29,905 research outputs found

    Suitability of leguminous cover crop pollens as food source for the green lacewing Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).

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    Diversification of crops with species that provide suitable pollen for predators may reduce pest population on crops by enhancing predator effectiveness. In this paper we evaluated the suitability of leguminous cover crop pollens to the predatory green lacewing Chrysoperla externa (Hagen). The predator is commonly found in coffee agroecosystems and the plant species tested were pigeon pea and sunn hemp, which are used in organic coffee systems. Newly emerged females and males of C. externa were reared on diets containing pollen of pigeon pea, sunn hemp, or castor bean, used as a control. The reproductive success of C. externa was evaluated when females fed the pollen species and when honey was added to the diets, to verify the predator need for an extra carbohydrate source. Similar intrinsic growth rates were found for females fed on pigeon pea pollen and on sunn hemp pollen but these rates increased significantly when honey was added to the diets. Females fed with pigeon pea pollen plus honey and with sunn hemp pollen plus honey had higher intrinsic growth rates than those fed with castor bean pollen plus honey. Females fed on castor bean pollen only or on honey only, did not oviposit. Leguminous pollen species were equally suitable for C. externa especially when they were complemented with honey. The results suggest that to successfully enhance predator effectiveness, organic coffee plantation should be diversified with plant providing pollen in combination with plant providing nectar

    Experimental analysis of lateral impact on planar brittle material: spatial properties of the cracks

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    The breakup of glass and alumina plates due to planar impacts on one of their lateral sides is studied. Particular attention is given to investigating the spatial location of the cracks within the plates. Analysis based on a phenomenological model suggests that bifurcations along the cracks' paths are more likely to take place closer to the impact region than far away from it, i. e., the bifurcation probability seems to lower as the perpendicular distance from the impacted lateral in- creases. It is also found that many observables are not sensitive to the plate material used in this work, as long as the fragment multiplicities corresponding to the fragmentation of the plates are similar. This gives support to the universal properties of the fragmentation process reported in for- mer experiments. However, even under the just mentioned circumstances, some spatial observables are capable of distinguishing the material of which the plates are made and, therefore, it suggests that this universality should be carefully investigated

    Thermal Effects on Photon-Induced Quantum Transport

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    We theoretically investigate laser induced quantum transport in a two-level quantum dot attached to electric contacts. Our approach, based on nonequilibrium Green function technique, allows to include thermal effects on the photon-induced quantum transport and excitonic coherent dynamics. By solving a set of coupled integrodifferential equations, involving correlation and propagator functions, we obtain the photocurrent and the dot occupations as a function of time. The characteristic coherent Rabi oscillations are found in both occupations and photocurrent, with two distinct sources of decoherence: incoherent tunneling and thermal fluctuations. In particular, for increasing temperature the dot becomes more thermally occupied which shrinks the amplitude of the Rabi oscillations, due to Pauli blockade. Finally, due to the interplay between photon and thermal induced electron populations, the photocurrent can switch sign as time evolves and its stationary value can be maximized by tunning the laser intensity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Germinação in vitro de grãos de pólen de Vriesea spp. (Bromeliaceae).

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    Estudos de viabilidade polínica são fundamentais como suporte ao melhoramento genético de bromeliáceas e para tal o ajuste de meios de germinação de pólen é determinante. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a germinação de grãos de pólen in vitro e o subsequente crescimento do tubo polínico em Vriesea carinata, V. friburgensis, V. michaelii, V. paraibica e V. simplex. Grãos de pólen coletados na antese foram inoculados em quatro meios de cultura: BM, BKM, MBKM e SM, solidificados com agar (0,8%); pH ajustado a 6,5 e mantidos a uma temperatura de 27 ± 1 ºC. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 5 x 4 (genótipo x meios de cultura), com 12 repetições, avaliando-se 300 grãos de pólen quanto à viabilidade e o comprimento de 25 tubos polínicos, aleatoriamente, por tratamento. Após 8 horas em cultura, verificou-se que os meios BKM e SM resultaram em maior germinação e comprimento do tubo polínico. Para as espécies V. carinata (80,33 %), V. paraibica (88,73 %), V. simplex (90,46 %) e V. michaelii (90,03 %) o melhor meio de cultura foi SM e para V. friburgensis, BKM (90,43 %) foi o melhor

    Scanning Tunneling Microscope Operating as a Spin-diode

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    We theoretically investigate spin-polarized transport in a system composed of a ferromagnetic Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) tip coupled to an adsorbed atom (adatom) on a host surface. Electrons can tunnel directly from the tip to the surface or via the adatom. Since the tip is ferromagnetic and the host surface (metal or semiconductor) is non-magnetic we obtain a spin-diode effect when the adatom is in the regime of single occupancy. This effect leads to an unpolarized current for direct bias (V > 0) and polarized current for reverse (V < 0) bias voltages, if the tip is nearby the adatom. Within the nonequilibrium Keldysh technique we analyze the interplay between the lateral displacement of the tip and the intra adatom Coulomb interaction on the spindiode effect. As the tip moves away from the adatom the spin-diode effect vanishes and the currents become polarized for both V > 0 and V < 0. We also find an imbalance between the up and down spin populations in the adatom, which can be tuned by the tip position and the bias. Finally, due to the presence of the adsorbate on the surface, we observe spin-resolved Friedel oscillations in the current, which reflects the oscillations in the calculated LDOS of the subsystem surface+adatom.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Submitte

    A Flexible Implementation of a Matrix Laurent Series-Based 16-Point Fast Fourier and Hartley Transforms

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    This paper describes a flexible architecture for implementing a new fast computation of the discrete Fourier and Hartley transforms, which is based on a matrix Laurent series. The device calculates the transforms based on a single bit selection operator. The hardware structure and synthesis are presented, which handled a 16-point fast transform in 65 nsec, with a Xilinx SPARTAN 3E device.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. IEEE VI Southern Programmable Logic Conference 201