7,444 research outputs found

    Contribution of an alveolar cell of origin to the high-grade malignant phenotype of pregnancy-associated breast cancer.

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    Pregnancy-associated breast cancers (PABCs) are tumors diagnosed during pregnancy or up to 5 years following parturition, and are usually high-grade, connective tissue-rich, and estrogen receptor (ER)/progesterone receptor-negative. Little is known about the cellular origin of PABCs or the mechanisms by which PABCs are initiated. Using the RCAS retrovirus to deliver the ErbB2 oncogene into the mammary epithelium of our previously reported MMTV-tva transgenic mice, we detected high-grade, poorly differentiated, stroma-rich and ER-negative tumors during pregnancy and lactation. These high-grade and stroma-rich tumors were less frequent in involuted mice or in age-matched nulliparous mice. More importantly, by generating a WAP-tva transgenic line for expression of ErbB2 selectively in WAP(+) mammary alveolar cells, we found that tumors had similar morphological phenotypes (high grade, poorly differentiated, stroma-rich and ER-negative), irrespective of the time since pregnancy and even in the absence of pregnancy. These data suggest that PABCs arise preferentially from an alveolar cell population that expands during pregnancy and lactation. This somatic mouse model may also be useful for preclinical testing of new prophylactic and therapeutic strategies against PABC

    Bone metabolism and hand grip strength response to aerobic versus resistance exercise training in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus has been shown in many studies to be associated with reduced bone mass and an increased risk of fracture. Currently, our understanding of how to use exercise effectively in diabetic patients in prevention of osteoporosis is incomplete and has prompted our interest to identify the type of effective osteogenic exercise.Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the changes in handgrip strength and bone metabolism after 6 months between aerobic and resistance exercise training in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients in Jeddah area.Materials and methods: One hundred non-insulin dependent diabetic male patients participated in this study and were divided into two equal groups; the first group (A) received aerobic exercise training, where the second group (B) received resistance exercise training. The program consisted of three sessions per week for six months.Results: The mean values of serum calcium and Hand grip strength were significantly increased, while the mean values of parathyroid hormone were significantly decreased in both groups .Also, there were significant differences between mean levels of the investigated parameters in group (A) and group (B) after treatment.Conclusion: Aerobic exercise training on treadmill is appropriate to improve markers of bone  metabolism and hand grip strength in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients.Keywords: Aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, bone mineral density, non-insulin dependent diabetes

    Toxicity assessment of modified Cry1Ac1 proteins and genetically modified insect-resistant Agb0101 rice

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    Insect-resistant Agb0101 rice was recently developed by modifying the cry1ac1 gene by changing codon usage changes relative to the native truncated cry1ac1 gene. To assess the toxicity of genetically modified Agb0101 rice, we conducted bioinfomational comparisons of the amino acid sequences that are not similar to known toxic proteins. Sufficient quantities of mCry1Ac1 protein were produced in Escherichia coli for in vitro evaluation and animal study. We compared the amino acid sequences and molecular mass. There have the same amino acid sequences and molecular masses after purifying the modified Cry1Ac1 (mCry1Ac1) protein from highly expressed bacteria and genetically modified rice were identical. We also investigated the acute and 90-days oral toxicities. No adverse effects were observed in mice following acute oral exposure to 2,000 mg/ kg body weight mCry1Ac1 protein of body weight and 90 days oral exposure to Agb0101. These results indicate that mCry1Ac1 proteins and Agb0101 rice demonstrate no adverse effects in these tests when applied via gavage and feed, respectively.Key words: Modified Cry1Ac1, food safety assessment, toxicity, insect- resistant rice Agb0101

    A Cross-Sectional Study of People with Epilepsy and Neurocysticercosis in Tanzania: Clinical Characteristics and Diagnostic Approaches.

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    Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a major cause of epilepsy in regions where pigs are free-ranging and hygiene is poor. Pork production is expected to increase in the next decade in sub-Saharan Africa, hence NCC will likely become more prevalent. In this study, people with epilepsy (PWE, n=212) were followed up 28.6 months after diagnosis of epilepsy. CT scans were performed, and serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of selected PWE were analysed. We compared the demographic data, clinical characteristics, and associated risk factors of PWE with and without NCC. PWE with NCC (n=35) were more likely to be older at first seizure (24.3 vs. 16.3 years, p=0.097), consumed more pork (97.1% vs. 73.6%, p=0.001), and were more often a member of the Iraqw tribe (94.3% vs. 67.8%, p=0.005) than PWE without NCC (n=177). PWE and NCC who were compliant with anti-epileptic medications had a significantly higher reduction of seizures (98.6% vs. 89.2%, p=0.046). Other characteristics such as gender, seizure frequency, compliance, past medical history, close contact with pigs, use of latrines and family history of seizures did not differ significantly between the two groups. The number of NCC lesions and active NCC lesions were significantly associated with a positive antibody result. The electroimmunotransfer blot, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was more sensitive than a commercial western blot, especially in PWE and cerebral calcifications. This is the first study to systematically compare the clinical characteristics of PWE due to NCC or other causes and to explore the utility of two different antibody tests for diagnosis of NCC in sub-Saharan Africa

    Population dynamics of rhesus macaques and associated foamy virus in Bangladesh.

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    Foamy viruses are complex retroviruses that have been shown to be transmitted from nonhuman primates to humans. In Bangladesh, infection with simian foamy virus (SFV) is ubiquitous among rhesus macaques, which come into contact with humans in diverse locations and contexts throughout the country. We analyzed microsatellite DNA from 126 macaques at six sites in Bangladesh in order to characterize geographic patterns of macaque population structure. We also included in this study 38 macaques owned by nomadic people who train them to perform for audiences. PCR was used to analyze a portion of the proviral gag gene from all SFV-positive macaques, and multiple clones were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis was used to infer long-term patterns of viral transmission. Analyses of SFV gag gene sequences indicated that macaque populations from different areas harbor genetically distinct strains of SFV, suggesting that geographic features such as forest cover play a role in determining the dispersal of macaques and SFV. We also found evidence suggesting that humans traveling the region with performing macaques likely play a role in the translocation of macaques and SFV. Our studies found that individual animals can harbor more than one strain of SFV and that presence of more than one SFV strain is more common among older animals. Some macaques are infected with SFV that appears to be recombinant. These findings paint a more detailed picture of how geographic and sociocultural factors influence the spectrum of simian-borne retroviruses

    The Far-Infrared Properties of Spatially Resolved AKARI Observations

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    We present the spatially resolved observations of IRAS sources from the Japanese infrared astronomy satellite AKARI All-Sky Survey during the performance verification (PV) phase of the mission. We extracted reliable point sources matched with IRAS point source catalogue. By comparing IRAS and AKARI fluxes, we found that the flux measurements of some IRAS sources could have been over or underestimated and affected by the local background rather than the global background. We also found possible candidates for new AKARI sources and confirmed that AKARI observations resolved IRAS sources into multiple sources. All-Sky Survey observations are expected to verify the accuracies of IRAS flux measurements and to find new extragalactic point sources.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted publication in PASJ AKARI special issu

    Placental Growth Factor-1 and -2 Induce Hyperplasia and Invasiveness of Primary Rheumatoid Synoviocytes

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    Inflammation-mediated oncogenesis has been implicated in a variety of cancer types. Rheumatoid synovial tissues can be viewed as a tumor-like mass, consisting of hyperplastic fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs). FLSs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients have promigratory and invasive characteristics, which may be caused by chronic exposure to genotoxic stimuli, including hypoxia and growth factors. We tested whether a transformed phenotype of RA-FLSs is associated with placental growth factor (PlGF), a representative angiogenic growth factor induced by hypoxia. In this study, we identified PlGF-1 and PlGF-2 as the major PlGF isoforms in RA-FLSs. Global gene expression profiling revealed that cell proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, and cell migration were mainly represented by differentially expressed genes in RA-FLSs transfected with small interfering RNA for PlGF. Indeed, PlGF-deficient RA-FLSs showed a decrease in cell proliferation, migration, and invasion, but an increase in apoptotic death in vitro. PlGF gene overexpression resulted in the opposite effects. Moreover, exogeneous PlGF-1 and PlGF-2 increased survival, migration, and invasiveness of RA-FLSs by binding their receptors, Flt-1 and neuropilin-1, and upregulating the expression of antiapoptotic molecules, pErk and Bcl2. Knockdown of PlGF transcripts reduced RA-FLS proliferation in a xenotransplantation model. Collectively, in addition to their role for neovascularization, PlGF-1 and -2 promote proliferation, survival, migration, and invasion of RA-FLSs in an autocrine and paracrine manner. These results demonstrated how primary cells of mesenchymal origin acquired an aggressive and transformed phenotype. PlGF and its receptors thus offer new targets for anti-FLS therapy.1177Ysciescopu

    Incidence of fracture in adjacent levels in patients treated with balloon kyphoplasty: a review of the literature

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    The available evidence suggests that the treatment of painful vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) secondary to osteoporosis or multiple myeloma, by cement augmentation with balloon kyphoplasty (BK), is both safe and effective. However, there is uncertainty in the literature concerning the potential of the procedure to influence the risk for adjacent segment fracture. The aim of this article is to review the available peer-reviewed literature, regarding adjacent vertebral body fractures after kyphoplasty augmentation

    Glial TNFα in the spinal cord regulates neuropathic pain induced by HIV gp120 application in rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HIV-associated sensory neuropathy (HIV-SN) is one of the most common forms of peripheral neuropathy, affecting about 30% of people with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The symptoms of HIV-SN are dominated by neuropathic pain. Glia activation in the spinal cord has become an attractive target for attenuating chronic pain. This study will investigate the role of spinal TNFα released from glia in HIV-related neuropathic pain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Peripheral gp120 application into the rat sciatic nerve induced mechanical allodynia for more than 7 weeks, and upregulated the expression of spinal TNFα in the mRNA and the protein levels at 2 weeks after gp120 application. Spinal TNFα was colocalized with GFAP (a marker of astrocytes) and Iba1 (a marker of microglia) in immunostaining, suggesting that glia produce TNFα in the spinal cord in this model. Peripheral gp120 application also increased TNFα in the L4/5 DRG. Furthermore, intrathecal administration of TNFα siRNA or soluble TNF receptor reduced gp120 application-induced mechanical allodynia.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results indicate that TNFα in the spinal cord and the DRG are involved in neuropathic pain, following the peripheral HIV gp120 application, and that blockade of the glial product TNFα reverses neuropathic pain induced by HIV gp120 application.</p

    Layer thickness dependence of the current induced effective field vector in Ta|CoFeB|MgO

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    The role of current induced effective magnetic field in ultrathin magnetic heterostructures is increasingly gaining interest since it can provide efficient ways of manipulating magnetization electrically. Two effects, known as the Rashba spin orbit field and the spin Hall spin torque, have been reported to be responsible for the generation of the effective field. However, quantitative understanding of the effective field, including its direction with respect to the current flow, is lacking. Here we show vector measurements of the current induced effective field in Ta|CoFeB|MgO heterostructrures. The effective field shows significant dependence on the Ta and CoFeB layers' thickness. In particular, 1 nm thickness variation of the Ta layer can result in nearly two orders of magnitude difference in the effective field. Moreover, its sign changes when the Ta layer thickness is reduced, indicating that there are two competing effects that contribute to the effective field. The relative size of the effective field vector components, directed transverse and parallel to the current flow, varies as the Ta thickness is changed. Our results illustrate the profound characteristics of just a few atomic layer thick metals and their influence on magnetization dynamics