dimensions. We find that for some values of the parameters the oscillators get entangled shortly after the moment of closest approach. Because of boost invariance there are an infinite set of pairs of positions where the oscillators are entangled. The maximal entanglement between the oscillators is found to be approximately 1.4 entanglement bits.Comment: 11 page

    Global geometry of the 2+1 rotating black hole

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    The generic rotating BTZ black hole, obtained by identifications in AdS3 space through a discrete subgroup of its isometry group, is investigated within a Lie theoretical context. This space is found to admit a foliation by two-dimensional leaves, orbits of a two-parameter subgroup of SL(2,R) and invariant under the BTZ identification subgroup. A global expression for the metric is derived, allowing a better understanding of the causal structure of the black hole.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    G3-homogeneous gravitational instantons

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    We provide an exhaustive classification of self-dual four-dimensional gravitational instantons foliated with three-dimensional homogeneous spaces, i.e. homogeneous self-dual metrics on four-dimensional Euclidean spaces admitting a Bianchi simply transitive isometry group. The classification pattern is based on the algebra homomorphisms relating the Bianchi group and the duality group SO(3). New and general solutions are found for Bianchi III.Comment: 24 pages, few correction

    Three-dimensional black holes from deformed anti-de Sitter

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    We present new exact three-dimensional black-string backgrounds, which contain both NS--NS and electromagnetic fields, and generalize the BTZ black holes and the black string studied by Horne and Horowitz. They are obtained as deformations of the Sl(2,R) WZW model. Black holes resulting from purely continuous deformations possess true curvature singularities. When discrete identifications are introduced, extra chronological singularities appear, which under certain circumstances turn out to be naked. The backgrounds at hand appear in the moduli space of the Sl(2,R) WZW model. Hence, they provide exact string backgrounds and allow for a more algebraical CFT description. This makes possible the determination of the spectrum of primaries.Comment: JHEP style, 33 pages, 1 figur

    Mimimal Length Uncertainty Principle and the Transplanckian Problem of Black Hole Physics

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    The minimal length uncertainty principle of Kempf, Mangano and Mann (KMM), as derived from a mutilated quantum commutator between coordinate and momentum, is applied to describe the modes and wave packets of Hawking particles evaporated from a black hole. The transplanckian problem is successfully confronted in that the Hawking particle no longer hugs the horizon at arbitrarily close distances. Rather the mode of Schwarzschild frequency ω\omega deviates from the conventional trajectory when the coordinate rr is given by r2MβHω/2π| r - 2M|\simeq \beta_H \omega / 2 \pi in units of the non local distance legislated into the uncertainty relation. Wave packets straddle the horizon and spread out to fill the whole non local region. The charge carried by the packet (in the sense of the amount of "stuff" carried by the Klein--Gordon field) is not conserved in the non--local region and rapidly decreases to zero as time decreases. Read in the forward temporal direction, the non--local region thus is the seat of production of the Hawking particle and its partner. The KMM model was inspired by string theory for which the mutilated commutator has been proposed to describe an effective theory of high momentum scattering of zero mass modes. It is here interpreted in terms of dissipation which gives rise to the Hawking particle into a reservoir of other modes (of as yet unknown origin). On this basis it is conjectured that the Bekenstein--Hawking entropy finds its origin in the fluctuations of fields extending over the non local region.Comment: 12 pages (LateX), 1 figur

    Hawking Radiation Without Transplanckian Frequencies

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    In a recent work, Unruh showed that Hawking radiation is unaffected by a truncation of free field theory at the Planck scale. His analysis was performed numerically and based on a hydrodynamical model. In this work, by analytical methods, the mathematical and physical origin of Unruh's result is revealed. An alternative truncation scheme which may be more appropriate for black hole physics is proposed and analyzed. In both schemes the thermal Hawking radiation remains unaffected even though transplanckian energies no longer appear. The universality of this result is explained by working in momentum space. In that representation, in the presence of a horizon, the d'Alembertian equation becomes a singular first order equation. In addition, the boundary conditions corresponding to vacuum before the black hole formed are that the in--modes contain positive momenta only. Both properties remain valid when the spectrum is truncated and they suffice to obtain Hawking radiation.Comment: 27 pages, latex, includs 5 postscript figures, encoded using uufile

    Novel Branches of (0,2) Theories

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    We show that recently proposed linear sigma models with torsion can be obtained from unconventional branches of conventional gauge theories. This observation puts models with log interactions on firm footing. If non-anomalous multiplets are integrated out, the resulting low-energy theory involves log interactions of neutral fields. For these cases, we find a sigma model geometry which is both non-toric and includes brane sources. These are heterotic sigma models with branes. Surprisingly, there are massive models with compact complex non-Kahler target spaces, which include brane/anti-brane sources. The simplest conformal models describe wrapped heterotic NS5-branes. We present examples of both types.Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures; typo in Appendix fixed; references added and additional minor change

    About maximally localized states in quantum mechanics

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    We analyze the emergence of a minimal length for a large class of generalized commutation relations, preserving commutation of the position operators and translation invariance as well as rotation invariance (in dimension higher than one). We show that the construction of the maximally localized states based on squeezed states generally fails. Rather, one must resort to a constrained variational principle.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    Choline transporter-like protein 4 (CTL4) links to non-neuronal acetylcholine synthesis.

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    Synthesis of acetylcholine (ACh) by non-neuronal cells is now well established and plays diverse physiologic roles. In neurons, the Na(+) -dependent, high affinity choline transporter (CHT1) is absolutely required for ACh synthesis. In contrast, some non-neuronal cells synthesize ACh in the absence of CHT1 indicating a fundamental difference in ACh synthesis compared to neurons. The aim of this study was to identify choline transporters, other than CHT1, that play a role in non-neuronal ACh synthesis. ACh synthesis was studied in lung and colon cancer cell lines focusing on the choline transporter-like proteins, a five gene family choline-transporter like protein (CTL)1-5. Supporting a role for CTLs in choline transport in lung cancer cells, choline transport was Na(+) -independent and CTL1-5 were expressed in all cells examined. CTL1, 2, and 5 were expressed at highest levels and knockdown of CTL1, 2, and 5 decreased choline transport in H82 lung cancer cells. Knockdowns of CTL1, 2, 3, and 5 had no effect on ACh synthesis in H82 cells. In contrast, knockdown of CTL4 significantly decreased ACh secretion by both lung and colon cancer cells. Conversely, increasing expression of CTL4 increased ACh secretion. These results indicate that CTL4 mediates ACh synthesis in non-neuronal cell lines and presents a mechanism to target non-neuronal ACh synthesis without affecting neuronal ACh synthesis