8,777 research outputs found

    Ganho genético do Programa de Melhoramento de Arroz Irrigado de Minas Gerais na década de 90.

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    O presente trabalho visou estimar o ganho genético alcançado com o programa de melhoramento de arroz irrigado por inundação contínua desenvolvido em Minas Gerais, pelo consórcio EPAMIG e EMBRAPA Arroz e Feijão, no período de 1990/91 a 2000/2001


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    Arch Esp Urol. 2006 Nov;59(9):916-9. [Tubulovillous adenocarcinoma of the renal pelvis. Case report] [Article in Spanish] Palacios A, Lima O, Massó P, Osório L, Versos R, Soares J, Marcelo F. Servicio de Urología, Hospital Geral de Santo Antonio, Porto, Portugal. [email protected] Abstract OBJECTIVE: To present a case of tubulovillous renal pelvis adenocarcinoma. METHODS/RESULTS: An 81 year-old patient presented at Emergency Department with sepsis. CT scan showed a staghorn calculus with signs suggestive of pyonefrosis. A nephrectomy was performed and pathological exam revealed tubulovillous renal pelvis adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSIONS: Renal pelvis adenocarcinoma is a rare disease. It is usually accompanied by chronic urinary infections, on inflammatory state and staghorn calculi. The best therapeutic option is nephrectomy and the prognosis is poor. PMID: 17190219 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLIN

    Tillering of ‘Marandu’ \u3ci\u3eBrachiaria\u3c/i\u3e Under Different Nitrogen Rates in The Brazilian Savannah

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    The tiller is the basic unit of grass growth and tiller density determines the horizontal ground cover, leaves production and pastures perennially. The objective in this study was to quantify the number of aerial and basal tillers and basal:aerial tillers ratio in Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, established in Brazilian savannah, submitted to nitrogen doses (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N/ha). The experiment was carried out in the Forage and Pasture Sector of Jataí Federal University (UFJ) and after soil correction and fertilization, plots were established with Marandu palisade grass in a randomized block design, with four replications and four N doses. Tiller count was performed after the uniformity cut and at the end of each cycle, when the average height of the forage canopy reached average 30 cm. Tillers were identified with colored wires (one color/generation), in a total of six generations (cycles). The highest ratio of basal:aerial tiller was 1.36 and occurred at dose of 100 kg N/ha as an answer to the highest tiller survival and lowest tiller mortality. Highest percentage of basal tiller and the lowest percentage of aerial tiller occurs at dose of 100 kg N/ha. Nitrogen fertilization is an important strategy to obtain more production of high quality mass, highest ground cover by highest survival rate, less mortality and a better proportion between basal and aerial tillers in Marandu palisade grass, favoring their perennity when is used 100 kg N/ha

    Tillering of ‘Marandu’ Brachiaria Under Different Nitrogen Rates in the Brazilian Savannah

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    The tiller is the basic unit of grass growth and tiller density determines the horizontal ground cover, leaves production and pastures perennially. The objective in this study was to quantify the number of aerial and basal tillers and basal:aerial tillers ratio in Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, established in Brazilian savannah, submitted to nitrogen doses (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N/ha). The experiment was carried out in the Forage and Pasture Sector of Jataí Federal University (UFJ) and after soil correction and fertilization, plots were established with Marandu palisade grass in a randomized block design, with four replications and four N doses. Tiller count was performed after the uniformity cut and at the end of each cycle, when the average height of the forage canopy reached average 30 cm. Tillers were identified with colored wires (one color/generation), in a total of six generations (cycles). The highest ratio of basal:aerial tiller was 1.36 and occurred at dose of 100 kg N/ha as an answer to the highest tiller survival and lowest tiller mortality. Highest percentage of basal tiller and the lowest percentage of aerial tiller occurs at dose of 100 kg N/ha. Nitrogen fertilization is an important strategy to obtain more production of high quality mass, highest ground cover by highest survival rate, less mortality and a better proportion between basal and aerial tillers in Marandu palisade grass, favoring their perennity when is used 100 kg N/ha

    Assembling and auditing a comprehensive DNA barcode reference library for European marine fishes

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    A large-scale comprehensive reference library of DNA barcodes for European marine fishes was assembled, allowing the evaluation of taxonomic uncertainties and species genetic diversity that were otherwise hidden in geographically restricted studies. A total of 4118 DNA barcodes were assigned to 358 species generating 366 Barcode Index Numbers (BIN). Initial examination revealed as much as 141 BIN discordances (more than one species in each BIN). After implementing an auditing and five-grade (A-E) annotation protocol, the number of discordant species BINs was reduced to 44 (13% grade E), while concordant species BINs amounted to 271 (78% grades A and B) and 14 other had insufficient data (grade D). Fifteen species displayed comparatively high intraspecific divergences ranging from 2·6 to 18·5% (grade C), which is biologically paramount information to be considered in fish species monitoring and stock assessment. On balance, this compilation contributed to the detection of 59 European fish species probably in need of taxonomic clarification or re-evaluation. The generalized implementation of an auditing and annotation protocol for reference libraries of DNA barcodes is recommended.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio