410 research outputs found

    Cutting Edge: Selective Usage of Chemokine Receptors by Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells

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    Abstract The existence of dendritic cell (DC) subsets is firmly established, but their trafficking properties are virtually unknown. In this study, we show that myeloid (M-DCs) and plasmacytoid (P-DCs) DCs isolated from human blood differ widely in the capacity to migrate to chemotactic stimuli. The pattern of chemokine receptors expressed by blood M-DCs and P-DCs, with the exception of CCR7, is similar. However, most chemokine receptors of P-DCs, in particular those specific for inflammatory chemokines and classical chemotactic agonists, are not functional in circulating cells. Following maturation induced by CD40 ligation, the receptors for inflammatory chemokines are down-regulated, and CCR7 on P-DCs becomes coupled to migration. The drastically impaired capacity of blood P-DCs to migrate in response to inflammatory chemotactic signals contrasts with the response to lymph node-homing chemokines, indicating a propensity to migrate to secondary lymphoid organs rather than to sites of inflammation

    The atypical receptor CCRL2 (C-C Chemokine Receptor-Like 2) does not act as a decoy receptor in endothelial cells

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    C-C chemokine receptor-like 2 (CCRL2) is a non-signaling seven-transmembrane domain (7-TMD) receptor related to the atypical chemokine receptor (ACKR) family. ACKRs bind chemokines but do not activate G protein-dependent signaling or cell functions. ACKRs were shown to regulate immune functions in vivo by their ability to scavenge chemokines from the local environment. This study was performed to investigate whether CCRL2 shares two of the main characteristics of ACKRs, namely the ability to internalize and scavenge the ligands. Cell membrane analysis of CCRL2-transfected cells revealed a weak, constitutive, ligand-independent internalization, and recycling of CCRL2, with a kinetics that was slower than those observed with ACKR3, a prototypic ACKR, or other chemotactic signaling receptors [i.e., chemokine-like receptor 1 and C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 2]. Intracellularly, CCRL2 colocalized with early endosome antigen 1-positive and Rab5-positive vesicles and with recycling compartments mainly characterized by Rab11-positive vesicles. CCRL2-transfected cells and activated mouse blood endothelial cells, that endogenously express CCRL2, were used to investigate the scavenging ability of CCRL2. These experiments confirmed the ability of CCRL2 to bind chemerin, the only recognized ligand, but excluded the ability of CCRL2 to perform scavenging. Collectively, these results identify unique functional properties for this member of the non-signaling 7-TMD receptor family

    Cutting edge: differential chemokine production by myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells.

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    Abstract To examine the different roles of myeloid dendritic cells (M-DCs) and plasmacytoid dendritic cells (P-DCs) in the induction and regulation of immune response, we have studied chemokine secretion by freshly isolated DC subsets in response to bacterial, viral, and T cell-derived stimuli. M-DCs selectively produced very high levels of the homeostatic chemokines CC chemokine ligand (CCL)17 and CCL22, while P-DCs produced very little if any. In contrast, the proinflammatory chemokine CCL3 was secreted mostly by P-DCs, whereas CCL4 and CXC chemokine ligand 8 were produced by both subsets. The selective production of CCL17 and CCL22 by M-DCs but not P-DCs was confirmed in vivo by immunohistology on human reactive lymph node sections. The high production of CCR4 ligands by M-DCs suggests their capacity to selectively recruit at sites of inflammation T cells with regulatory properties or with a Th2 phenotype, whereas P-DCs, by preferentially secreting CCR1/CCR5 ligands, would mostly recruit effector T cells and, in particular, Th1-type cells

    Exosome-delivered microRNAs promote IFN-α secretion by human plasmacytoid DCs via TLR7

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    The excessive production of type I IFNs is a hallmark and a main pathogenic mechanism of many autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In these pathologies, the sustained secretion of type I IFNs is dependent on the improper activation of plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) by self-nucleic acids. However, the nature and origin of pDC-activating self-nucleic acids is still incompletely characterized. Here, we report that exosomes isolated from the plasma of SLE patients can activate the secretion of IFN-α by human blood pDCs in vitro. This activation requires endosomal acidification and is recapitulated by microRNAs isolated from exosomes, suggesting that exosome-delivered microRNAs act as self-ligands of innate single-stranded endosomal RNA sensors. By using synthetic microRNAs, we identified an IFN induction motif that is responsible for the TLR7-dependent activation, maturation, and survival of human pDCs. These findings identify exosome-delivered microRNAs as potentially novel TLR7 endogenous ligands able to induce pDC activation in SLE patients. Therefore, microRNAs may represent novel pathogenic mediators in the onset of autoimmune reactions and potential therapeutic targets in the treatment of type I IFN-mediated diseases

    In Vitro Studies on the Trafficking of Dendritic Cells Through Endothelial Cells and Extra-Cellular Matrix

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    Dendritic cells (DC) are antigen presenting cells (APC) with the unique ability to initiate an immune response. Immature DC are localized in peripheral tissues where they exert a sentinel function for incoming antigens (Ag). After Ag capture and exposure to inflammatory stimuli DC undergo maturation and migrate to regional lymph nodes where the presentation of antigenic peptides to T lymphocytes takes place. Thus their correct functioning as APC involves localization in tissues and trafficking via the lymph or blood to lymphoid organs. In the present study we have investigated the ability of DC to interact in vitro with human vascular endothelial cells (EC) and extracellular matrix (ECM). DC are differentiated from monocytes by in vitro exposure to GM-CSF and IL-13 for 7 days. In adhesion assays a considerable proportion of DC binds to resting EC monolayers and this adhesion is inhibited by anti-CD11a and CD11b, but not anti-CD11c mAbs. Binding to a natural ECM, derived from cultured EC involves VLA-4 and VLA-5 integrins. In a transmigration assay, 10 % of input cells are able to cross the EC monolayer in the absence of exogenous stimuli. The amount of DC transmigrated through a monolayer of EC was increased of 2-3 fold by C-C chemokines RANTES, MIP1α, and MIP-1β. Most importantly, in view of the trafficking pattern of these cells, a significant proportion of DC can migrate in a reverse transmigration assay, i.e. across the endothelial basement membrane and subsequently, across endothelial cells. Upon exposure to immune or inflammatory signals peripheral DC undergo maturation and migration to lymphoid organs. Functional maturation is associated with loss of responsiveness to chemokines present at sites of inflammation (e.g. MIP1α, MIP1β and RANTES) and acquisition of a receptor repertoire which renders these cells responsive to signals which guide their localization in lymphoid organs (e.g. MIP3β). A better understanding of the molecular basis of DC trafficking may provide molecular and conceptual tools to direct and modulate DC localization as a strategy to upregulate and orient specific immunity

    Rapid induction of arachidonic acid release by monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and related chemokines. Role of Ca2+ influx, synergism with platelet-activating factor and significance for chemotaxis.

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    Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 (MCP-1), a member of the Cys-Cys branch of the chemokine superfamily, induced a mepacrine- and manoalide-sensitive increase in the release of [3H]arachidonic acid from prelabeled human monocytes and monocytic THP-1 leukemic cells. The effect was rapid (<30 s), reached maximum at optimal chemotactic concentrations, and was completely blocked by pretreatment of monocytes with Bordetella pertussis toxin. A specific antiserum and heat inactivation blocked the induction of arachidonic release by MCP-1. No [3H]arachidonic acid release was observed in the absence of Ca2+ influx (5 mM EGTA or 5 mM Ni2+) or in monocytes loaded with a Ca(2+)-buffering agent. However, using ionophore-permeabilized monocytes and controlled intracellular Ca2+ concentration it was possible to dissociate MCP-1-induced Ca2+ influx from [3H]arachidonic acid release. Thus, the MCP-1-induced increase in [Ca2+]i is necessary but not sufficient for arachidonic acid accumulation. Phospholipase A2 inhibitors (mepacrine, p-bromophenacyl bromide, and manoalide) blocked monocyte polarization and chemotaxis induced by MCP-1. The related Cys-Cys chemokines RANTES and LD78/MIP1 alpha also induced a rapid release of [3H]arachidonic acid, and their chemotactic activity was blocked by phospholipase A2 inhibitors. Brief (5 min) pretreatment of monocytes with platelet-activating factor amplified MCP-1-induced arachidonic acid release and, at MCP-1 suboptimal concentrations, synergized in inducing monocyte migration. Since MCP-1 and platelet-activating factor are induced concomitantly by inflammatory cytokines in monocytes and endothelial cells, we speculate that the observed synergism may have in vivo relevance. The results presented here show that the Cys-Cys chemokines MCP-1, LD78/MIP1 alpha, and RANTES cause rapid release of arachidonic acid in monocytes and that this may be important in inducing monocyte chemotaxis

    TLR Signalling Pathways Diverge in Their Ability to Induce PGE2

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    PGE2 is a lipid mediator abundantly produced in inflamed tissues that exerts relevant immunoregulatory functions. Dendritic cells (DCs) are key players in the onset and shaping of the inflammatory and immune responses and, as such, are well known PGE2 targets. By contrast, the precise role of human DCs in the production of PGE2 is poorly characterized. Here, we asked whether different ligands of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), a relevant family of pathogen-sensing receptors, could induce PGE2 in human DCs. The only active ligands were LPS (TLR4 ligand) and R848 (TLR7-8 ligand) although all TLRs, but TLR9, were expressed and functional. While investigating the molecular mechanisms hindering the release of PGE2, our experiments highlighted so far oversight differences in TLR signalling pathways in terms of MAPK and NF-ÎşB activation. In addition, we identified that the PGE2-limiting checkpoint downstream TLR3, TLR5, and TLR7 was a defect in COX2 induction, while TLR1/2 and TLR2/6 failed to mobilize arachidonic acid, the substrate for the COX2 enzyme. Finally, we demonstrated the in vivo expression of PGE2 by myeloid CD11c(+) cells, documenting a role for DCs in the production of PGE2 in human inflamed tissues

    Phosphatidic Acid and Lysophosphatidic Acid Induce Haptotactic Migration of Human Monocytes

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    The present study was aimed at defining the chemotactic activity of phosphatidic acid, which is rapidly produced by phagocytes in response to chemotactic agonists. Exogenously added phosphatidic acid induced human monocyte directional migration across polycarbonate filters with an efficacy (number of cell migrated) comparable to that of "classical" chemotactic factors. In lipid specificity studies, activity of phosphatidic acid decreased with increasing acyl chain length but was restored by introducing unsaturation in the acyl chain with the most active form being the natural occurring 18:0,20:4-phosphatidic acid. Lysophosphatidic acid was also active in inducing monocyte migration. No other phospholipid and lysophospholipid tested was effective in this response. Monocyte migration was regulated by a gradient of phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid bound to the polycarbonate filter, in the absence of detectable soluble chemoattractant. Migration was also observed if phospholipids were bound to fibronectin-coated polycarbonate filters. Thus, phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid, similarly to other physiological chemoattractants (e.g. C5a and interleukin-8), induce cell migration by an haptotactic mechanism. Phosphatidic acid caused a rapid increase of filamentous actin and, at higher concentrations, induced a rise of intracellular calcium concentration. Monocyte migration to phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid, but not to diacylglycerol, was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by Bordetella pertussis toxin, while cholera toxin was ineffective. In the chemotactic assay, phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid induced a complete homologous desensitization and only partially cross-desensitized one with each other, or with diacyl-glycerol and monocyte chemotactic protein-1. Suramine inhibited monocyte chemotaxis with a different efficiency phosphatidic acid > lysophosphatidic acid" diacyl-glycerol On the contrary, monocyte chemotactic protein-1-induced chemotaxis was not affected by the drug. Collectively, these data show that phosphatidic acid induces haptotactic migration of monocytes that is at least in part receptor-mediated. These results support a role for phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid in the regulation of leukocyte accumulation into tissues
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