835 research outputs found

    Despite the eurozone crisis, and the ambivalent attitudes ofthe Turkish public, Turkey still stands to benefit from EUaccession.by Blo

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    While the EU continues to work toward a solution to the eurozone crisis, Turkey has experienced a period of strong economic growth. Soli Özel argues that although Turkey’s interest in EU membership has declined in the wake of the crisis, the country could still gain substantial benefits from European integration. The crisis may also have a positive effect for Turkey if it produces a more flexible arrangement in the EU’s structure, potentially opening the door for the country’s accession

    Aspek Stilistika Dalam Antologi Cerpen Mastera Dari Pemburu Ke Terapeutik Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Dan Pembelajarannya Di SMP

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mendeskripsikan aspek bahasa figuratif dalam Antologi Cerpen Mastera Dari Pemburu ke Terapeutik Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, (2) mendeskripsikan fungsi bahasa dalam Antologi Cerpen Mastera Dari Pemburu ke Terapeutik Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, dan (3) mendeskripsikan pembelajaran stilistika Antologi Cerpen Mastera Dari Pemburu ke Terapeutik  Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional pada siswa SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan stilistika. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah teks-teks yang mengandung bahasa figuratif yang terdapat dalam Antologi Cerpen Mastera Dari Pemburu ke Terapeutik. Teknik pengumpulan data digunakan teknik dokumentasi. Instrumen utama penelitian ini yaitu human instrument atau peneliti sebagai instrumen utama dibantu kartu dan pencatan data. Teknik analisis data penelitian digunakan content analysis (analisis isi) dengan cara teknik reduksi data, sajian data, dan verifikasi atau simpulan. Berdasarkan pembahasan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa (1) pemakaian bahasa figuratif dalam Antologi Cerpen Mastera Dari Pemburu ke Terapeutik terdapat delapan aspek yaitu idiom, simile, metafora, metonomia, personifikasi, hiperbola, asosiasi dan retoris. (2) fungsi bahasa yang terdapat dalam antologi tersebut meliputi fungsi personal, fungsi instrumental, fungsi interpersonal, fungsi referensial, dan fungsi imajinatif, dan (3) pembelajaran stilistika Antologi Cerpen Mastera Dari Pemburu ke Terapeutik disesuaikan dengan Kurikulum 2013 yang dirumuskan dalam RPP yaitu pada KI 3/3.6 dan KI 4/4.6 yang meliputi kompetensi pengetahuan dan kompetensi keterampilan tentang aspek kebahasaan cerita pendek

    ErdoÄźan is in the process of establishing a presidential political system in Turkey based on Islamic rather than secular principles

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    On 10 August, Turkey’s Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, won the country’s presidential election, becoming the first directly elected President in Turkey’s history. Soli Özel assesses Erdoğan’s victory and what it means for the country’s future. He writes that the result is a step toward the creation of a new presidential political system within Turkey, but that this will depend on whether Erdoğan’s ruling Justice and Development Party can secure the parliamentary majority required to amend the country’s constitution


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    Developing differences

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    This study is based on a ten weeks fieldwork in Tunis during the fall of 2013, where I interviewed seven organizations working on social development in marginalized areas. The thesis examines conditions for social development in Tunisia nearly three years after the uprising in 2011, and specifically how different actors perceive themselves and others. Combining post-development theory, social movement theory and Fraser’s critical theory of justice, the analysis provides an understanding of how these organizations frame their work. This in turn leads to a critical discussion on ways of framing development with regards to processes of social marginalization and political divisions, which form important contexts in which the organizations operate. The central argument is that there is a need to consider historical formations of elites in relation to the previous regimes’ promotion of secularism in Tunisia, women’s rights and the suppression of Islamic activism in order to understand how the organizations operate with regards to religion, gender equality, charity and development. The results suggest that despite commitments to principles of equality and visions for sustainable development, there are risks that some forms of development may contribute to maintaining social and political differences in Tunisia

    Air Show

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    Weather Change

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    En el declive de la fase unipolar

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