1,251 research outputs found

    Welcoming the Stranger

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    Text of Fr. Spadaro’s talk at the at the 23rd annual Catholic School Executive Leadership Dinner, hosted by the Center for Catholic School Leadership and Faith-Based Education at Fordham University on May 31, 2017

    Opposizione e conciliazione: l’incidenza dell’enciclica “Dignitatis Humanae” nell’abbattimento dei regimi autoritari

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    Il 7 dicembre 1965, vigilia della conclusione del Concilio Vaticano II, la commissione centrale del Segretariato per l’unità dei cristiani con 70 non placet, 2.308 placet e 8 voti nulli, promulgò il Textus denuo recognitus dal titolo: Declaratio de liberate religiosa. De iure personae et communitatum ad libertatem socialem et civilem in re religiosa.  In risposta ad una sempre più drammatica situazione in cui la Chiesa cattolica versava nei paesi comunisti e nel tentativo di aprire una breccia di speranza nel muro di oppressione nel quale i regimi autoritari costringevano le chiese locali e i loro rappresentanti, la Dichiarazione Conciliare Dignitatis Humanae divenne il pilastro morale e teologico per la riaffermazione cattolica del valore dei diritti umani. Obiettivo di questa ricerca sarà, a cinquant’anni dalla sua pubblicazione, analizzare gli effetti dell’enciclica Dignitatis Humanae sulle politiche degli stati autoritari verso la comunità cattolica; nel fare ciò, passaggio cruciale sarà analizzare come questa enciclica, superando la valenza religiosa, abbia assunto importanza anche per il mondo laico, e come la stessa sia stata di supporto all’azione dei gruppi dissidenti nei paesi del blocco sovietico

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    Pandemija i sloboda bogoštovlja

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    “Novo zamišljanje mogućega”: Sedam Franjinih slika za vrijeme poslije COVID–19

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    Razgovor s papom Franjom

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    Experimental assessment of 10 Gbps 5G multicarrier waveforms for high-layer split U-DWDM-PON-based fronthaul

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The current constant growth in mobile networks' traffic demands caused by the popularization of cloud and streaming services on personal devices, requires architectural changes so as to fulfill all new 5G mobile network requirements. Cloud access radio network (C-RAN) architecture in combination with the massive deployment of small cell antenna sites have recently been proposed as a promising solution but will be demanding for high-capacity mobile fronthaul links. An efficient way for performing that connectivity is to make use of the dense wavelength multiplexing passive optical network (DWDM-PON) infrastructure. In this context, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been extensively explored as a potential candidate. Nevertheless, the main drawback of OFDM is its high out-of-band radiation. In order to overcome that drawback, new 5G multicarrier waveforms (FBMC, UFMC, and GFDM) have recently been proposed. In this paper, we experimentally assess and compare 10 Gbps 32-QAM-OFDM/FBMC/UFMC/GFDM system performance for high-layer split ultra-DWDM-PON-based fronthaul using a radio-over-fiber technique. The performance has been done in terms of spectral efficiency, peak-to-average power ratio, spectral density, and receiver sensitivity. In particular, intensity-modulation with direct-detection and quasi-coherent-detection have been considered. In order to improve the multicarrier system energy efficiency, the effect of using a hard clipping technique over transmitted signals is also studied. Finally, we evaluated the crosstalk interference between two adjacent channels of the same modulation scheme, as a function of their electrical frequency span for downlink application.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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