435 research outputs found

    Unani Perspective in the Prevention and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders

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    Mental health is an important aspect of human health. It is the need of hours to preserve this dimension of health. The positive dimension of mental health is stressed in World Health Organization’s definition of health as a state of well-being in which the abilities are realized by individual, can cope with normal stress of life can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. Mental disorders are increasing due to more stress level. One in four people in the world are affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point of lives. Mental disorders include depression, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia and other psychoses, dementia, intellectual disabilities and developmental disorders including autism. According to world health report depression is a common mental disorder andone of the main causes of disability worldwide. Globally, an estimated 350 million people are affected by depression. Women are more affected than men. Unani system of medicine is the only system which intervenes with Asbab-e-SittaZarooriya (six essential causes) especially by HarkatwasukoonNafsani (Bodily & Psychic movement) and Naumwayaqza (sleep & wakefulness). In this regard TadeelRuh is the basic concept to keep away mental disorders. Equilibrium between these two AsbabeSehat(causes of health) is enoughto keep away mental problems. In spite of that there are a lot of UnaniMufridat (single) and Murakkabat (compound) drugs for examples Musakkinat (Sedative), Mufarrihat (the drug which induce pleasurable effect), Mubrridat (the drug which induce cold effect) and MuqwaiyeDemagh (brain strengthener) which can not only preserve mental health but also keep away mental disorder such as Nisyan (Dementia), Insomnia, Headache, Depression and other mental problems

    Analisis Kejahatan Carding dalam Bentuk Cyber Crime dan Perlindungan Hukum di Indonesia

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    Pada saat ini perkembangan teknologi khususnya dalam bidang digital mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat, perkembangan teknologi juga dijadikan peluang bagi para pelaku kejahatan untuk melakukan kriminalitas di dunia maya atau media lainnya yang kerap dikenal dengan istilah cyber crime. Salah satu bentuk kejahatan teknologi ialah kejahatan Carding. Kejahatan Carding merupakan kejahatan mencuri data atau informasi kartu kredit orang lain secara ilegal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif yang dilakukan dengan penelitian kepustakaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memeberikan solusi bahwa dalam menangani tindak pidana Carding, diperlukan penegakan Undang-Undang yang kuat untuk melindungi hak-hak para korban kejahatan Carding agar dapat mengurangi kasus Cyber Crime di Indonesia

    Pseudoaneurysm of dorsalis pedis artery following lisfranc surgery: a rare complication

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    Aneurysm and pseudoaneurysm of the dorsalis pedis artery remains to be rare vascular entities with a reported incidence of 0.5% of peripheral arterial aneurysms. Only, few cases were reported. The formation of pseudoaneurysm is commonly associated with fracture, laceration wound or iatrogenic arterial injury. An arterial injury that coincides with pseudoaneurysm can initially be missed due to lack of clinical findings. Prompt recognition remains paramount to reduce morbidity and mortality. Here, we present a rare complication of a commonly performed orthopaedic procedure in a young male who presented with painful swelling over left foot after he was involved in an industrial injury. He presented again with a pulsating mass over his left foot after 2 months post fixation surgery of a Lisfranc injury. He was treated conservatively with compression bandage and able to regain to his normal activity after the treatment initiated

    Are interventions to increase the uptake of screening for cardiovascular disease risk factors effective? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Abstract Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death globally. However, many individuals are unaware of their CVD risk factors. The objective of this systematic review is to determine the effectiveness of existing intervention strategies to increase uptake of CVD risk factors screening. Methods A systematic search was conducted through Pubmed, CINAHL, EMBASE and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Additional articles were located through cross-checking of the references list and bibliography citations of the included studies and previous review papers. We included intervention studies with controlled or baseline comparison groups that were conducted in primary care practices or the community, targeted at adult populations (randomized controlled trials, non-randomized trials with controlled groups and pre- and post-intervention studies). The interventions were targeted either at individuals, communities, health care professionals or the health-care system. The main outcome of interest was the relative risk (RR) of screening uptake rates due to the intervention. Results We included 21 studies in the meta-analysis. The risk of bias for randomization was low to medium in the randomized controlled trials, except for one, and high in the non-randomized trials. Two analyses were performed; optimistic (using the highest effect sizes) and pessimistic (using the lowest effect sizes). Overall, interventions were shown to increase the uptake of screening for CVD risk factors (RR 1.443; 95% CI 1.264 to 1.648 for pessimistic analysis and RR 1.680; 95% CI 1.420 to 1.988 for optimistic analysis). Effective interventions that increased screening participation included: use of physician reminders (RR ranged between 1.392; 95% CI 1.192 to 1.625, and 1.471; 95% CI 1.304 to 1.660), use of dedicated personnel (RR ranged between 1.510; 95% CI 1.014 to 2.247, and 2.536; 95% CI 1.297 to 4.960) and provision of financial incentives for screening (RR 1.462; 95% CI 1.068 to 2.000). Meta-regression analysis showed that the effect of CVD risk factors screening uptake was not associated with study design, types of population nor types of interventions. Conclusions Interventions using physician reminders, using dedicated personnel to deliver screening, and provision of financial incentives were found to be effective in increasing CVD risk factors screening uptake

    Price prediction model of demand and supply in the housing market

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    Over recent years, the imbalance between housing demand and supply, particularly in the high-cost housing segment, led to the rapid increase in the house prices. This paper has applied the standard theory of consumer demand and supply supplemented using content analysis method to explain the trend of housing demand and supply of housing market in Malaysia. Sampling in the quantitative content analysis is carried out to achieve the objective. Property Market Status Report in the NAPIC website provide a series data for total housing demand and supply for any house type of terrace, detached, cluster and townhouse in the price range between RM50,000 to RM300,000. All data provided cover from the first quarter until the fourth quarter across the year 2006 to 2015 specifically in Peninsular Malaysia only. Each level of the house price has a different equilibrium price so that developers can use it as an indicator based on the housing type. This research will promote ways to achieve the sustainabiliy in construction output overall so that the scholars can improve the equilibrium price model proposed in order to make the Malaysian housing become an affordable

    Fracture properties investigation of Artocarpus Odoratissimus composite with Polypropylene (PP)

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    Wood plastic composites (WPC) were done using a matrix of polypropylene (PP) thermoplastic resin with wood fibre from Artocarpus odoratissimus as filler. The purpose of this study is to investigate the fracture properties of Artocarpus odoratissimus composite with PP. The WPC was manufactured by a hot - press technique with varying formulations which are 10:0 (100% pure PP), 50:50 (40 g of wood fiber and 40 g of PP) and 60:40 (48 g of wood fiber and 32 g of PP). The mechanical properties were investigated. Tensile and flexural were carried out according to ASTM D 638 and ASTM D 790. The results were analysed to calculate the tensile strength. Tensile strength at break is ranged from 13.2 N/mm2 to 21.7 N/mm2 . While, the flexural strength obtained is varying from 14.7 N/mm2 to 31.1 N/mm2 . The results of the experiment showed that tensile and flexural properties of the composite increased with the adding of wood fiber material. Finally, the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), have been done to study the fracture behaviour of the WPC specimens

    Lupus nephritis with visual field defect secondary to hypertensive retinopathy: a case report

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    A 23-year-old lady presented with both eye progressive painless blurring of vision for two weeks in 2011. Prior to that she had malar rash, hair loss, photosensitivity and bilateral leg swelling. Ocular examination showed that visual acuity on the right was 6/60 and on the left was 6/24. Both optic disc were swollen with extensive peripapillary cotton wool spot (CWS), flame shape haemorrhages, dilated and tortuous vessels with macular oedema. Systemic examination revealed blood pressure of 176/111 mmHg, malar rash and alopecia. Diagnosis of grade 4 hypertensive retinopathy secondary to SLE was made. The diagnosis was confirmed by positive ANA/ dsDNA, low C3/ C4 and renal biopsy showed lupus nephritis. She was treated with oral prednisolone, hydroxychloroquine and cyclosporin A. Throughout the monitoring for hydroxychloroquine toxicity, vision over both eyes were 6/9, but serial visual fields showed non-progressive left superior and inferior scotoma while right eye showed inferior scotoma. The intraocular pressure was normal with pink optic disc and cup disc ratio of 0.3. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed temporal and nasal retinal nerve fiber layer thinning bilaterally. However, macula OCT, fundus fluorescein angiography and autofluorescence were normal. The visual field defect was concluded secondary to CWS indicating microinfarction of the retinal nerve fiber secondary to previous hypertensive retinopathy. Non-progressive visual field defects may occur after the appearance of CWS in hypertensive retinopathy and it should not be overlooked when diagnosing glaucoma or hydroxychloroquine toxicity

    Gender dysphoria and a de-transition to the biological gender : a case report from a primary care perspective

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    Gender dysphoria describes the feeling of distress and discomfort experienced when the assigned gender does not match the person’s gender identity. In its severe form, it leads to anxiety, depression and even suicidal ideation or attempts. Unfortunately, this does not end as some transgenders faced significant pressure by cultural, religious, employment, financial and social during the transformation period, hence would de-transition back to their natal gender identity. Gender detransition is a process through which a person discontinues some or all aspects of gender affirmation. During the de-transition, ambivalence, confusion, doubts about their ability to carry out the gender role and responsibilities are common. Gender dysphoria and gender de-transition requires professional help, but the stigma and discrimination hinders them from seeking help from health care providers (HCP). Although these gender-related identity problems are preferentially diagnosed by a specialised psychologist or psychiatrist, primary care physicians often play an important role in this aspect. This case illustrates the health and help-seeking behaviour of a transwoman who had experienced gender dysphoria in the early adolescence year. Long after that, he faced a difficult life, making him de-transition to his original gender. He eventually presented with trivial symptoms in primary care hoping to solve the crisis

    A casemix: congestive heart failure readmission rate and its associated factors in a tertiary teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur

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    Cardiovascular mortality is within the top five causes of death from non-communicable disease based on World Health Organization profile. Around 20% of heart failure patients are readmitted within 30 days worldwide. Readmission within 30 days for congestive heart failure often related to non-compliant to fluid restriction, natural progression of the disease or pre-mature discharge. The study aims to evaluate the 30 days readmission rate of congestive heart failure in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) from the year 2016-2017 using casemix data and to determine the associated factors related to it. Based on the data coding, cost of readmission incurred was calculated. The 30-days readmission rate of heart failure to UKMMC in the year 2016-2017 was 53.5% & 43.5%, higher than the developed countries standard but similar to that of local teaching hospitals. After adjustment, age and level of severity are the only significant associated factors for the 30-days readmission rate. Shorter average length of stay (ALOS) & lower extra-tariff were achieved for readmission of heart failure. Total of RM80,329.73 was saved in the year 2017 from prompt treatment and comprehensive care plan of treating 19.3% level 3 severity patients at level 1 ALOS and tariff-cost. The 30-days readmission rate for heart failure in UKMMC was comparable to local teaching hospitals. The reduction of 30-days readmission rate in 2017 saved much cost, shows good clinical governance and advanced treatment strategy. Casemix can be used to guide budget allocation for the cardiology department of UKMMC

    Identification of the genomic mutation in Epha4rb-2J/rb-2J mice

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    The EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase is involved in numerous cell-signalling activities during embryonic development. EphA4 has the ability to bind to both types of ephrin ligands, the ephrinAs and ephrinBs. The C57BL/6J-Epha4rb-2J/GrsrJ strain, denoted Epha4rb-2J/rb-2J, is a spontaneous mouse mutant that arose at The Jackson Laboratory. These mutants exhibited a synchronous hind limb locomotion defect or “hopping gait” phenotype, which is also characteristic of EphA4 null mice. Genetic complementation experiments suggested that Epha4rb-2J corresponds to an allele of EphA4, but details of the genomic defect in this mouse mutant are currently unavailable. We found a single base-pair deletion in exon 9 resulting in a frame shift mutation that subsequently resulted in a premature stop codon. Analysis of the predicted structure of the truncated protein suggests that both the kinase and sterile α motif (SAM) domains are absent. Definitive determination of genotype is needed for experimental studies of mice carrying the Epha4rb-2J allele, and we have also developed a method to ease detection of the mutation through RFLP. Eph-ephrin family members are reportedly expressed as numerous isoforms. Hence, delineation of the specific mutation in EphA4 in this strain is important for further functional studies, such as protein–protein interactions, immunostaining and gene compensatory studies, investigating the mechanism underlying the effects of altered function of Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases on phenotype