134 research outputs found


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    1. 7年生箕島白桃の葉内の, 高さ別及び同一枝上の着生部位による成分含量の変異を1957年7,8月の2回に亘り調査した。2. 同一枝上葉ではN, Pは基部より先端部の含量が高く, Kは基部が高い傾向を示めし, 高さ別の相異は, Nは下部葉, Pは上部葉, Kは中央部葉が稍高い傾向が認められた。3. 7月採葉期に比して, 8月採葉期の成分含量は減少する傾向がある。1. The data are presented showing change in mineral composition of the peach leaves (variety : MISHIMAHAKUTO) as affected by the position on the tree, and leaves were sampled on July 11,August 10,1957,respectively. 2. The position of the leaf on the twig had a distinct effect on mineral composition of the leaf. N, P content was higher in tip than in base of the same twigs, and basal leaves were higher in K than apical leaves on the same twigs. 3. The mineral composition of leaves was also affected by height of leaf on the tree. N content were highest in the 0∿1m zone collected from the center of the twigs than the other height zone, but P comtent was found to be higher in 2m over zone leaves than in either lower or center part, and K content of leaves were highest in leaves taken from 1-2m zone. 4. In generally, three nutrient element contents in leaves were lower in August than in July. Variation in mineral content of leaves based on direction of exposure were statistically insignificant and failed to follow a definite pattern

    Effects of TGF-β1 and IGF-1 on proliferation of human nucleus pulposus cells in medium with different serum concentrations

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    BACKGROUND: The low proliferative viability of human nucleus pulposus(NP) cells is considered as a cause of intervertebral discs degeneration. Growth factors, such as TGF-β1 and IGF-1, have been implicated in cell proliferation and matrix synthesis. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the dose-response and time-course effect of transforming growth factorβ1(TGF-β1) and insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1) on proliferation of NP cells. STUDY DESIGN: 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) is reduced by dehydrogenase in mitochondria of live cells. The proliferative viability of cells corresponds to the amount of MTT reduced, which is measured with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay plate reader. In this study, we assessed dose- and time-dependent effects of NP cells to TGF-β1 and IGF-1 in medium with different serum concentrations by MTT assay. METHODS: After release of informed consent, tissue samples of NP were obtained from anterior surgical procedures performed on five donors with idiopathic scoliosis. Isolated cells were cultured in F12 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum(FBS). Cells were seeded in 96-well plates at 1 × 10(3 )cells/well. After synchronization, medium was replaced by F12 containing 1% or 10% FBS with either single or combination of TGF-β1 and IGF-1. Dose-response and time-course effect were examined by MTT assay. RESULTS: In the presence of 1% FBS, the response to IGF-1 was less striking, whereas TGF-β1 had a remarkably stimulating effect on cell proliferation. In 10% FBS, both of the two growth factors had statistical significant mitogenic effects, especially TGF-β1. The dose-dependent effect of TGF and IGF on cell proliferation was found within different concentrations of each growth factor(TGF-β1 1–10 μg/L, IGF-1 10–100 μg/L). The time-course effect showed a significant elevation three days later. CONCLUSION: TGF-β1 and IGF-1 were efficient to stimulate cell proliferation of human NP cells in vitro with a dose- and time-dependent manner. These results support the therapeutic potentials of the two growth factors in the treatment of disc degeneration

    苹果砧木ズミの地方分布及び系統に関する研究 (1) : 北海道, 青森, 長野地方に於けるズミの生態及び地理的分布に就て

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    1. 1951∿1953年に亘り苹果砧木ズミの地方分布及び系統に就て北海道, 青森, 長野各地区を調査した。2. 北海道に於てはMalus baccata BORKH. var, mandshurica MAXIM及びMalus sieboldii REHDERの大葉系が分布する。然して前者を砂浜矮性型, 喬木型, 火山灰矮性型の三系統に区分することが出来る。3. 青森県に於てはMalus sieboldii REHDERの大葉系及び小葉系の二系統が野生分布し, 長野県東部地方一帯に於てはMalus sieboldii REHDERの小葉系が野生分布する。The investigations were carried out to know the local distribution and formation of Malus sieboldii REHDER in HOKKAIDO, AOMORI and NAGANO district, during 1951 to 1953. The results may be summarized as follows : Malus baccata BORKH. var, mandshurica MAXIM. and large leaf strain of Malus sieboldii REHDER are distributed in HOKKAIDO. Malus baccata BORKH. var, mandshurica MAXIM. was classificated into three type as follows. 1. dwarf type of sand beach. 2. arborescence type. 3. dwarf type of Volcanic ashes zone. Large leaf strain and small leaf strain of Malus sieboldii REHDER are distributed in AOMORI district, and small leaf strain of Malus sieboldii REHDER are distributed in the eastern part of NAGANO district

    ポポウに関する研究(第 3 報) : 花芽分化期並に結果習性に就て

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    This experiment was carried out in order to clarify the time of flower bud formation, development and bearing habit on the pawpaw (Asimina triloba DUNAL). Results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The time of flower bud differentiation in KYOTO was occurred at the middle of May in 1954-55. The stamen was differentiated at the beginning of June, and the pistilate was at the middle of June. The ovule tissue was differentiated at the middle of September. Generally, the floral form are perfected at the middle of July, and reproductive organs, anther, filement, stigma tissue, ovule etc was completed at the middle of March. 2. The bearing habit was seemed to show that the flower bud was differentiated on the axillary bud of middle part in current shoot and intact bloomed in the next spring. While, the leaf bud was formed on the axillary bud was of terminal and lower parts. 3. There is every indication that the bearing shoot was appeared for only one in the two year old branches by overwhelming majority and mostly the bearing shoot was originated from the first node of terminal in the two year old branches, further the leaf bud was appeared in terminal parts of the two year old branches. Thereby, in pruning, we should pay attention to the bearing habit was any differented from the other fruit trees

    ポポウに関する研究(第 2 報) : 自家授粉による結実歩合並びに花粉の発芽試驗に就て

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    1,西京大学農学部演習林苗圃に栽植されているポポウ樹を用い, 授粉と結実との関係を明らかにする目的を以て, 自家結実歩合, 花粉の発芽試験並に花柱内の花粉管の行動を調査した。2,自花受精率は0%, 自家受精率は10∿22%, 他家受精率は35%を示めした。3,幼花に対し人工的な自家並に他家授粉は受精率極めて低く問題にならない。4,花粉の発芽に就ては, 発芽温度20℃に於て新鮮花粉は3時間後70%, 5日間貯藏花粉は40%内外の発芽率を示めし, 発芽温度15℃で新鮮花粉は3時間後55%, 5日間貯藏花粉は20%内外の発芽率を示めし, 20℃に較べ花粉管の伸長が幾分劣る。尚培養基の蔗糖濃度の相違が発芽に及ぼす影響は大して認められなかつた。5,成花の花柱内の花粉管の行動は所謂螺旋状, 扁平, 逃避等の異常成長及び花粉管先端の膨大は認められず, 授粉後大略20時間位で子房内に伸長している。The data reported in this paper include the results of studies on the fruit setting by the self pollination, germination test of pollen and pollen tube behavior in style, pertaining to pollination and fruit setting on the pawpaw (Asimina triloba DUNAL). The results obtained were as follows : (1). Fertilizing percentage of the strictly self pollination registered 0 percent. (2). Fertilizing percentage of the neighbour pollination registered 22 percent. (3). Fertilizing percentage of the intra specific pollinaton registered 35 percent, and fertilizing percentage of artificial self and cross pollination in young flowers was lowest, and it was entirely useless. (4). In the case of germination percentage in temperature 20℃, fresh pollen registered 70 percent and strage pollen for 5 day\u27s registered 40 percent in after 3 hours. In the case of temperature 15℃, fresh pollen registered 55 percent and strage pollen for 5 day\u27s registered 20 percent in after 3 hours, and pollen tube elongation was worse than temperature 20℃. We could not found the influence to germination in difference of sucrose concentration of medium. (5). We could not found the abnormal growth of pollen tube behavior as if to show flatness, spiral, escape, expansion of pollen tube point, etc in maturity style, and the pollen tube arrived at the ovary in 20 hours ago

    ポポウに関する研究(第 4 報) : 花粉の抗濕性及び落果調査に就て

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    1. 西京大学農学部演習林苗圃に栽植されているボポウ樹を供試して, 水湿及び低温による花粉処理が発芽能力及び結実歩合に及ぼす影響を調査し, 併せて落果現象に就ても調査した。2. 花粉の抗湿性は比較的強く, 発芽能力並に結果歩合には大した影響が認められないが, 水中10分間浸漬処理では稍能力が減少した。3. 花粉の低温処理(0∿3℃1時間, 7∿10℃4時間)に於ては大した能力の減退は認められず, 0∿3℃3時間では発芽能力は若干減少した。低温処理が長時間の場合には能力が減少する様に思はれる。4. 開葯1日前の同様な低温処理は花粉発芽に及ぼす影響は認められなかつた。5. 落果の波相は花後1週間頃に第1回, 5月中旬に第2回, 5月下旬に第3回の山が見られ, 初期の落果は不受精により, 後期落果は種子の発育不完全及び果実と枝葉並びに果実間の養分競合等の生理的原因によるものと考えられる。The data reported in this paper include the results of studies on the germination ability and fertilizing percentage by the submerision and low temperature treatment of the pollen. Other wise, In order to study the cause of physiological dropping of pawpaw fruit, the periodicity of fruit dropping was investigated in 1955. Results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The submerision tolerance of the pollen are comparatively hard, but in the case of soaked in water during ten minute, the pollen activity were decreased something. On the low temperature treatment (0∿3℃, 1 hour : 7∿10℃, 4 hours), pollen activity were not decreased, but in the case of meeted with the low temperature in 0∿3℃ during 3 hours, germination activity were decreased. It seemed that the pollen activity were decreased in the long time of the low temperature disposition. 2. In the pawpaw, three waves of physiological fruit drop have been observed. The first of these occured in about 1 week after full bloom and these fruits were almost seedless, and it seemed that they were not fertilized. The second peak occured in the period of the vigorous elongation of the new shoot, in the middle of MAY. The third wave of fruit dropping occured in the last part of MAY. Probably, it seemed that the last two waves of the fruit dropping occured by the competition of nutrition or water between the fruit and shoot or fruit and fruit

    柿樹の栄養生理的研究(第 1 報) : 無機成分の体内分布ならびに吸収量の季節的変化について(農学部門)

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    1.柿栽培における施肥の合理化を進める資料をえる目的で, 1957∿58年にわたり富有, 次郎, 会津身不知の成木を供試して, 無機成分の体内分布, 各部位の含有率および吸収量の季節的消長を調査した。2.枝葉, 果実の新成組織内の含有率は旧生部より高く, 生育時期別にみた場合に, 発育初期の含有率は後期に比べて高い傾向が認められた。3.葉内含有率はNはほぼ生育初期に高く生育期間中は多少の増減はみられるが大きな変化はなく着果の影響も少ない。Pは生育当初に高く以後漸減の傾向を示すが, 幼果の生育が急速に進む頃に着果枝内含有率が低下し6月下旬頃にその傾向が著しい。KについてはN, Pに比べて当初高くなく季節的消長はNより大きいものであつたが, 着果によつて会津身不知では減少するが, 富有では必ずしも減少せずむしろ8月中旬頃ではかえつて高い結果を認めた。4.新梢内では生育当初の含有率は高く以後漸減しているが, Nについて着果の影響は少なく, P, Kについては着果によつて多少低下する傾向が認められた。5.果実内ではNは花蕾発生初期より果実発育第I期頃まで含有率が高く以後漸減する傾向があり, Pは初期に高く第I期頃よりわずかに減少し, Kは当初Nより少なく第I期終期頃より増加しN含有率より高くなるが, 生長後期にはやや減少の傾向が認められた。6.葉内吸収量については, N, Kでは吸収量も多くその増減も大きいが, Pは吸収量およびその変化も少なかつた。その季節的消長は各要素とも生長にともなつて吸収量は増加するが, 6月中下旬に一時やや低下しその後ふたたび増大するが, 8月下旬以降は漸減する傾向を示した。このことは展葉後の新梢の伸長および果実肥大に由来するものと思われるが, 葉内吸収量は両品種とも着果枝は生育当初ほぼ無着果枝より高いが, 生長後期では富有では着果枝が会津身不知では無着果枝が高い傾向が認められた。7.果実内吸収量は果実肥大とともに増大し, 8月中下旬にやや劣り9月中旬以降ふたたび増加するが, 特にKはN, Pに比べてこの傾向が著しい。8.枝葉, 果実を含む新梢1本当たりのN, P, Kの吸収量は, 展葉より7月中旬頃まで著しく増加しやがて8月下旬までやや減少するが, 9月初旬頃よりふたたび増大する。新梢生長期および生育後期の増加が大きく, K, Pは9月下旬頃に最高となり, Nは6月下旬∿7月中旬に高くなつた。会津身不知では吸収量の最大となる時期が富有より約1カ月程度おくれる傾向がある。9.生長周期を新梢伸長期, 果実発育第I期, 第II期, 第III期に区分して, 各時期別の1日当たり平均吸収量をみると, 両品種とも新梢伸長期および果実発育第I期に吸収量が大となり, 第II, III期ではやや低く一時とどまる傾向が認められた。その吸収量最大期は富有では着果枝が第I期, 無着果枝が新梢伸長期となり, 会津身不知では着果枝が新梢伸長期, 無着果枝では第I期であつた。In the present study the authers investigated he internal distribution and seasonal absor ption of N, P and K in the Japanese persimmons (Fuyu, Jiro and Aizumishirazu), using mature trees. The leaves and fruits as the new tissues were highest in the content of any constituent among the another organs and the contents of all constitution decreased in the latter period of growing season. Concerning a seasonal change of the amounts of N, P and K in the fruit were increased with development of fruit towards the ripening period, however at their second growing period the rate of absorption tended to be slow down temporary. In the shoot including leaves, twig and fruits, the amounts of absorption were abundant in the bearing shoot than in the non-bearing, and they increased highly with the development of leaves and fruits in the middle of July, but the maximum absorption of P and K was observed in the end of september, and N absorption was in the middle of July. The ratio of N, P and K absorbed by fruit was 10 : 4.6 : 13.6 by Fuyu and 10 : 5.9 : 14.2 by Aizumishirazu in the middle of september, and 10 : 6.2 : 18.4 by Fuyu in the end of October. In the middle of september, the amouuts of N, P and K absorbed by the current shoot including leaves, twing and fruits was 243mg : 76mg : 288mg by Fuyu and 179mg : 54mg : 204mg by Aizumishirazu at the bearing shoot, but in the non-bearing shoot 184mg : 31mg : 124mg by Fuyu and 132mg : 22mg : 130mg by Aizumishirazu

    Nitrosative and Oxidative Stresses Contribute to Post-Ischemic Liver Injury Following Severe Hemorrhagic Shock: The Role of Hypoxemic Resuscitation

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    Purpose: Hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation is frequently associated with liver ischemia-reperfusion injury. The aim of the study was to investigate whether hypoxemic resuscitation attenuates liver injury. Methods: Anesthetized, mechanically ventilated New Zealand white rabbits were exsanguinated to a mean arterial pressure of 30 mmHg for 60 minutes. Resuscitation under normoxemia (Normox-Res group, n = 16, PaO2 = 95–105 mmHg) or hypoxemia (Hypox-Res group, n = 15, PaO 2 = 35–40 mmHg) followed, modifying the FiO 2. Animals not subjected to shock constituted the sham group (n = 11, PaO 2 = 95–105 mmHg). Indices of the inflammatory, oxidative and nitrosative response were measured and histopathological and immunohistochemical studies of the liver were performed. Results: Normox-Res group animals exhibited increased serum alanine aminotransferase, tumor necrosis factor- alpha, interleukin (IL)-1b and IL-6 levels compared with Hypox-Res and sham groups. Reactive oxygen species generation, malondialdehyde formation and myeloperoxidase activity were all elevated in Normox-Res rabbits compared with Hypox-Res and sham groups. Similarly, endothelial NO synthase and inducible NO synthase mRNA expression was up-regulated and nitrotyrosine immunostaining increased in animals resuscitated normoxemically, indicating a more intense nitrosative stress. Hypox-Res animals demonstrated a less prominent histopathologic injury which was similar to sham animals. Conclusions: Hypoxemic resuscitation prevents liver reperfusion injury through attenuation of the inflammatory respons


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    1. 桃(3年生高陽白桃, 7年生箕島白桃)樹上葉の三要素吸収量の季節的変化を1957年4月より9月に亘つて調査し, 時期別吸収量の変異について考察した。2. 1樹全葉中の肥料成分吸収量は枝葉の発育増加に伴つて増大し, 8月頃より減少する傾向がある。時期別吸収量の変異は, N, Pでは5-6月に最高となり, 8月以後減少するが, Nの吸収量変異は大きく, Pはその変化は僅少である。Kは5-6月最高となり以後稍減少するが, 新梢生長哀退の初期に再び増加し, 8月下旬以降減少する傾向がある。3. 葉中の時期別含量はP, Kは4月の初期に高く, Nは6-7月が高いが, 9月以降三要素共減少の傾向がある。1. The purpuse of this investigation was to study the seasonal change of N, P and K absorption in the Peach tree, as a function of time from April to september, 1957. 2. The amount of N, P and K absorbed by the leavls increased with the develoment of new shoot, though the rate of absorption tended to be dawn in after August. In variation of absoorption at each growing season, N and P were highest in May to June, but K was increased between May to June, though after in this growing stage absorption to be slow down temporary, and K content was increased in next stage for a second time, though were suddenly decreased in after August. 3. In the seasonal change of N, P and K content of leaves, N, P content was higher in early growing season, but N content was highest in June or July