12 research outputs found

    Immunological Responses and Actin Dynamics in Macrophages Are Controlled by N-Cofilin but Are Independent from ADF

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    Dynamic changes in the actin cytoskeleton are essential for immune cell function and a number of immune deficiencies have been linked to mutations, which disturb the actin cytoskeleton. In macrophages and dendritic cells, actin remodelling is critical for motility, phagocytosis and antigen presentation, however the actin binding proteins, which control antigen presentation have been poorly characterized. Here we dissect the specific roles of the family of ADF/cofilin F-actin depolymerizing factors in macrophages and in local immune responses

    Chemokine Coreceptor Signaling in HIV-1 Infection and Pathogenesis

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    Binding of the HIV-1 envelope to its chemokine coreceptors mediates two major biological events: membrane fusion and signaling transduction. The fusion process has been well studied, yet the role of chemokine coreceptor signaling in viral infection has remained elusive through the past decade. With the recent demonstration of the signaling requirement for HIV latent infection of resting CD4 T cells, the issue of coreceptor signaling needs to be thoroughly revisited. It is likely that virus-mediated signaling events may facilitate infection in various immunologic settings in vivo where cellular conditions need to be primed; in other words, HIV may exploit the chemokine signaling network shared among immune cells to gain access to downstream cellular components, which can then serve as effective tools to break cellular barriers. This virus-hijacked aberrant signaling process may in turn facilitate pathogenesis. In this review, we summarize past and present studies on HIV coreceptor signaling. We also discuss possible roles of coreceptor signaling in facilitating viral infection and pathogenesis

    Cbf1p is required for chromatin remodeling at promoter-proximal CACGTG motifs in yeast.

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    Cbf1p is a basic-helix-loop-helix-zipper protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae required for the function of centromeres and MET gene promoters, where it binds DNA via the consensus core motif CACRTG (R = A or G). At MET genes Cbf1p appears to function in both activator recruitment and chromatin-remodeling. Cbf1p has been implicated in the regulation of other genes, and CACRTG motifs are common in potential gene regulatory DNA. A recent genome-wide location analysis showed that the majority of intergenic CACGTG palindromes are bound by Cbf1p. Here we tested whether all potential Cbf1p binding motifs in the yeast genome are likely to be bound by Cbf1p using chromatin immunoprecipitation. We also tested which of the motifs are actually functional by assaying for Cbf1p-dependent chromatin remodeling. We show that Cbf1p binding and activity is restricted to palindromic CACGTG motifs in promoter-proximal regions. Cbf1p does not function through CACGTG motifs that occur in promoter-distal locations within coding regions nor where CACATG motifs occur alone except at centromeres. Cbf1p can be made to function at promoter-distal CACGTG motifs by overexpression, suggesting that the concentration of Cbf1p is normally limiting for binding and is biased to gene regulatory DNA by interactions with other factors. We conclude that Cbf1p is required for normal nucleosome positioning wherever the CACGTG motif occurs in gene regulatory DNA. Cbf1p has been shown to interact with the chromatin-remodeling ATPase Isw1p. Here we show that recruitment of Isw1p by Cbf1p is likely to be general but that Isw1p is only partially required for Cbf1p-dependent chromatin structures

    CMIP is a negative regulator of T cell signaling

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    International audienceUpon interaction with cognate antigen, T cells integrate different extra and intracellular signals, involving basal and induced protein-protein interactions as well as binding of proteins to lipids, which can lead to either cell activation or inhibition. Here we show that selective T-cell expression of CMIP, a new adaptor protein, by targeted transgenesis drive

    Integration of the movement of signaling microclusters with cellular motility in immunological synapses

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    Immune synapses form between T cells and antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Increasing evidence suggests synapses must form flexibly to accommodate ongoing motility and displacement of the synapse. Here, time-lapse total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy showed that signaling via the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) occurred during synapse translation. TCR microclusters in motile synapses did not flow directly into supramolecular activating complexes (SMACs) but were directed, independently of myosin II contractility, toward an F-actin-poor 'sink' region. Inward microcluster flow often followed collapse of the leading edge, which suggested that actin depolymerization regulated microcluster flow and the formation of SMACs. The coordination of TCR movement with the translocation of this 'sink' shows how T cells coordinate TCR signaling and microcluster flow in dynamic physiological synapses