17 research outputs found

    Swelling-Activated Ca2+ Channels Trigger Ca2+ Signals in Merkel Cells

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    Merkel cell-neurite complexes are highly sensitive touch receptors comprising epidermal Merkel cells and sensory afferents. Based on morphological and molecular studies, Merkel cells are proposed to be mechanosensory cells that signal afferents via neurotransmission; however, functional studies testing this hypothesis in intact skin have produced conflicting results. To test this model in a simplified system, we asked whether purified Merkel cells are directly activated by mechanical stimulation. Cell shape was manipulated with anisotonic solution changes and responses were monitored by Ca2+ imaging with fura-2. We found that hypotonic-induced cell swelling, but not hypertonic solutions, triggered cytoplasmic Ca2+ transients. Several lines of evidence indicate that these signals arise from swelling-activated Ca2+-permeable ion channels. First, transients were reversibly abolished by chelating extracellular Ca2+, demonstrating a requirement for Ca2+ influx across the plasma membrane. Second, Ca2+ transients were initially observed near the plasma membrane in cytoplasmic processes. Third, voltage-activated Ca2+ channel (VACC) antagonists reduced transients by half, suggesting that swelling-activated channels depolarize plasma membranes to activate VACCs. Finally, emptying internal Ca2+ stores attenuated transients by 80%, suggesting Ca2+ release from stores augments swelling-activated Ca2+ signals. To identify candidate mechanotransduction channels, we used RT-PCR to amplify ion-channel transcripts whose pharmacological profiles matched those of hypotonic-evoked Ca2+ signals in Merkel cells. We found 11 amplicons, including PKD1, PKD2, and TRPC1, channels previously implicated in mechanotransduction in other cells. Collectively, these results directly demonstrate that Merkel cells are activated by hypotonic-evoked swelling, identify cellular signaling mechanisms that mediate these responses, and support the hypothesis that Merkel cells contribute to touch reception in the Merkel cell-neurite complex

    Glycinergic mIPSCs in mouse and rat brainstem auditory nuclei: modulation by ruthenium red and the role of calcium stores

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    Spontaneous miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) recorded in central neurons are usually highly variable in amplitude due to many factors such as intrinsic postsynaptic channel fluctuations at each release site, site-to-site variability between release sites, electrotonic attenuation due to variable dendritic locations of synapses, and the possibility of synchronous multivesicular release. A detailed knowledge of these factors is essential for the interpretation of mIPSC amplitude distributions and mean quantal size. We have studied glycinergic mIPSCs in two auditory brainstem nuclei, the rat anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN) and the mouse medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). Our previous results have demonstrated the location of glycinergic synapses on these neurons to be somatic, thus avoiding electrotonic complications. Spontaneous glycinergic mIPSCs were recorded from AVCN and MNTB neurons in brainstem slices, in the presence of TTX to block action potentials, and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2, 3-dione, (±)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid and bicuculline to block glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic currents. Ruthenium red (RuR), which was used to increase the frequency of mIPSCs, significantly changed the shape of most (90 %) mIPSC amplitude distributions by increasing the proportion of large-amplitude mIPSCs. The possibility was investigated (following previous evidence at GABAergic synapses) that large-amplitude glycinergic mIPSCs are due to synchronous multivesicular release initiated by presynaptic calcium sparks from ryanodine-sensitive calcium stores. Interval analysis of mIPSCs indicated that the number of potentially undetected (asynchrony < 0.5 ms) multivesicular mIPSCs was low in comparison with the number of large-amplitude mIPSCs. Ryanodine, thapsigargin and calcium-free perfusate did not reduce the frequency of large-amplitude mIPSCs (> 150 pA), arguing against a significant role for presynaptic calcium stores. Our results support previous evidence suggesting that RuR increases miniature postsynaptic current (mSC) frequency by a mechanism that does not involve presynaptic calcium stores. Our results also indicate that at glycinergic synapses in the AVCN and MNTB, site-to-site variability in mIPSC amplitude, rather than multivesicular release, is a major factor underlying the large range of amplitudes of glycinergic mIPSCs

    Mass Casualty Decontamination in a Chemical or Radiological/Nuclear Incident with External Contamination: Guiding Principles and Research Needs

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    Hazardous chemical, radiological, and nuclear materials threaten public health in scenarios of accidental or intentional release which can lead to external ontamination of people. Without intervention, the contamination could cause severe adverse health effects, through systemic absorption by the contaminated casualties as well as spread of contamination to other people, medical equipment, and facilities. Timely decontamination can prevent or interrupt absorption into the body and minimize opportunities for spread of the contamination, thereby mitigating the health impact of the incident. Although the specific physicochemical characteristics of the hazardousmaterial(s) will determine the nature of an incident and its risks, some decontamination and medical challenges and recommended response strategies are common among chemical and radioactive material incidents. Furthermore, the identity of the hazardous material released may not be known early in an incident. Therefore, it may be beneficial to compare the evidence and harmonize approaches between chemical and radioactive contamination incidents. Experts from the Global Health Security Initiative’s Chemical and Radiological/Nuclear Working Groups present here a succinct summary of guiding principles for planning and response based on current best practices, as well as research needs, to address the challenges of managing contaminated casualties in a chemical or radiological/nuclear incident