15,247 research outputs found

    Is there an accruals or a cash flow anomaly in UK stock returns?

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    In this paper, we apply a modified version of the Mishkin (1983) test to companies in the UK stock market in order to investigate the presence of accruals and cash flow effects on UK firms’ annual returns. First, we find that accruals decile rankings have U-shaped, or inverted U-shaped, or no relationships with most of the risk variables. Accruals decile rankings have, however, a negative relationship with the ratio of research and development to market value which is known to have a positive relationship with returns. Second, regarding the relationship between risk controls and returns, we find evidence associated with an RD effect and some evidence in favour of earnings-price and past return effects. We find little evidence of firm size, book to-market, and firm leverage effects, once the other variables are controlled for. Third, for the period 1990-2007, we report little evidence of general accruals mispricing in the UK in which accruals have a negative relationship with future returns, once risk has been accounted for. Additionally, after treatment of extreme observations, evidence of cash flow mispricing is found for the UK stock market. An alternative interpretation of our results is that there is no separate accruals effect, at least in the way predicted by the conventional mispricing stories, once other effects are taken into account, but there is a separate cash flow effect.Accruals anomaly, accrual based accounting, cash flows, financial statement analysis

    Float-polishing process and analysis of float-polished quartz

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    A fluid-mechanical model is developed for the float-polishing process. In this model laminar flow between the sample and the lap results in pressure gradients at the grooves that support the sample on a fluid layer. The laminar fluid motion also produces supersmooth, damage-free surfaces. Quartz substrates for applications in high-stress environments were float polished, and their surfaces were analyzed by optical scatterometry, photoacoustic spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy. The removal of 100 ”m of material by a lapping-polishing process, with final float polishing, left low levels of subsurface damage, with a surface roughness of approximately 0.2-nm rms

    On The Determination of MDI High-Degree Mode Frequencies

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    The characteristic of the solar acoustic spectrum is such that mode lifetimes get shorter and spatial leaks get closer in frequency as the degree of a mode increases for a given order. A direct consequence of this property is that individual p-modes are only resolved at low and intermediate degrees, and that at high degrees, individual modes blend into ridges. Once modes have blended into ridges, the power distribution of the ridge defines the ridge central frequency and it will mask the true underlying mode frequency. An accurate model of the amplitude of the peaks that contribute to the ridge power distribution is needed to recover the underlying mode frequency from fitting the ridge. We present the results of fitting high degree power ridges (up to l = 900) computed from several two to three-month-long time-series of full-disk observations taken with the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on-board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory between 1996 and 1999. We also present a detailed discussion of the modeling of the ridge power distribution, and the contribution of the various observational and instrumental effects on the spatial leakage, in the context of the MDI instrument. We have constructed a physically motivated model (rather than some ad hoc correction scheme) resulting in a methodology that can produce an unbiased determination of high-degree modes, once the instrumental characteristics are well understood. Finally, we present changes in high degree mode parameters with epoch and thus solar activity level and discuss their significance.Comment: 59 pages, 38 figures -- High-resolution version at http://www-sgk.harvard.edu:1080/~sylvain/preprints/ -- Manuscript submitted to Ap

    Structural Evidence for a Copper-Bound Carbonate Intermediate in the Peroxidase and Dismutase Activities of Superoxide Dismutase

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    Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD) is of fundamental importance to our understanding of oxidative damage. Its primary function is catalysing the dismutation of superoxide to O2 and H2O2. SOD also reacts with H2O2, leading to the formation of a strong copper-bound oxidant species that can either inactivate the enzyme or oxidise other substrates. In the presence of bicarbonate (or CO2) and H2O2, this peroxidase activity is enhanced and produces the carbonate radical. This freely diffusible reactive oxygen species is proposed as the agent for oxidation of large substrates that are too bulky to enter the active site. Here, we provide direct structural evidence, from a 2.15 Å resolution crystal structure, of (bi)carbonate captured at the active site of reduced SOD, consistent with the view that a bound carbonate intermediate could be formed, producing a diffusible carbonate radical upon reoxidation of copper. The bound carbonate blocks direct access of substrates to Cu(I), suggesting that an adjunct to the accepted mechanism of SOD catalysed dismutation of superoxide operates, with Cu(I) oxidation by superoxide being driven via a proton-coupled electron transfer mechanism involving the bound carbonate rather than the solvent. Carbonate is captured in a different site when SOD is oxidised, being located in the active site channel adjacent to the catalytically important Arg143. This is the probable route of diffusion from the active site following reoxidation of the copper. In this position, the carbonate is poised for re-entry into the active site and binding to the reduced copper. © 2012 Strange et al

    Image Subtraction Reduction of Open Clusters M35 & NGC 2158 In The K2 Campaign-0 Super-Stamp

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    Observations were made of the open clusters M35 and NGC 2158 during the initial K2 campaign (C0). Reducing these data to high-precision photometric time-series is challenging due to the wide point spread function (PSF) and the blending of stellar light in such dense regions. We developed an image-subtraction-based K2 reduction pipeline that is applicable to both crowded and sparse stellar fields. We applied our pipeline to the data-rich C0 K2 super-stamp, containing the two open clusters, as well as to the neighboring postage stamps. In this paper, we present our image subtraction reduction pipeline and demonstrate that this technique achieves ultra-high photometric precision for sources in the C0 super-stamp. We extract the raw light curves of 3960 stars taken from the UCAC4 and EPIC catalogs and de-trend them for systematic effects. We compare our photometric results with the prior reductions published in the literature. For detrended, TFA-corrected sources in the 12--12.25 Kp\rm K_{p} magnitude range, we achieve a best 6.5 hour window running rms of 35 ppm falling to 100 ppm for fainter stars in the 14--14.25 Kp \rm K_{p} magnitude range. For stars with Kp>14\rm K_{p}> 14, our detrended and 6.5 hour binned light curves achieve the highest photometric precision. Moreover, all our TFA-corrected sources have higher precision on all time scales investigated. This work represents the first published image subtraction analysis of a K2 super-stamp. This method will be particularly useful for analyzing the Galactic bulge observations carried out during K2 campaign 9. The raw light curves and the final results of our detrending processes are publicly available at \url{http://k2.hatsurveys.org/archive/}.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP. 14 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Light curves available from http://k2.hatsurveys.org/archive

    Precise calculation of the threshold of various directed percolation models on a square lattice

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    Using Monte Carlo simulations on different system sizes we determine with high precision the critical thresholds of two families of directed percolation models on a square lattice. The thresholds decrease exponentially with the degree of connectivity. We conjecture that pcp_{c} decays exactly as the inverse of the coodination number.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures and 1 tabl

    The trophic status of the fish fauna in Lago CamaleĂŁo, a macrophyte dominated floodplain lake in the middle Amazon

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    Food offer and consumption by the fish fauna were studied at medium and high waterlevels in a macrophyte dominated and strongly hypoxic floodplain lake of the middle Amazon. Detritus was shown to be the main food item, followed by terrestrial invertebrates and periphyton. Low aquatic macrophyte consumption is related to its low nutrient value in comparison with other abundant foods and its seasonal availability

    Distribution of fish species in a lake of the Amazon river floodplain near Manaus (Lago CamaleĂŁo), with special reference to extreme oxygen conditions

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    Over a period of 20 months the fish fauna distribution at Lago CamalcĂŁo, a floodplain lake of the Amazon near Manaus was studied. Special attention was given to the oxygen conditions. The lake was strongly defficient in oxygen for long periods, the surface oxygen concentrations during the day often being only about 0,5 g O2/l. Approximately 25.000 specimens were captured; 132 species belonging to 94 genera, 31 families and 10 orders were identified. About 40 species were able to live under extlemely low oxygen concentrations. 12 of these were air breathers. Another 8 are known to possess other morphological, anatomical and/or physiological adaptations to oxygen deficiency. It is presumed that the other species occurring in the area may have adaptations too. Survival strategies in respect to oxygen deficiency are discussed. It is suggested that the colonization of strongly oxygen deficient habitats reduces interspecific competition for food and diminishes predation pressure on the fish community, the total number of predatory fish species and specimens being much lower under low oxygen concentrations
