24,501 research outputs found

    Experimental analysis of lateral impact on planar brittle material: spatial properties of the cracks

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    The breakup of glass and alumina plates due to planar impacts on one of their lateral sides is studied. Particular attention is given to investigating the spatial location of the cracks within the plates. Analysis based on a phenomenological model suggests that bifurcations along the cracks' paths are more likely to take place closer to the impact region than far away from it, i. e., the bifurcation probability seems to lower as the perpendicular distance from the impacted lateral in- creases. It is also found that many observables are not sensitive to the plate material used in this work, as long as the fragment multiplicities corresponding to the fragmentation of the plates are similar. This gives support to the universal properties of the fragmentation process reported in for- mer experiments. However, even under the just mentioned circumstances, some spatial observables are capable of distinguishing the material of which the plates are made and, therefore, it suggests that this universality should be carefully investigated

    Skeletopy of the intumescentia lumbalis and conus medullaris applied to epidural anaesthesia in Leopardus geoffroyi

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    Background: Leopardus geoffroyi is a Neotropical wild felid with wide distribution in the south of the South American continent. The objective was to investigate the skeletopy of the intumescentia lumbalis (IL) and conus medullaris (CM) from 11 specimens of L. geoffroyi collected dead on highways. Materials and methods: The cadavers were fixed in formaldehyde solution and dissected to allow the dorsal exposure of IL and CM. The cranial and caudal limits were marked with radiopaque pins and radiographic projections were used to determine the skeletopy. The lengths of IL and CM were measured with a pachymeter. Results: In most specimens, the IL was located at the level of L4 and L5 vertebrae, although in 4 (1 male and 3 females) individuals its cranial limit was L3 and in 3 specimens (2 male and 1 female) the caudal limit was L6. The length of IL was 35.6 ± 6.7 mm. The CM had its base predominantly at the level of the L5 vertebra, although in some specimens the base was in L4 and in others in L6. The apex of the CM can be found since the lumbosacral junction until the level of the Cd2 vertebra. The CM measured 74.4 ± 14.3 mm. Conclusions: Based on the skeletopy, it can be suggested that epidural anaesthesia procedures in L. geoffroyi are safer with the introduction of the catheter through the sacrocaudal interarcual space, as recommended by some anaesthetists for the domestic cat

    Longevidade de frutos de bananeira caipira, BRS Platina e BRS princesa armazenados em temperatura ambiente ou refrigeração.

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    Fruto climatérico, a banana é extremamente perecível e apresenta taxas de metabolismo muito maiores que outros frutos comumente consumidos (TADINI et al., 2008). Devido a essa característica é perceptível o amadurecimento rápido em altas temperaturas, encurtando a sua longevidade e período de comercialização. Diante disso, torna-se necessário prolongar o seu período de armazenamento na fase pré-climatéria, na qual os frutos apresentam-se ainda verdes (MARTINS et al., 2007). Segundo esses autores, o armazenamento refrigerado consiste no principal meio de conservação de frutos e vegetais, podendo ser aliado a outras técnicas de conservação. A temperatura mínima de segurança para o armazenamento de bananas depende da cultivar e do estádio de maturação, mas a faixa ótima situa-se entre 13 ºC e 15 ºC e a umidade relativa mínima em 85%. Nesta condições, os frutos são conservados por um período de ate três semanas (MATSUURA et al., 2001)

    Qualidade pós-colheita de frutos de bananeira pc0101, mutante da prata comum, armazenados em temperatura ambiente.

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    Bananas são produzidas na maioria dos países tropicais, principalmente por pequenos agricultores, possuindo importância social e econômica, sendo uma das frutas mais consumidas em todo o mundo. O Brasil é o sexto produtor mundial, tendo produzido 7 milhões de toneladas em 2010, em uma área aproximada de 487 mil hectares (FAO, 2012). Embora a produção brasileira seja alta, muitas variedades de bananeira são susceptíveis a doenças, que causam elevadas perdas na produção
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