99,113 research outputs found

    Interpretation of AIS Images of Cuprite, Nevada Using Constraints of Spectral Mixtures

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    A technique is outlined that tests the hypothesis Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) image spectra are produced by mixtures of surface materials. This technique allows separation of AIS images into concentration images of spectral endmembers (e.g., surface materials causing spectral variation). Using a spectral reference library it was possible to uniquely identify these spectral endmembers with respect to the reference library and to calibrate the AIS images

    General purpose simulation system of the data management system for Space Shuttle mission 18

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    A simulation program for the flow of data through the Data Management System of Spacelab and Space Shuttle was presented. The science, engineering, command and guidance, navigation and control data were included. The programming language used was General Purpose Simulation System V (OS). The science and engineering data flow was modeled from its origin at the experiments and subsystems to transmission from Space Shuttle. Command data flow was modeled from the point of reception onboard and from the CDMS Control Panel to the experiments and subsystems. The GN&C data flow model handled data between the General Purpose Computer and the experiments and subsystems. Mission 18 was the particular flight chosen for simulation. The general structure of the program is presented, followed by a user's manual. Input data required to make runs are discussed followed by identification of the output statistics. The appendices contain a detailed model configuration, program listing and results

    On the self-similarity in quantum Hall systems

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    The Hall-resistance curve of a two-dimensional electron system in the presence of a strong perpendicular magnetic field is an example of self-similarity. It reveals plateaus at low temperatures and has a fractal structure. We show that this fractal structure emerges naturally in the Hamiltonian formulation of composite fermions. After a set of transformations on the electronic model, we show that the model, which describes interacting composite fermions in a partially filled energy level, is self-similar. This mathematical property allows for the construction of a basis of higher generations of composite fermions. The collective-excitation dispersion of the recently observed 4/11 fractional-quantum-Hall state is discussed within the present formalism.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; version accepted for publication in Europhys. Lett., new version contains energy calculations for collective excitations of the 4/11 stat

    Proportional-integral-plus (PIP) control of time delay systems

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    The paper shows that the digital proportional-integral-plus (PIP) controller formulated within the context of non-minimum state space (NMSS) control system design methodology is directly equivalent, under certain non-restrictive pole assignment conditions, to the equivalent digital Smith predictor (SP) control system for time delay systems. This allows SP controllers to be considered within the context of NMSS state variable feedback control, so that optimal design methods can be exploited to enhance the performance of the SP controller. Alternatively, since the PIP design strategy provides a more flexible approach, which subsumes the SP controller as one option, it provides a superior basis for general control system design. The paper also discusses the robustness and disturbance response characteristics of the two PIP control structures that emerge from the analysis and demonstrates the efficacy of the design methods through simulation examples and the design of a climate control system for a large horticultural glasshouse system

    Observation of a superconducting glass state in granular superconducting diamond

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    The magnetic field dependence of the superconductivity in nanocrystalline boron doped diamond thin films is reported. Evidence of a glass state in the phase diagram is presented, as demonstrated by electrical resistance and magnetic relaxation measurements. The position of the phase boundary in the H-T plane is determined from resistance data by detailed fitting to zero-dimensional fluctuation conductivity theory. This allows determination of the boundary between resistive and non-resistive behavior to be made with greater precision than the standard ad hoc onset/midpoint/offset criterion

    Fluctuation spectroscopy as a probe of granular superconducting diamond films

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    We present resistance versus temperature data for a series of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films whose grain size is varied by changing the film thickness. Upon extracting the fluctuation conductivity near to the critical temperature we observe three distinct scaling regions -- 3D intragrain, quasi-0D, and 3D intergrain -- in confirmation of the prediction of Lerner, Varlamov and Vinokur. The location of the dimensional crossovers between these scaling regions allows us to determine the tunnelling energy and the Thouless energy for each film. This is a demonstration of the use of \emph{fluctuation spectroscopy} to determine the properties of a superconducting granular system

    Finite-momentum Bose-Einstein condensates in shaken 2D square optical lattices

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    We consider ultracold bosons in a 2D square optical lattice described by the Bose-Hubbard model. In addition, an external time-dependent sinusoidal force is applied to the system, which shakes the lattice along one of the diagonals. The effect of the shaking is to renormalize the nearest-neighbor hopping coefficients, which can be arbitrarily reduced, can vanish, or can even change sign, depending on the shaking parameter. It is therefore necessary to account for higher-order hopping terms, which are renormalized differently by the shaking, and introduce anisotropy into the problem. We show that the competition between these different hopping terms leads to finite-momentum condensates, with a momentum that may be tuned via the strength of the shaking. We calculate the boundaries between the Mott-insulator and the different superfluid phases, and present the time-of-flight images expected to be observed experimentally. Our results open up new possibilities for the realization of bosonic analogs of the FFLO phase describing inhomogeneous superconductivity.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Structural lubricity: Role of dimension and symmetry

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    When two chemically passivated solids are brought into contact, interfacial interactions between the solids compete with intrabulk elastic forces. The relative importance of these interactions, which are length-scale dependent, will be estimated using scaling arguments. If elastic interactions dominate on all length scales, solids will move as essentially rigid objects. This would imply superlow kinetic friction in UHV, provided wear was absent. The results of the scaling study depend on the symmetry of the surfaces and the dimensionalities of interface and solids. Some examples are discussed explicitly such as contacts between disordered three-dimensional solids and linear bearings realized from multiwall carbon nanotubes.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Tuning biexciton binding and anti-binding in core/shell quantum dots

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    We use a path integral quantum Monte Carlo method to simulate excitons and biexcitons in core shell nanocrystals with Type-I, II and quasi-Type II band alignments. Quantum Monte Carlo techniques allow for all quantum correlations to be included when determining the thermal ground state, thus producing accurate predictions of biexciton binding. These subtle quantum correlations are found to cause the biexciton to be binding with Type-I carrier localization and strongly anti-binding with Type-II carrier localization, in agreement with experiment for both core shell nanocrystals and dot in rod nanocrystal structures. Simple treatments based on perturbative approaches are shown to miss this important transition in the biexciton binding. Understanding these correlations offers prospects to engineer strong biexciton anti-binding which is crucial to the design of nanocrystals for single exciton lasing applications.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure